The Books Getting Banned From Schools


There have been at least 1,586 book bans in U.S. schools since last summer, the highest number in decades. VICE News dives into why the bans are happening, what books are getting pulled, and how some students are losing access to information about themselves.

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  1. What about “all boys aren’t blue” and “this book is gay”. I’d like to see you defend those books being in public schools for kids with a straight face. Those books should not be in schools

  2. I promise you there is not a single person that went to school for library science because they wanted to be on the front lines of America's march towards headassery…

    we are living in ridiculous times

  3. all those broad statistics to paint a vague picture. i guess getting an actual modern contested book and proving how innocent it actually is was… too impossible as usual. vice tv is just propaganda in a nicer more legitmate seeming outfit. still its about whats unsaid and avoided like a real converstion with full context. cause no one tunes in for that… so no one produces such content that doesnt sell anymore. capitlism or the pursuit of profit for its own sake in media might be capitalisms own worst enemy.

  4. Conservatives only care about banning sexually explicit books in libraries.
    Leftists ban classics like the great gatsby and to kill a mockingbird and blame it on conservatives.
    If you believe otherwise ask yourself why leftists are the only ones tossing a fit over the laws to mandate books in schools have follow FCC broadcast guidelines. That wouldn't block Tom Sawyer, but it would block Gender Queer.

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