Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and National Security Advisor to President Trump John Bolton tells NewsNation’s “On Balance” it was “entirely foreseeable” that the Taliban is reneging on the commitment it made to respect women’s rights – yet another violation of the deal struck when the U.S. left Afghanistan. Bolton says the Taliban’s announcement that it will stone women to death for adultery may not be the worse thing we’ll see from the “radical theocracy” the Taliban is building in Afghanistan.
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Religion of Peace
and to think not long ago they were invited to the WH, only in America
The muslim countries want to be left alone they want to rule their country that they see fit sorry to say the west in some cases the west is worst no wonder these countries are turning to China and Russia. China and Russia do not involve in internal affairs in other countries should read the Bible thou shall not commit adultery .Where are your Christian values
Who supported and created radical group Taliban?
Reform Islam.
Why did Trump work with Taliban- again, he doesn’t care about women anywhere!
Bringing the old ways back I see. Any new statues and other art there to destroy the name of false idols? Is the soccer stadium up and running again for beheadings and stoning again? All those Soldiers dying for nothing. Now you know why no one else want to join.
Thank you joe Biden
Any protests or nah?
Seems as though ever since they exiled mean tweets back in January 2021 the entire world has gone to hell. Hmmm. Go figure.
Trump should have NEVER negotiated our surrender to the Taliban
I get stoned with a little help from my friends
All of those taiban fighters in the new reels are carrying us made military rifles ..
It's wrong.
Death and mayhem to women here in America is wrong.
Topline says:
Out of control
And America have left the Israel people in more danger, America could not take out the Taliban's, so you picked on Israel for doing the same but Israel was winning the war, America didn't like it, now look what America has caused, more terrorism. Harm to women an children
So we’re back to witch hunts.
When we talk crazy about AFG, remember how it got that way. Remember what the “blessed by god” crows did to those people.
Maybe the new Women's Rights and gender equality Chair in the UN (who is from Arabia Saudi) can do something or what to do something about it.
What kind of smoke are we talking about?
Continuing discussions with Afghan officials on women's upliftment, with support from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim-friendly nations, is the best course of action, while sending troops is NOT the solution. Securing our borders is necessary.
Jake Sullivan what a 🥸…does this really surprise anybody..other than Biden and his ignorant arrogant administration
ad we are trusting that only good people want to immigrate to America
What about the MEN?! They get off the hook?! When is the UN going to speak up? NEVER! The UN SUPPORTS TERRORISM.
Another example of the USA fail against terror!!
Just like they are trying to force Isrsel to fail VS Hamas.
Love how the Americans always wanna tell everyone what to do and how to do it but never look within.
In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream the final empire is of iron mixed with clay, largely believed to be the Sunni vs Shia muslims, a 10 nation islamic confederacy. This world is perishing , repent and believe in the Gospel that Jesus the Son of God preached, which is The Kingdom (Nation/Government) of God. When Jesus returns, he will destroy that last empire and establish His Righteous Kingdom for 1000 years, right here on earth. Believe me, you want to be found worthy to escape all that is coming upon the earth and have access to living under His righteous government. Read and study the Holy Bible! Don’t poo-poo it like I did for so long, backsliding until God said, enough is enough. Once you are in Christ, he will come after you! Do not reject Him! Do some prophetic research, you will see just how alive and accurate the Word of God truly is! Father in Heaven, I pray anyone who reads my comment will be called to repentance and Salvation 🙏🏼, this I ask in Jesus name, Amen
Pure evil they are 🤬
There is so much cruelty & brutality in the world. We are not the policeman of the world. Oh wait, I stand corrected. We are the policeman of the world and for those who support that, I'd suggest you ship out to Afghanistan and do a better job than the 20-year time we spent there trying to civilize the place. John Bolton can be your leader.
Iranian women have more rights than Afghanstan women.
The problem with muslim rule is it's less likely to be like turkey and more likely to be extremist. Women and children rights don't go compatible with Islamic laws
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