With green energy (including nuclear and hydroelectric) now powering almost 40% of America’s grid, the next few years will be critical to meet the 100% goal by 2035. But as the need for a cleaner, more resilient power grid intensifies, due in large part to climate change, there have been increasing efforts across the country to block utility-scale wind turbines and solar farms. What or who is driving this resistance? After a year of reporting about obstacles to green energy across the nation, USA TODAY National Correspondent Elizabeth Weise joins The Excerpt to share her findings.
#podcast #green #energy
This woman looks like she can smell sound waves.
Opposition to clean energy is opposition to setting up kids for success in their adult years. So clueless. What is driving this? A public education crisis that, by the way, is also impacting support for democracy. Because to be a Republican is to be a proud uneducated moron, in a nut shell.
Where are the studies on the effect of wind and solar farms on the surrounding areas? Also i have a suspicion her stats are not what she says. What are the efficiency reports. Come on now real numbers here
Co2 got nuttin to do with climate change. Whackola hurricane intensity not increasing see Joe Bastardi
Consider Earth's carbon dioxide level is at .04% up from preindustrial level of .03% and if it drops below .02% plants die. Earth is actually in a carbon drought and those pushing lower carbon are the same one's wanting to lower Earth's population. Doesn't take a genius to figure they want to kill us rather than save the planet.
Fix the NIMBY low income housing first.
If you're a real NIMBY solver.
Just telling us what we know?
Climate change is a lie!
We have to APPLY this scripture daily so that we DO NOT have blood 🩸 on our hands on the day God calls us before the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Ezekiel 3:18-21
18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
20 Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
21 Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul.
"As a Country We decided"
No …. As a corrupt government They Decided
Green energy is built on the backs of child slave labor. No wonder democrats love it. They are the party that fought for slavery.
Have you researched how the wind turbines & solar farms effect climate & wildlife?? How many companies actually perform studies before they build?
Do not continue to repeat nonsense. Make some sense instead parroting John Kerry. . Climate change is brought on by solar radiation. Not by human activity. The earths poles are moving continuously and this movement causes the poles to migrate. So the direction it moves over gets colder, and the land mass it leaves becomes warmer. The sun has become more active lately, therefore more solar radiation. FYI, all the planets are warming up equally, human activity has nothing to do with global warming! Please! Stop this, get educated if you care!
In San Diego we have solar, haven't had an electric bill in 5 years. I am VERY anti the acres of solar panels I see in El Centro. Why are they 130 miles away when they should be on city rooftops? Because SDG&E makes $ on transmission lines, NOT on electricity generation.
Arizona has plenty of room in the desert for solar as dose California
What a crock of bull. While our country suffers from this green energy the rest of the world pollutes our planet more. Our grid is old now we here China has warned us of impending attack on our grid all electric cars will be of no use solar wind takes electricity to help run them. So wrong in so many ways this is going.
Green energy has its drawbacks too.The mining and lack of recycling facilities creates a lot of pollution and is harmful to birds.
Without the fear mongering Lies, politicians power Dies…
I live in a county where solar is in 3 spots it's big ugly and your people even says it's a joke so we will see want we
How do you dispose of solar panels can you answer that your people says there is no plan just stack them up to the side
In foster Rhode Island the police wanna build a new better radio tower to help serve the community better. people were complaining about it being ugly but they are ok with a solar farms they have to strip acres of trees to build. Absolutely ridiculous the liberals want what they want and wanna stone wall things that are good for the community. I hate this state
How about we stop the dying first then we can worry about our feelings. Get the coal and LNG plants blurring at 110%
I'll be waiting on USA today's story on NIMBYs about long islands resistance to asylum seekers.
Climate change is not a real thing. I can't believe people could be led like sheep down this silly path
Crock of crap, THERE IS NO MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING / CLIMATE CHANGE, WE ARE ENTERING INTO A GEOMAGNETIC POLE SHIFT! Stop lying! Also plants flourish with carbon so carbon is not a problem. The “science” on climate change is BIASED because grants WANT results that point to the narrative. PLEASE BE TRUTHFUL AND INVESTIGATE THE POLE SHIFT DATA – ITS REAL CONCRETE ROCK SOLID PROOF!!!!! It happens every 12,000 years. I actually went on expeditions from Hudson Bay all the way down into S America. IN CANADA there are TROPICAL PLANT FOSSILS, IN S AMERICA LAKE TITICACA was the result of the ABRUPT POLE SHIFT causing MASSIVE TSNUMIs also left abundant salt deposits high elevations of Columbia (Been there seen the salt mines in the highlands) BE TRUTHFUL DAMN IT!
All of what we are the early stages MAGNETOSPHERE DECAY leaving us vulnerable to the effects of the sun: CMEs & other damaging effects. Our ionosphere is damaged by both. NOW WITH EVERY POLE SHIFT THERE ARE MASS EXTINCTIONS AS WELL LIKELY WE WILL HAVE A GLOBAL SHUT DOWN OF THE POWER GRID FROM A MAJOR CME (ANY DAY NOW!!)
They had built a solar farm and people living near it had water flooding their basement cus the ground wasn’t prepared correctly. Now solar installer made a statement that they are gonna fix it. They tried to get away short cutting the job. People got solar panels on the roof of their house and the roof is leaking destroying all the plaster inside the house. The firemen hate the solar on the roof too cus it makes their job more dangerous if there is a fire. They wanna build a wind farm out in the ocean and the fishermen said it would drive the fish away cus it emits a noise into the water the fish don’t like and flee. People complain about the wind turbines on the land too once again a noise issue people claiming a buzzing noise when it’s turning. All these green initiatives are a disaster. The left will never admit it cus it’s their bread and butter.
Fossil fuels are the way to go. They are cleaner than ever. I drive a truck for a living and the new trucks do not emit soot they emit water droplets .driver hate em but I appreciate the cleaness of it.
Well not EVEN listening to this broadcast ( because it doesnt matter to me in the least what " they " think about nimby )I can say without a shadow of a doubt . All the f@cking solar panels they have set up in my " neck of the woods " in new york state is a blight on the landscape . period !!!! Taking up what was once farm land , and mountainside . !!! For esthetics sake a windmill would have been more welcomed IMHO. butI I know that kills birds so…… screw all that . " fossile" fuel is better anyway . And by " fossile " I mean just fuel since its been " found " on other planet s or so " they" say . That have never had dinosaurs .
LOL climate change, AKA weather change
People like this should never be in charge of anything
They include nuclear and hydroelectric to achieve a claim of "powering almost 40% of America’s grid" but simultaneously "green energy" and its supporters have waged a nearly nonstop war against nuclear and hydroelectric which combined represent 25% of US power.
This 40% Green Energy claim is pure Bull Shit. Most scientific reports I’ve seen have green energy’s contribution to the grid at about 2-3 %….if I remember correctly….certainly in that ballpark range.
Coal has never been subsidized. Coal generation is a very small portion of current generation mix. Natural gas became cheaper and not held up for Ransome by the train companies. NG is the reason for such a decrease in NoX and CO emissions in this country. Average NoX and CO output is around 3ppm. Going any further with far more expensive and unreliable green energy is just diminishing returns.
Boy, the nuclear and fossil fuel troll farms are really working overtime in this comment section today!
Bull crap. Another mouth piece of WEF. By now everyone know that “climate change” is a HOAX.
, green energy is not powering 40% of America's grid. That is and outright LIE
Environmentalist wackos
personally, blame antifa: hwyte-on-hwyte crime, you hate to see it…
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