‘Sooner Than Later:’ Biden on Iran Attacking Israel


Bloomberg’s Nick Wadhams discusses Israel preparing for an imminent attack from Iran in the coming days. Bloomberg’s Megan Scully breaks down what is expected in the meeting between Former President Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, and Bloomberg’s Jonathan Tamari gives his insight on the House passing a 2-year FISA 702 extension and the latest on Ukraine aid. Nick, Megan, and Jonathan all speak with Kailey Leinz and Joe Mathieu on Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power.”



  1. I hear Biden has told Israel not to attack Haifaā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. And I understand Israel has now no intention of attacking Haifaā€¦ā€¦ however Biden has told the USAF to bomb Florida.

  2. įžˆįž”įŸ‹įž¢įŸ„įž™ įž€įŸ’įžšįž»įž˜ įž¢įž¶įž†įŸ’įž€įŸ‚įž†įŸ’įž€įž½įž įž¢įžŸįŸ‹įž“įŸįŸ‡ įžŠįž¹įž€įž“įž¶įŸ† American įž‘įŸ€įž įžœįž¶įž“įž·įž™įž¶įž™ įžšįž‰įŸ‰įŸįžšįž‰įŸ‰įŸƒ įžŠįž¶įž€įŸ‹ įž˜įž“įž»įžŸįŸ’įžŸįžšįžŸįŸ‹įž“įŸ… įžįŸ†įž”įŸ’įžšįž¹įž„ įžšįž€įžŸįž»įžø įžįŸ†įž”įŸ’įžšįž¹įž„ įžšįž€įžŸįž»įžø įž įž¾įž™ įžœįž¶ įž‡įŸįžš įŸ— įž–įŸįž›įž€įŸ†įž–įž»įž„ įžšįž€įžŸįž»įžø įž¢įŸ„įž™įž“įž·įž™įž¶įž™ įž€įž»įŸ†įž”įŸ‰įŸ‡įž¢įž‰
    įžŠįŸįž‰įžœįž¶ įž€įž»įŸ†įž¢įŸ„įž™ įžŠįž¹įž€įž“įž¶įŸ† American įž‘įŸ€įž įžšįž¶įž›įŸ‹įžįŸ’įž„įŸƒ įž–įž¼įž‡ įžœįž¶ įž‚įŸ’įž˜įž¶įž“įž”įŸ’įžšįž™įŸ„įž‡įž“įŸ įž¢įŸ’įžœįžø įžŸįž˜įŸ’įžšįž¶įž”įŸ‹ American įž‘įŸ įžœįž¶įž˜įž·įž“įž¢įŸ„įž™ įžįž˜įŸ’įž›įŸƒ įžŸįž·įž‘įŸ’įž’įž·įž˜įž“įž»įžŸįŸ’įžŸ įž€įž»įŸ†įž¢įŸ„įž™ įžįž˜įŸ’įž›įŸƒ įžœįž¶ įž‡įž¶įž”įŸ’įžšįž’įž¶įž“įž¶įž’įž·įž”įžįžø įž“įž·įž„ įžšįžŠįŸ’įž‹įžŸįž—įž¶ įžƒįž¾įž‰ įžœįž¶ įž‡įž·įŸ‡įž”įž¶įž“ įž€įž“įŸ’įž›įŸ‚įž„ įžŽįž¶ įž™įž€ įžŸįŸ’įž”įŸ‚įž€įž‡įž¾įž„ įž‚įž”įŸ‹ įž”įž¶įž“ įž–įž½įž€įžœįž¶ įžƒįž¾įž‰ įž‚įŸ’įžšįž½įžŸįž¶įžšįžœįž¶ įžŠįž¾įžš įž‘įŸ… įžŽįž¶ įžŸįŸ’įžŠįŸ„įŸ‡įž‘įž¹įž€įž˜įž¶įžįŸ‹ įž¢įŸ„įž™ įžŸįž·įž‘įŸ’įž’įž·įžŸįŸįžšįžøįž—įž¶įž– įžšįž”įŸ€įž” įž–įž¶įž€įŸ’įž™ įž€įž»įŸ†įž”įŸ‰įŸ‡įž¢įž‰įž‘įŸ… įž‚įŸ’įžšįž½įžŸįž¶įžšįžœįž¶įžœįž·įž‰ įž”įŸ’įžšįž‡įž¶įž‡įž“ American įž”įž¶įž“įž’įŸ’įžœįž¾įž¢įž‰įŸ’įž…įž¹įž„ įž”įž¶įž“ įž”įž¾įž‘įŸ… įž¢įž“įŸ’įžįžšįž‡įž¶įžįž· įž–įž½įž€įžįŸ’įž‰įž»įŸ† įžŸįŸ’įžŠįŸ„įŸ‡ įž’įŸ’įžœįž¾įž¢įž‰įŸ’įž…įž¹įž„įž˜įž·įž“įž€įž¾įžįž‘įŸ įž‚įŸ įž€įž¶įžšįž–įž¶įžš įž‘įž¹įž€įžšįž¹įž„įž–įŸįž€ įž–įž½įž€įž™įž¾įž„ įž”įŸ’įžšįž‡įž¶įž‡įž“ UN

  3. Biden has no balls, he is a weak and and pathetic leader, and Trump will destroy this Braindead idiot in the up and coming election . Braindead Biden was alway all talk,he is coward who never did one good thing in his half of century career in politics,his parents must turning over in their graves from embarrassment. FJB

  4. I am done voting Democrats. All democrats should evaluate their believes how can we vote for a democratic president who supports genocide and unwaving suppprt of Isreal. No matter what it does war crimes it commits.

  5. Iran had to receive money from somewhere. There were always sactions on iran until obama,trump. Had them put them back on now again no sactions. Unfortunately what comes from the person occupying the,white house says. What s written for him also he stands with Israel s enemies.

  6. America unfairly denounces iran, why not condemn or stop israel but instead denounces iran and countries that want to stop israeli violence, does the company america want violence???, companies similar to israeli commit murder and cruelty in the world, so if this happens we Muslims are ready to die to stop murder and cruelty.

  7. well biden did give iran 16 billion dollars a few months ago to fund this war.. now with war on the horizon guess they will have to delay the us election.. better than covid atleast

  8. D mmid you hear Zionist Biden you can tell he's a Zionist at the press conference when the lady asked if Americans should be worried about their safety he said we will defend Israel no matter what WTF she was talking about Americans Zionist genocide Joe should go live in Israel the traitor

  9. Hippocrite mummy face give warning. The only country who bombs other countries as he wishes telling others ā€œ donā€™tā€. He thinks he will not die and live forever and kill others as he wishes. Satanyahoo and Bee dent are similar

  10. Iran has the right to defend itself same as biden said abt israel why did nethanyau interfere with iran its because he want to stay as pm i wud advise iran not to strike back nd let nethanyau step down as pm

  11. Meh, I dont care either way. 2 sets of idiots fighting over the birthplace of a fictional character. No tears from me either way but If I had to pick a side…..I would've say I stand with Israel but I certainly stand against Muslims.

  12. Trump said millions not billions. Clean your damn ears. Usa doesnā€™t have a billion people and trump is a lot smarter than that or you. Propagandists!

  13. Biden will give Israel every thing ,Very generous GERIATRIC JOE ,all the tax payers will be happy ,what about you Joe you going to give some of your ill gotten millions to help Your Genocidal brother NETANYARARSE.

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