Syria | U.S. Airstrikes At Iran Bases In Syria May Fuel Wider Conflicts In Middle East | N18V


The US has carried out air strikes against two weapons and ammunition storage facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the strikes were in response to recent attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia groups.
The US strikes were “separate and distinct from the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas,” he said in a statement.
Iran did not immediately comment.

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  1. What a disgrace. Just another excuse for our politicians to steal more of our income. Our enemy is our politicians , government employed and the military. Which other nation has bankrupted us and destroyed this republic.

  2. We have no worries Joe Biden‘s in charge 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. God must make promise for forgiveness based on our promise, then we must make the human robotic super man, and then we must make progress on the higher spectral sensitivity, the infinite speeds device, and the absolute body to unite the world and maybe the universe under the brotherhood standard for the absolute progress to establish the aimed paradise, from the goodness way to the goodness aim or goal of peace

  4. F Isreal for getting America involved in this, they killed Americans, Israel planted Nano-Thermite into the WTC'S. They were in coustody until Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State ordered their release, where upon they boarded a private jet and have never been seen again and FOX covers this up also.

  5. The US has not won a single war after WWII. Who are they kidding? Yeah, we Iranians are shaking inside our shoes. Common, it is getting old, and funny. We laugh at you guys. You guys are comedians. The US will be divided into 5 regions shortly, and each region will become its own country. No more the United States of America. Thanks to the Biden's administration.

  6. Iran is afraid , they ,put their foot in their mouths , as their brains are inflated,?; why bcse. They, think , we can't do nothing! ?: Watch this space, Our G-D IS AWESOME, He made & KNOWS EVERY ONE,? WHY? HE made u & i! No joke ❤ love u all!? The L-RD OUR G-D SAID;" I, AM WHO, I AM! TODAH RABAH! BARUCH HA SHEM

  7. Se aproccima la tercera guerra mundial.y no se puede evitar. Usa recibirá bombas atómicas y no se puede evitar morirá. 2/3 de estado-unidenses y es enevitable.

  8. Our government still doesn't understand that it's up against a DEATH culture.
    If Iran could hit a tanker in tge middle of the Indian Ocean without being detected, Iran will keep laughing and looking at those messages as empty promises.

  9. Where was the same type enthusiastic fervor when Benghzai was being attacked? Putin remembers what happen & knew Hillary Clinton made sure no US military response would happen to help. We remember MSNBC/CNN claiming she was the most qualified candidate ever to run for US President.

  10. this need to stop now this war is bad for the world i feel like if i say this it will make yall want war yall is not gonna be caught in the war if we have one yall is going to be safe but us is not so stop this war stuff

  11. I visited many parts of America and just as in most places, the ordinary folks you meet are kind, courteous and friendly, by and large. The American government however – if ever a government abstracted itself from the views and values of the people who elected it, the American government is it. Closely followed by the British government, which has done what it's told since WW2.

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