Teaching in the US vs. the rest of the world


Teachers in America have a uniquely tough job. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

*Note: At 1:09, we misspelled “Sweden.” We apologize for the error.
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From hours worked to pay rates, countries like Finland, Japan, and South Korea make teaching a more respected and sustainable profession.


A Coming Crisis in Teaching?Teacher Supply, Demand, and Shortages in the U.S.– The Learning Policy Institute


OECD Pisa Results: http://www.oecd.org/education/launch-of-pisa-2018-results-paris-december-2019.htm

How teachers in the U.S. and Finland see their jobs– National Center for Public Education (https://www.nsba.org/-/media/NSBA/File/cpe-how-teachers-in-the-us-and-finland-see-their-jobs-report-july-2018.pdf?la=en&hash=8BB8003186563CA6873C8849F160400FE6049607https://www.nsba.org/-/media/NSBA/File/cpe-how-teachers-in-the-us-and-finland-see-their-jobs-report-july-2018.pdf?la=en&hash=8BB8003186563CA6873C8849F160400FE6049607)

OECD Education at a Glance (https://www.oecd.org/education/education-at-a-glance/)

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  1. there is also the curriculum.
    In Finland, they teach mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, Finish (of course) and other languages like English, German and French.
    But in America they primary teach social justice

  2. The US educational system might be better than Mexico's, but it's not even close to as good as that in Finland and other north European countries. I'm saying this as an American born teacher.

  3. I'm the author of EIGHT DAYS IN AN INNER CITY SCHOOL please say something about the out of control OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING for k-12 teachers in this country that's why we have teacher shortages

  4. 🇺🇸: one of the most diverse, largest western nation and multi cultural countries with deep inequalities.
    🇫🇮: mostly white people with less than 6 million people

  5. Student behavior, as in misbehavior, is the primary reason teachers leave the education system. Administrators do very little to resolve the problems, they simply return students back to class where they continue disrupt and control the classroom. Pay is the second, but it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if student behavior was under control.

  6. Teaching is a highly unserious profession. Teachers often complain about the low pay they earn, and that the union exists to enure they are represented as a group.

    The reason that teacher pay is low is not the result of a grand "conspiracy". Teacher pay is low because colleges and universities turn out thousands of new "teachers" yearly. These new "teachers" are competing with existing "teachers" for an ever-shrinking "pie" of resources.

    "Teaching" degrees are shockingly simple to obtain.

    During the "pandemic" teachers were overjoyed that they could take vacations to the Bahamas and other sunny climes while union officials prattled on about keeping students and teachers "safe". Teachers were admonished to refrain from posting "vacation" photos on social media during this time.

    As long as a person can read, write, and do basic arithmetic, that is enough "education" for the vast majority of individuals. The rest of their education should take place in the confines of a public library.

  7. Most of the problem of people, including teachers, being underpaid is that the cost of living has skyrocketed. And the reason the cost of living has gone through the roof is because the load of unproductive people being supported has increased exponentially. For every person who receives without working, someone else is working without receiving.

    If teachers are so smart, why can't they figure this out? Why are teachers in the dark about this economic reality just as much as everyone else?

    I'm not only referring to people on the dole who get a check for sitting around doing nothing. Economically it's just as much if not more of a problem that so many jobs are bureaucratic and don't produce anything of value. In fact a lot of bureaucrats destroy value that others have worked hard to create, which is why we all feel so poor.

    I think it's very possible that the bureaucrats in Finland might be able to add value whereas the bureaucrats in the US, where I live, destroy massive amounts of value by comparison. So that would allow Finland to afford to pay teachers more and more effectively in terms of living standards than can the bureaucratic tyranny that is the US nowadays. No doubt there are lots of reasons for all the disparities, but economic facts cross all political boundaries.

  8. Anna leaves because she is disrespected by parents and students. Many african american parents are prejudiced against white teachers and do not teach their children to respect and behave. Bounce these kids and families and u will see a DRASTIC difference in our schools.

  9. As someone who has taught in South Korean public schools, I just have to say that there is NO WAY they only work 6 hours 48 minutes on average. They work longer hours than in the U.S., with shorter breaks than in the U.S., and they often work on weekends, too. I'm currently a teacher in the U.S. and as others have said – the main problem is that the pay is too low for the amount of stress and pressure. The working hours are very reasonable.

  10. I love how they destroyed the myth that America spends more per student than most countries. Since we have guns everywhere and more underserved communities, Americans have to spend a lot more on school security than other developed countries.

  11. I think Korea is one of the countries where students have to spend the most time to study at school, plus they have to engage in extra class to boost their grades at school and to get into universities

  12. For anyone still watching this, Vox got this totally wrong for the US. Vox is completely out of touch with reality. Talk to any decent teacher or former teacher, and this is what you will hear: the students have no respect for anyone or anything, their parents defend their kids' unruly behavior, and the school administrations don't allow teachers to maintain discipline in the classroom because they don't want parents complaining that their kids actually got told by their teacher to shut up, sit still, listen, study, and actually do their homework like they were students in a civilized society.

  13. Real computer base learning teaching and robot teacher are the future because only robot has patient on repeated questions that may sometimes humourous or silly. Plus one robot can handle 5 students cost $100,000 last 20 years while a teacher handle 20 students ost $1,800,000 20 years and tax base kept shrinking plus each teacher political party affiliated teach student differently led to break down the national core while 1 million robit teacher teach one single curriculum with nearly no different and no discrimination against students

  14. What to expect from a school system in some States that will pay a sport coach more than any of its other staff? After all, teachers only teach because they can't do, right?

    American public education is a shambles because that is what most American families are happy with. And it only takes a noisy minority to mess everything up for the majority. The whole structure needs an overhaul. From local politically driven school boards to parents who think their little darlings are incapable of doing wrong.

    You want highly educated Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Arts teachers, etc, but are only willing to pay them less than your local postie. What did you think was going to happen?

  15. US education system is much much better. Come to India where marks are everything, no concepts only learning without logics and the worst thing that is caste based reservation

  16. I'm Australian. I was horrified to learn that in the US teachers often pay for classroom supplies out of their own money. If they were expected to do that in Australia the teachers would strike.

  17. Honestly, as a teen in American schools our teachers are not good. especially in public school. I wish we had teachers that actually cared to teach, when I had teachers like that the education was SO much better and enjoyable.

  18. Yay! Another video comparing US and Finland! These videos are so helpful and edifying.

    This needs to stop. This comparison is ridiculous. We have two completely different countries, models, cultures, make up of students, laws, etc.

    Teacher burnout is real, I get it. I am one. But none of this data is helpful… None of our legislators are paying attention to it because over the years the role of the American educator has evolved to that of a caretaker and counselor as well as a teacher. There is no easy fix for this, the disparity between American teacher workload and European teacher workload will never change simply because of the nature of our country, the needs of our students, expectations handed down by federal and state governments.

    We are trying our best. If you don't want to get burnt out, then move to Finland.

  19. The lucidity of this content is remarkable. A book with similar clarity was a game-changer for me. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

  20. I'm considering leaving my teaching career currently because it takes over my life without proper compensation and time to do the work that I need to do to be a good teacher. I feel defeated and hopeless and I hope there can be a change.

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