This is the inside story of the Fat Leonard corruption Scandal – a shocking tale of bribery and corruption at the core of the US Navy.
Leonard Glenn Francis, known as Fat Leonard for tipping the scales at over 400 pounds, was a Navy defense contractor who bribed Navy officers with cash and sex workers in return for million dollar contracts.
Now Leonard is under arrest and battling cancer, he’s decided to reveal the whole story to investigative journalist Tom Wright in over 25 hours of interviews.
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Are you kidding? He corrupted officers in the USN? Go spend one year in the USN. Tell me about the 14 years olds sailors obtain in ports, how the Chaplains teach, “What you see here stays here.” Please.
The thumbnail of your title is a picture of soldiers and none of them seem to be Navy and one guy in civvies?
I hope your reporting is less lazy than this.I`ll give it a go, it might be worth my time.
Bkackmail overseas?! Cause the Nato secure or being inside my home all the time?
There was a corrupt team of federal agents who were supposed to raid an island for child sex trafficking and instead they were bribed and bought out by the traffickers I can’t find the documentary video but you guys know what I’m talking about.
The Navy is a neglected service whose work is far away from most of CONUS so the American public could not care less what it does so long as they are not confronted with it.
The scandal has already faded and and in not many years will fade from military memory just like lessons from past wars.
I dont think u could say a $1,000 plate dinner is a bribe. Politicians r corrupt and will take bribes but dont quite think a filet mignon will do it.
ok hold up….I'll explain this with a one word joke…seamen.
Protecting US R Arses!
That's why I'm not goin navy. Marines all the way.
^ I should clarify not the main reason. Being the height I am, I wouldn't fit.
Fat Leonard forgot the first maxum of bribery & larceny against a government "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered!", or did some of his little pigs just get too smart to be contained anymore?
Frankly, Marcy Misenwicz was just a lucky break for the investigators & her husband Michael should have been aware he was in the cross hairs long before he raised his hand to her.
This thing turns on interdepartamental (the US Navy) politics & who's got the chops to feather their own nest, ethics have a price & this smarmy "Fat Leonard" couldn't possibly keep up with which kind of ppl he was dealing with.
Once you start paying "bribes" you can not stop, as the next person in line down starts having his hands out too. Like I said "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered! "
The news around Leonard right now haha
What kind of people are running this ship's It's really good to see he was locked up but you No who suffer for this the KIDS KIDS ARE the ones who don't get see there Dad sad but true good luck to this family wish you The best of luck
Let's hope the UNITED STATES clean this up but we all love freebies 😂😂😂
Corruption is like the flue or cold, doesn't discriminate by nationality or respect borders, religion or race!!! That's why people have to be after corruption all the time , see it kill it!!! By speaking and denouncing, social midia is a great tool to help democratic government work and behave properly!!! 🙏🙏🙏
If i will look like Marcy Misiewicz i wouldnt be surprised that the husband have womens
How much you wanna bet they are stalling until Leonard dies???
this is why there should never be a such thing as direct commissioning. all officers should always have to be prior enlisted.
Bribery scandal in the navy? The entire US government works on the basis of Bribery, they have even made it legal. Money in politics folks, this is what you get.
They aren’t very woke
ugh you gon make me go to the podcast instead ?
wicked wife
He took the fall like oli north
"In the Navy… " Someone finish the remaining lyric..
Fat Leonard is now in Venezuela.
Moral to that story is just be single if you are living the good life…..
Jesus, I guess Russia is not the only super power countries whose armed forces is corrupt huh
Served on C7F and know of most the peeps involved. Crazy times, but very good port visits and only 7 day transits between ports for BVKG. Greed and corruption mostly by some senior and very arrogant O’s and a few Enlisted likely bribed to go along so not cause any drama. Fat Leonard caught them all with their pants down and had them by their bayags! Im surprised more Flags was not caught up in it, one left C7F to become CNO. Crazy stuff. Too bad those Black Berries and NIPR accounts cant talk, oh wait! They can…..⚓️✌🏻🍻
she is skylar white yo, ruin the business :v
"It's always great to see people when they are drunk, what they are capable of."
Ain't that the truth. I can't hate this guy… he's not the devil, he's more the devil's advocate. He gave people the opportunity to indulge their most primal instincts.
once again its 🇲🇾
they so good in multi billion money laundering
Fat Leonard ruined lot of careers sadly!
Dat fat doe did dat
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