This Is the World’s Smallest Machine Gun, and It’s Suddenly Everywhere


A device called an “auto sear” can transform a semi automatic gun into a weapon capable of emptying an entire magazine with a single pull of the trigger. Also known as switches or chips, auto sears have been around since the ‘70s but are exceedingly tough to acquire legally in the United States, where machine guns cannot legally be owned without a special license.

In recent years, an investigation by VICE News and The Trace has found, these small metal or plastic devices have exploded in popularity on the black market and gained a particular cachet among criminals and anti-government extremists.

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  1. The second amendment requires a "well regulated militia" but America refuses to enforce this requirement. Instead we just let any cousin impregnating idiot, buy a gun, with virtually no regulations, no training, no education, no personal conduct requirements, no security requirements. Just adult babies with lethal toys.

  2. "suddenly everywhere"…… i literally work with guns/gunsmithing/firearms distribution and have never seen one of these outside of youtube haha contrary to almost every Vice article/vid about guns, automatic firearms (machine guns) are not prevalent at all

  3. You should be a lot less vague, and be more honest about what you're reporting on. You can buy a Glock 18 in other countries that come fully automatic and you can also buy a license where you can buy an automatic Glock without having to have a switch on it. With that being said, that is not a machine gun it's only considered a machine gun because of what the ATF put into law as a definition of a machine gun, not by the natural definition of a machine gun.
    I miss one vice news used to report for both sides equally and not be so into the false information and I do like that you do a lot of it by foreshadowing or leaving things out so you're not straight up Donald trumping it yet but you're on your way. The license that you were talking about went into affect to take firearms that were supposed to be deadly like the Thompson submachine gun away from the criminals but guess who ended up with the machine guns and no one else? The criminals just like what continues to happen, same with silencers the $200 license or tax stamp was created because at the time during the great depression, you couldn't afford that so it was an unattainable goal, however is this has never stopped the wrong people who are irresponsible from getting their hands on whatever they want. It only prevents the correct people who either work in this area in Films in sport hunting all of the above or some more none of the above or some thing else either way if you believe that we should have rights it's across-the-board yes or no you either believe that we should be controlled by our government in every way and no one should have free enterprise and be able to make their own guns or anything like that although we've already allowed families to get rich for hundreds of years in our country selling death tools and if you wanna make a gun, you don't need to go buy all the stuff I mean technically, you could make a shotgun with the well let's just say two pieces of pipe in the nail. You can make a functional pew pew that will kill someone in an instant and I promise you the buck shot that comes out of double at Buc Wichita getting hit with a Buncha 9 mL is just as painful as getting hit with the buns and 9,000,000 m if not more in fact, most people who get here at close range with a shotgun and double I don't. Have much left afterwards, so I just think it's comical that we focus on the guns and not the problem of why do people want the guns? Why do people want to kill each other? Why are kids so bored that they want to play with Glocks, which is in Glocks and why aren't we teaching things like this in school and debating on it rather than the nonsense that I was taught in school, and even part of my college education, which I will never use again, but I had to go through in order to pass, but nothing of what I learned, I got me ready for life in any of the ways that you're trying to bring up here if you have a 3-D printer technically, you could sell switches you could make them you could make firearms it's even easier than that you can just go buy them or have them made for you. You can also get into machining, which is way better or injection molding but the problem is why am I not allowed to have my free enterprise as a responsible citizen with no criminal history no violent history no reason for anyone even questioning my rights because of your right to freedom of speech is in encroached upon I promise you you are going to be bothered about it, but you're not gonna know because you're starting a very slippery slope give away a little bit and you might as well give away all of it. What you're playing into is called moral panic and you should know that as journalist you should also know that the spin you put on things as much different than false information. I'm disappointed but I understand everyone Hass to make their money and I know you guys sold out a few years back I only came across this because I saw worlds smallest machine gun and I don't know how you could determine that there are so many correct ways like the one gentleman speaks about and the problem is highlighting all of the negativities first straight out the gate. You always jump with that but then guess what year number one reporting is war drugs, death I mean that's what year living off of city really wanted to stop or do you just like to poke the bear? I guess now I'm curious……P
    It's never going to affect the criminals that's the biggest take away from this. He says that they can throw as much legislation and fines and fees down our throats as they want and red tape and make it a fucking nightmare just to do what I like to do and I've never hurt anyone I don't hurt animals. In fact, I'm an animal lover I don't hunt I'm not against it. I believe people should have the right to do what they want if they're not infringing on other peoples rights and I believe that that's an inherent intrinsic property I also know that the countries that want to destroy us love how divided we are on all of these topics and how we can't come together even for our future we're flushing our kids and our kids kids futures just down the drain for what? Right now? And I don't believe in everything that we do have rights you don't get me wrong I want to say I was born into a middle class or a male dominant Republican family but im a democrat…. most of my family voted for Trump. I didn't but I don't fault anyone for it. I respect their decision if they made it because it's the decision they came to on their own but that's what needs to happen with everything if we want to continue having this reporting on "reporting" I should say on YouTube then I think that we should pass legislation that limits the ability of what you can do on there and we need to take some rights away from that because you're infringing on my rights. Not directly, but indirectly by spreading false information, either willfully or not, but this is a fact, and I understand you throw in a little of both sides there this is been an ongoing thing, forever weapons, the Unabomber kill so many people, without ever firing a single shot most of the domestic violence incidents ending in deaths and a lot of homicides are stabbings so I understand why you're saying this it's because we have cameras everywhere now so things that you all didn't know about before now you know about this isn't new Glock was invented in 1985 I think I think it was a year before me, and then released an 86 to the public, but there is an automatic version the Secret Service uses in Swiss government I believe. We don't have that here because of our good old machine gun law, but you can go to a range and get an automatic Glock to shoot for the day. You can also put a super safety or a Yankee Bugel in your AR 15 and make it automatic with no problem as well and that's again 3-D printing or machining very simple process, so are you trying to say that we need to regulate everyone watch what they do how they do it why they do it we need to regulate every thing out there I guess is that it I'm trying to understand

  4. To be an assault rifle, it has to be able to fire on full auto to begin with. That's why they are assault rifles. I think you mean turning a semi-automatic rifle into a fully automatic rifle, otherwise known as an assault rifle.

  5. In reality poor quality shooters, using a 9mm pistol acting as a machine gun, will be lucky to hit the side of a barn at 30 paces out.

    48,000 American civilians on average every year from 2020 onward die from gun shot.

    As a comparison and because we have all heard of the war in Ukraine … 48, 000, that is 48,000 American civilian deaths a year more. Do you think that the American figure of c.48,000 dead civilians a year is more or less civilian deaths than in Ukraine? During the war?

    The official U.N. General Assembly figure for provable Ukrianian civilian deaths in the Ukraine/Russia war from Feb 2022 to Sept 2023? … 9,614. That is 9,614.

    Glock auto-sears are the least of your problems, America.

  6. "We was experimenting". I almost thought it was just a legend, or a sort of joke that some people would talk like that.
    Smooth criminal, maybe. But no smooth talker.

  7. Vote with yer dollar an don't buy one, jk, they should just regulate the hell out of it and make it go away. Sell .38 only, boohoo. Make semi auto illegal, waaah. Can't own a recoilless rifle under 2a, stop the manufacture problem solved, but the problem is that people will do anything for money. Stop the money, problem solved. They like "the problem".

  8. What kind of person is crazy enough to buy one of these? Isn't their freedom more important than a stupid part for a glock? And why would that Dyon guy shoot at those cops? He doesn't want to be a free man? I don't understand these people

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