THE SECOND GREAT DEPRESSION? Then Vs Now…Coronavirus Economy Taking Us Back 100 Years


The similarities between today and the days before the Great Depression couldn’t be more apparent. Communist ideology within America is growing tenfold, the new generation of socialists continues to develop, and the Fed is predicting 30 percent unemployment around corner thanks to today’s coronavirus pandemic, and the economy that’s completely stopped as a result. Watch this clip to hear Glenn’s theory on where we are now compared to where we were 100 years ago.

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  1. Dude you didn't talk s*** about surviving the Second Great Depression compared to the first. All you talked about with politics and selling your damn book

  2. Roosevelt’s policies actually helped us get out of the Great Depression. His policies were designed to get unemployed families back on their feet and protect older Americans by giving them a guaranteed income. I don’t support 100% socialism or 100% capitalism. We need a mixture of both. And if you wanna talk about socialism look at the airlines and banks begging for a handout from the tax payers.

  3. Glen, I'm beginning to really be disturbed by your phraseology about God. He is not a higher power. He is the almighty God creator of Heaven and Earth. AA does not worship or acknowledge the almighty God creator of Heaven and Earth. A higher power is any principality or power or ruler in Dark Places. Have you read scripture?

  4. We need to seize the means of production, worker's owned enterprises. We, on the side of pre-soviet communism had learned the hard way, in which Communism had been hijacked into being Capitalism, yes that's right… Capitalism, owned by the state, AKA State Capitalism, which still pertains the fundamental problem: Employer Employee dichotomy, instead of private it's State… Which wasn't what Communism was about to begin with.

    So we're make sure that Capitalism will be gone once and for all, just like slavery* in the US and Feudalism are gone, so will inevitably, Capitalism** as it is only a matter of when.

    **Capitalism as a system of Employer Employee dichotomy, including in forms of the stock marker shareholders.

    Worker's Owned Enterprises is bringing about a democracy in the workplace, empowering workers as a whole, as opposed to a monarchy in the workplace living in a country where monarchy was overthrown for freedom, same is to be applied to our jobs.

    *Slavery in terms of legality, however, we do in this sense still have slavery as such as a non democratic systems in the workplace as such as wage slavery and the black market as such as sex slavery are horrid systemic issues.

    The issue with Glen Beck, is the assumptions about atheists, non religious individuals as well as "freedom"

    Slavery was freedom for the slave owners but the not the slaves, feudalism was freedom to the feudal lords but not the serfs, capitalism is freedom to the capitalist (major shareholders, or employer) but not for the employees, especially for those whom are in financial strate and living on shoes strings.

    Socialists are enraged simply because what needs to addresses is actually quite doable and many simy do not care about the obvious solvable issues of the system itself and yet it is extremely and stubbornly and viciously blocked by not just the capitalist class but the reactionaries and ordinary citizens as well. Resulting absolutely nothing, nor any drop of economic justice being done, enabling an Oligarchy take over in the name of FREEDOM, yet knowing damned good well that freedoms are arbitrarily being eroded, yet remains rather subtle… In addition, as well as knowing the history that after FDR passed, the capitalist had undone the path of the prosperous country, the United States, that had led us to fall behind in a more progressive European countries in so many aspects of our lives.

    It's time to mold the earth to our heart's desires, with or without your consent, crises will certainly not go to waste.

    There is no freedom without prosperity. The root of the problem is not atheism in society nor society turning away from a fictitious deit(ies)… But a non democratic system in a condition where people spend most of their adult lives in with very little to no voice and not even owning their own means of production in which they themselves produced… Having no say, in where to produce, how, what to produce in addition, what and how to allocate profits… No workers would ever vote to ship away their jobs overseas, but major shareholders certainly had.

    Instead, they (employees) are often ruled by those whom live afar and don't even work in these industries.

    I'm sorry, Capitalism, just like Feudalism, must go.

    We are human beings, if we can invent capitalism, it's a no brainer that we can invent a better and a more just system.

  5. There is something strange going on when I, who am Canadian, tell my bf (who is American) stuff I've learned about important parts of American history and he goes "Did that actually happen?" or "Oh, I didn't know that." >.<

  6. This time is more ripe for an uprising of mass proportions should these times send us into a depression and socialism takes a foothold among panic. Think if our President, and VP fall sick to this virus and can't lead our Country. The next folks in line will most likely derail our Country further and send it into complete revolt and collapse. These times are very scary in so many ways and a huge pivot point on where were head and where we land as a nation. Again, all thanks to China, our biggest enemy! Also responsible is the left for many decades of reasons, to include their relentless pursuit to upend this Country while supporting China, socialism, communism etc.

  7. There is no question that the capitalism administration is extremely corrupt and injust, but that is by design so that the people will eat up the false flag of total socialism being the answer to our problems.

  8. I believe China has infiltrated all segments of our industry, from schools to media to our government. If we don’t wake up, Communism will come in via Socialism

  9. The Glenn we love is back! Please address why the schools are teaching the young this leftist agenda, who is behind the corrupt-liberal media and what are their motivation and final reward and outcome for the elite establishment. Who gains and who loses and why? This is what lacks in the teachings in our society – No one but you can better explain how we got here and what is at the end of the road if we don't change course. History is being erased and modified, will you "teach" us history and how we must learn from it?

  10. This sick division of the two party system is hurting us more them anything in America no one is completely conservative or Liberal we all have ideas in both the left and the right the we agree with. This democratic system is completely broken

  11. Thank you Glenn I'm so glad you've come back, grateful for your support to our President been wanting to say this for some time. We the people need you and others to help us keep the fight going WE ALL WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK

  12. No Freedom in Socialism. There no individual rights protected unless you belong to a government favored group. Good luck if you are part of a religious group. They are Anti-Mashiaj or Antichrist.

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