Teacher shortages: Why educators are leaving the profession in droves | USA TODAY


With teacher shortages affecting schools nationwide, educators share how pay, parents, politics and the pandemic have led some to leave the profession.

RELATED: Florida’s fight over education https://bit.ly/3BPqay3

There is no national teacher shortage. Many classrooms have all the educators they need and in some cases never had vacancies to begin with.

Yet shortages in many others persist. Staffing levels can vary significantly by state, district, school, subject and grade level.

The National Center for Education Statistics has been regularly surveying a nationally representative sample of schools about various topics, including staff vacancies, in the COVID-19 era. According to its latest School Pulse Panel survey, from October, nearly half (45%) of public schools have at least one vacant teaching position, about the same rate as when the survey was conducted in January. The average number of vacancies per school, however, dropped from slightly more than three in June to two this October.

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  1. I was already stressed. COVId did me in. I retired 7 years earlier than I had planned, but I just couldn’t do it anymore. I miss the kids and my colleagues. I miss the routine, but I just can’t go back. Teachers were applauded during the pandemic and now, we’re disrespected again. Our administration did whatever they could to make their lives simpler regardless of the cost to us, the teachers. They hide in their offices and make sweeping decisions without any knowledge or our input. Raising salaries will help, somewhat. It won’t be enough. Teachers need to be respected. Parents need to be held accountable. I absolutely hated the Danielson rubric for teachers. It was so degrading and didn’t paint an accurate picture of what was going on. Some teachers had special plans they kept in reserve for their pop in observations. I feel my blood pressure mounting as I write this. It’s a noble, ancient profession. It’s time to respect teachers.

  2. One is born to be a teacher!
    Originally, I was a music teacher (band, choir) for ten years and the program was dropped.
    The superintendent felt I would make a good classroom teacher and told me to get an elementary credential
    and he would hire me.
    That's what happened!
    I found that I was a better classroom teacher because I was a very academic person with an interest in music.
    I found a skill in teaching 3rd and 4th grade which I developed as a music teacher.
    I taught for 35 years and am presently retired!

  3. You want to fix the issues.

    Pay teachers more so we don’t need second jobs to make ends meet.

    Hold parents responsible for the actions of their children.

    Hold students responsible for their actions.

    Raise the expectations! If you continue to lower the bar we will never recover.

  4. This has been going on long before Covid….students are out of control…refuse to learn….think they know more than the teachers…are profane, violent, unmotivated, arrogant, cocky, brash, noisy, uncooperative, etc. Until students are held accountable for bad behavior….this will continue. My daughter ( teacher of the year) can’t wait to retire and get out.

  5. Those terrible Republicans who villainize teachers because they want clicks on social media, ALL could probably name a teacher that changed their lives for the better. And that's how they turned around and "thanked" their special teachers, by villainizing their occupation. The Lord is watching and he will make our path straight again. The Republican glass house is being shattered.

  6. Teachers aren’t often allowed to teach. They have to use scripted curricula or unit plans written by district departments, and none of them know the kids as good as the teachers. Parents make excuses. Many teachers are more experienced than administrators, so the admin feel a power struggle. Teachers spend their own money time and time again. Behavior is off the chain!

  7. This is why i plan on home school for my kids when they are old enough, i live in a community with packs of home schoolers, if this problem is still an issue, which it most likely will be.

  8. My mother was a teacher. My sister is close to retirement. My mother ( elementary school) was offered early retirement at full pension after she was attacked by an indigenous student she when she tried to intervene when he was attacking another smaller child. He laughed at my mother with his indigenous political backing at that was then. My mother took the retirement in an instant. My sister followed in her footsteps and she has it way worse. The second she retired will be like getting out of prison.

  9. As a teacher for 15 years here are a few of the problems. Disrespectful students & parents, too many administrators who do nothing to support teachers, they also don’t teach & take huge paychecks. Crappy materials, terrible benefits. Barely any protection at all from the idiots that do menacing harm to innocent people in schools. I can’t afford the median cost of housing in ANY city or town within a 30 mile radius of where I work. I live in one of the top 20 populated cities in the US. Anyone who says we should just get another job, or we get summers off, etc. has no clue what they’re talking about. I have a part time job as well. In 20-30 years our society will greatly suffer due to the the terrible education system that we as people continue to allow.

  10. My mom is a teacher and is literally struggling financially. Teachers in my GOP led state are falling into poverty and a lot of the nicities I enjoyed throughout my life prior to my state being captured have been waning. This is the first Christmas where I get a lump sum to spend and that’s all, they used to be much bigger but my mom doesn’t have the money anymore because she has to go into debt to stay above water since her boss won’t pay her anywhere near enough to survive. I think my mom either moving to another country that pays their teachers much better or going into another occupation such as insurance would be much better financially for my mom and policy makers should have to deal with a crisis to know they are starving the schools with their insistence on underpaying teachers.

    The recent issues like misbehaved kids and policies where thugs can come in an police what a teacher teachers in the name of ‘protecting children’ only make this much worse. This is what happens when ultimillionaire businessmen’s kids are the ones making all the policies in my state.

  11. The only way to stop the teacher shortage is pay them more. Why do the adminstrators get paid more when they do absolutely nothing but sit back and coordinate the curriculum but they never do the work.

  12. I have been teaching for almost thirty years. My kids are great. My admin is fine. My parents are kind. I will keep teaching until I can't get up anymore.

    I think many teachers put too much of their life into it. Its a job. Do your best, but don't kill yourself. You can't save the world.

  13. Yes, teaching is such a burnout job that we should be able to retire after 20 years. One benefit we should have is one full year of a paid sabbatical to use as you choose. It could be in increments of months or the whole year at once. This along with pay, less work load, correcting student behavior, etc. would need to change immediately.

  14. I m retired USA army, and I worked 15 years after the army in the Financial services, many times I said I hate my job, but bills had to be paid I wanted a military pension, welcome to the club of all the people who hate their job. cry me a river

  15. charter schools are hotbeds of financial impropriety and questionable practices BUT they have the huge advantage of being able to kick out students with disruptive behavior and/or chronic absenteeism.

  16. I had a job interview to teach and they didn't state that it was to teach children. Then they went on to ask what I would do if I came across combative children? I knew then that they are having problems getting teachers to deal with these bad kids. Above all, the pay was the same as someone who works in a warehouse… If these are the incentives then no wonder teachers are leaving the profession.

  17. There isn't a teacher shortage. There is a shortage of teaching jobs that are willing to pay a livable salary and that give support to teaches. And that help teaches deal with difficult children.

  18. Put politicians in classrooms for a few years and watch things change. As a veteran teacher, I have 46 days to go and I’m out. The fight is not worth it.

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