The World’s Most Dangerous Drug Wars | News on Drugs


100,000s of dead; mass graves; public executions; a growing refugee crisis. The narco wars of Latin America are beginning to look more and more like open warfare.

Ioan Grillo has spent two-decades reporting from the front line of the cartel warzone – spending time with sicarios, traffickers, special forces troops, and the innocent victims caught up in the most intense conflict zone of the War on Drugs.

In News on Drugs, writer JS Rafaeli chats to fellow drug nerds about their studies to tackle some of the biggest questions in the crazy world of mind-altering substances.

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  1. The most dangerous drug war is happening right here in the United States!!!!!!!! millions of Americans are dead now because our government wont sell clean drugs at the pharmacy 😮😮😮

  2. If there was no War on (some) Drugs, violence would decrease by orders of magnitude. Allow people to put what they want into their own bodies legally. The War on (some) Drugs is the biggest violation of American civil rights since slavery.

  3. This behavior is just governments emulating the western conquers. This is how people maintain control over their peers. Also it's useful for enslaving people and then social cleansing of undesirable classes.

  4. President Trump offered that Mexican president USA military aid to go in and "Wipe those cartels off the map!' After they killed 3 US women and 6 USA children. But that idiotic Mexican President didn't accept the help of the most powerful and best trained military on planet earth who could have sent DELTA, SEAL teams, other special forces, Marines, Apaches, Spectre Gunships, F-22 Raptors, and whatever else it takes to obliterate these people that like to torture their own people and post it on the internet. People that will kill innocent men, elders, women, children like cattle for a few denero. Gotta wonder why President Obrador wouldn't want the help. His "Hugs" policy won't win this war, and I wouldn't be surprised if his bank account has had $100 million dollars deposited in it so he will turn the other cheek and order his Government to look the other way. Supposedly El Chapo paid off high ranking Mexican government for many years, even the Then President. Eventually this brutality will spill all over American states and cities and we can't let that happen. I live in Alaska on the other side of the country and there was recently a 43 man arrest by the DEA and Anchorage police of Sinaloa cartel members and their associates here in Anchorage, Alaska. If they're already up here then they're everywhere. But in USA they don't wield the kind of power they do in Mexico…yet.

  5. I wish people knew in general that approximately 70 – 90% of weapons used by the cartels are of USA origin. States like mine, Texas, have very loose gun laws that pretty let anyone make a purchase. I didn't know this until this past weekend while watching a documentary on YouTube. This is NOT common knowledge in the US. Gun sales and the types of guns sold unfortunely is a sensitive political topic. Gun laws must be changed at the POINT OF SALE, not reach the market. Thank you for bring this to light.

  6. I used to like Joan Grillo, but now I get the impression he just just flashes around his "decapitated stories" and does not really do serious reports. Sure, it is a dangerous thing to do in Mexico, to look at the backgrounds and do serious research of the powerful. But journalists are doing it. MEXICAN journalists like Anabel Hernandez are risking their lives to really do journalism and help the country (and the world). Grillo is safer than they are but of course, I don't blame him for not taking life risks. BUT I do blame Vice and other platforms to push him so much its just sensationalism really! He feeds off the blood, just like the cartels.

  7. Solution of drug trade to the U.S. Close the U S. Boarder to drugs and cartel forced illegal aliens. Use all drug money associated to enhance the border of the US and stop all illegal activity. The U.S. needs to declare drugs as chemical weapons, used to make more room for traffic in illegal votes to this country.
    Also hold Us government officials accountable for influx of drugs and illegal aliens with capital punishment.

  8. I don’t understand why we and all these countries try to kill the heads of the cartels when It makes it worse because there’s a power struggle and that comes with even more killings

  9. The focus is always misdirected. The US has launched a war on drugs since the 80s. The US has to be benefiting from drugs. Why isn't the war being won. The focus needs to be redirected.

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