The Hidden Homelessness Crisis In California (HBO)


There is a shortage of affordable housing in every state in the country, but it’s especially bad in California — where there’s only one affordable housing unit for every five extremely low income households.

The gap is not only pushing more and more people out onto the streets—it’s also creating a new, fast-growing, and hidden class of homelessness: People who in the past would have been able to afford a room or apartment but now live in their cars by necessity.

Danielle Williams is one of them. She’s a single working mother who has been living in her van with her daughter for five years. At first, it meant sleeping in dark, scarcely populated areas, and being hassled by the police. But thanks to a program called Safe Parking — a network of parking lots equipped with porta-potties and lot monitors — she can now stay in her car overnight without worrying about her safety.

VICE News traveled to California to see how the new program is helping people like Danielle live a little more comfortably, and met with a government official who’s frustrated there aren’t longer term solutions to help the roughly 16,000 people in Los Angeles who now sleep in their cars.

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  1. All these people judging this poor woman, shame on you as if any of you know what shes been through. Its an 8 min video, you don't know her life. Whether you've been homeless or not, everyone's situation is unique so get off your high horse and have some compassion.
    I think she's smart for going to school and trying to get a good stable career. She's thinking about a permanent solution for her and her daughter not a quick a fix that could land them there again. Sure she could go get a job that earns just enough to get by and get off the street but then with that route she could be struggling forever. And she might not be able to help her daughter when she hits rough patches in life. Or if one major setback happens it could land them in a desparate situation again. She's trying to find a solution that will fix this forever for them and I respect that. Good for her for having the courage to do that and for trying to make the best of the situation they're in. And props to her for having the bravery to share her story when she knows there's so many trash people on the internet that are going to have bad things to say.

  2. Room for rent, in the meantime, Ruff it out in your car and save money. Try to get an Obama Phone. and don't spend too much on Food and Don't Drive too much, you can bring the cost down a lot. God Bless.

  3. I live in California and been homeless my entire adult life im now 25 and in about 8 years i havent had 1 person woth a clipboard count me or give me census paperwork. Its always been an estimation

  4. I see her budget and this is what I would change

    The phone bill is too high. It should be max $100 (+125$)
    The storage 115. Would be 0. +$115
    Shower (+$50)
    Food $500 (+$400)

    Her daughter needs a part time job ($300)

    That 8s $1,000

  5. Its weird for me to see as a person from outside US the most powerful wealthy country its people sleeping in cars doesnt government help this people

  6. man i’m on the same boat going for five years and working warehouse jobs isn’t doing it i have no family my mom pass away when i was just 15 and i never meet my real dad had a step dad that never cared now i’m 33 hoping things can change here in california cause also this state is expensive 😢😢

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