Sky News contributor Kristin Tate says Joe Biden it is “so sad” to see Joe Biden fall so much.
Joe Biden has been seen wearing Hoka sneakers that are designed for comfort and support while walking or hiking.
There are rumours that Mr Biden is wearing them to prevent stumbling.
Ms Tate told Sky News host Chris Kenny that she believes the Democrats are “desperate to get rid of him”.
“I just don’t know if he’s going to do it willingly.”
Stumbling in to retirement
why i like about JB his the smartest DEMOWIT in this country ask any demowit party women member
Do those sneakers have laces?
American empire is in a steep decline.
Putin is watching this zombie 😢😢😢😢🇱🇷
Americans are funny people . They would rather give their country to an old man who would be in jail right now except the guy is consider to forgetful to know what he has done . That instead of giving control back to someone that had the country at the top of desirable places just 4 years ago
Prefrontal is for processing emotion and regulation of mood, occipital lobe is for memory formation, so it would take more than a functional prefrontal cortex. I think they should definitely be looking for another candidate, though he does gind of remind me of what Ronald Reagan was like before he was diagnosed with altimeters. It is hard to believe but maybe his speech writers just write gibberish down. Though honestly that is similar to what I have seen from plenty of news channels.
The demons rigged the 2020 election and will stop at nothing to spread their evilness….
FDR walked better than FJB
Democrats and Biden the laughing stock of the world.
Pathetic. I suppose they call his adult diapers “lifestyle underwear”.
why feel sorry for biden??? he dont give a crap about you
i wonder who's really running the country? Biden is such an idiot
Can you imagine a senile f o o l trying to stumble for another 5 years I can't believe it myself I don't think you'll make it
Not sad if you pretend to be something you aren’t
Its disgusting that Lucid humans are making him do it everyday! 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘
Hypocritical Democrats are now exposed and we will never forget ever
Poopy pants Biden
Trump is spot on!!!!!
If Biden cared about the United States and its people then he would accept his limitations and resign.
It's a shame we have to watch Sky News Australia to get the truth rather than watching MSM in America that is in "Spin machine overdrive status"
AMERICA, LISTEN CLOSELY!!!!! 11/5/2024!!!!! Vote the old cripple OUT!!!!! – Marc Smith, USA
Sleepy can't walk or chew gum at the same time. This country is like a third world 🌎in many places.
I think jill is disgusting for putting her letting he hubby continue. Any decent person would see their other half is not suitable to be pres.
Sad? It's scary. Biden is going to bumble the planet into WW3. Him left at the helm of the US is dangerous and irresponsible.
Sad? It hilarious
Sad? I think its hallarious, kristen sure loooks like angelina jolie, just sayin
Biden's biggest threat is not Trump – it's gravity.
The Democrats are using their stinky claws again. Ridiculous.
These new shoes are so wide, I can't wait to watch him walk upstairs, lol
It is not sad…it is disgusting and disgraceful! The entire Democratic Party is responsible for this world stage nightmare! Followed closely by the lying mainstream media machine! Praying for Trump every day.
He needs to pay the courts Trumpty Dumpty does!! You folks (Savages) voted for Joey not me!! Get a walker thar Joey!!
I'm a Trump supporter but don't try to pretend you're anything but a Woke Traitor Kenny. No one shoud forget you supported the YES vote.
Not fit for trial but fit to run the USA.
It’s not sad to see him stumble.
It’s sad to see him get back up!
It's Not sad! Screw FJB, If he's incapable of fulfilling his duty in Office he should step down. Which is more important his ego or the Security of the World!! Screw this Old Man! FJB!!!
Does Joe’s new footwear have Velcro closures?
Pity the poor sign language interpreter.
They just needed to come up with s joe biden shoe. 😅
And if Corn-pop doesn't re-rlected there's gonna be a lot of "shumuminamumina"……(shakes hands with invisible person).
His new normal!!
😅old sheets
These nominal leaders do not actually run the country and probably never have. What is alarming is that now the people who actually do care so little about what is on show to us and what we think.
Gerald Ford fell just once and failed to get re-elected. Biden has fallen so many times, what is his chance of being re-elected?
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