Syria — is it a war without end? | Start Here


Ten years since the start of the war and things in Syria have never been worse.
Millions have been internally displaced or have sought refuge in neighbouring countries. Cities and historic sites lie in ruins.
So who’s still fighting who in Syria? Can its people ever return home? And is there an end in sight?

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  1. Heart breaking scenes which no one can tolerate seeing on this. They want external people to quit from Syria. I don't know who are external people. Anyway I will visit your website. I am 52 years old living in India alone. I am watching the world events 20 hours daily . I only sleep 4 hours. I hope your god Allah will show you the right path to everyone one in Syria.

  2. Why does Al Jazeera have "media fatigue" about so many Syrians getting killed, wounded, tortured, and misplaced every day?
    Is it because Al Jazeera is busy with its propaganda against Israel?

  3. You guys got any muslim EXTREMISTS???
    Everyone around my mom and me comes around to rape kids and make sure they take everyones money .
    The cartel and every mafia on earth think my 70 year old mom should pay for their drug INDICTMENTS and drugs seized because they find raping kids funny because the cops in Lima ohio and Clarksville tn and numerous other places set up inmates they interact with to rape toddlers and make sure if you tell on anyone raping kids a DEPUTIES NEPHEW comes in to act affectionate and sodomize snitches and steal all their income .
    Theres people around me who feel they can steal everything
    Can y'all help cause our ATHOURITIES rape kids and if you tell on them they send people to kill you
    Can you get ahold of the military in Syria please.
    I need them to investigate into my cell phone activities on line

  4. at 4:25, that's been proven fake. so that's unfortunate reporting. the use of "terrorist" is misused as anyone can be that. try not being treated like one at an airport. and 6:43 shows the USA is a dirty player too. Also the UN cannot be trusted. this video, except for the suffering shown, is a little misleading.

  5. ألهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا عدد خلق الله ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته

  6. Right so the US didn't kick the war off to try and topple Assad, they didn't enlist ISIS to fight for them and they aren't now starving and freezing the Syrian people to death because they occupy the north eastern part of Syria and as Trump says "we stole the oil and we're keeping the oil"? This is disgraceful for Al Jazeera… a total sell out. Fun fact… Syrian women die wholesale of breast cancer because the US stops medication getting in there. Maybe this woman could think of that before she creates cheesy false narratives for the US.

  7. Well at least American veterans will be able to send their kids to college … Wonderful federal worka program for those who hate federal works programs

  8. The war against Syria will end when Syria no longer exits. That is the real goal. Not democracy or regime change. Nor is it about the Kurds or ISIS. This is about Middle East to Europe gas pipelines, and the expansion of Israeli territory. Israel and its proxies will do the same to Lebanon and Jordan. Look at the "Eretz Israel map". This is why the Israelis have not given any land back to the Palestinians. It is because the Israelis want so much more than that. It will require mass scale genocide, but anything for Israel, right?

  9. Just a our realation a always a grate a answer about future a must a our community raise a our Syrian a countinue a support a defend a complete a supply a needed a war a our enemy a like a protes a our goverment a especially a our council a our goverment a must a countinue a forward a our realation a our community a raise and a community raise a and poverty a I'm Peter soto Manalo a minister a our goverment a all kind a our countries a all kind to always

  10. 3:20 US UK France Turkey Saudi Arabia Qatar Rebels vs Syrian Military (Assad) Iran Russia vs ISIL Al Nusra Front
    3:45 Syrian Kurdish fighters, SDF (considered enemies by Turkish) against ISIL

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