This OxyContin Salesman Of The Year Doesn’t Regret His Work (HBO)


Just after he was offered a job at Purdue Pharma, Michael Andersen was watching the news with his wife when a report came on. It was about abuse of Purdue’s pain pill OxyContin, the product he would be convincing doctors to prescribe to their patients at his new gig.

“So we had to think about that,” he told VICE News. “I mean, is this really what we want to do?”

Ultimately, Andersen not only took the job at Purdue, but he went on to be one of the company’s most productive employees. He even received an award for Salesman of the Year in 2008. For a time, that netted him large bonuses from the company.

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  1. To all the people complaing about the fact that he is golfing… Alot of people with chronic permanent issues which causes immense pain wish they could live life normaly and keep doing the things they love. I for one also have degeneterative discs, bone spurs, fibromyalgia, arnolditis and osteoarthritis. Im told to simply take 2 tylenol back pains and an aleve. It barely does anything. I have done physiotherapy, and they said there was nothing i could do to fix the issues as the damage was done. Surgeons make millions off back surgeries when i was told the chances of it helping were only 50/50 and a 1% chance of paralyzing. No thank u. Id take the dope anyday. But shame on those who use just to use and have absolutely nothing wrong with them, depriving people who actualy need them. We just want to be able to enjoy life like everybody else.

  2. 미국이 마약이 판치는 국가로 전락한건 이 말도 안되는 제약회사와 허가해준 식약처의 탐욕 때문이다 평범한 사람들까자도 마약 중독자로 만들어 결국 사망까지 이르게 한 놈들은 다 죗값을 받길..

  3. Blame blame blame! that's all everyone wants to do. let us not blame doctors for what is available out in the world for ones undoing!
    Example: Husband cheats on wife, Wife wants to End the life of the other woman!? Why is this a social norm!? You can dangle a carrot in front Of a rabbit It's up to the rabbit To grab it!
    These medications, When used properly, Save and improve the lives of many..

  4. It is mind bogglingly ignorant to say opioids should not be used. Legit pain patients should have far easier access to opioid pain relief than they currently have, it's not their fault other people abuse them. Should auto makers feel guilty because careless people crash? Of course not…duh!

  5. I was working as a surgeon during the Oxy years. I owned and operated my own Medicare Certified Surgical Center.

    I cannot understand why fellow physicians would be "hoodwinked" into thinking that Oxycontin was not addictive. That is ridiculous.

    Their so-called "1percent" addictive rate is not matched by the science. The actual addictive rate is about 10-12% of the population. it is remarkably consistent over generations.

    I did a lot of (painful) bone and joint procedures, osteotomies and joint replacements. I prescribed narcotics for years.

    But I used them in the same framework that I had presented to me in medical school and during my surgical residency, which was at a VA and Army hospital.

    I was never approached by an Oxy salesperson. I would just have said NO, I won't go.

    Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
    Retired surgeon

  6. Ten years after they shut down the pill mills and prosecuted doctors and pharmaceutical companies… and abandoned all the addicted patients…. the problem is ten times worse. Good job government.

    Law abiding but addicted citizens with back pain went from getting clean labeled pills from CVs and Walgreens under the care of a doctor… to buying unlabeled bags of powder, laced with Fentanyl, from Mexican cartels. They have no idea how strong their drugs are now so overdosing is through the roof.

    It's terrifying when politicians try to make us safer…

  7. Update: Michael Andersen's wife found him unresponsive and he was rushed to the hospital. He was pronounced dead moments later of an opioid overdose. The irony.

    Is what someone will probably say some day, cause that's the path this dude is heading down.

  8. I blame the Doctors who prescribed enough of this stuff to kill an entire City to one person and never bothered to do a blood level test to see if they were actually taking this crap or selling it…
    Second, I blame the Government for starving our old folks to the point they had to sell opioids to live.. Trust me,, that is where this problem started in most small towns,, and that is where most od's are happening.. Hard truth, but ,You do the math… JMO

  9. There's something very wrong when the system allows salespeople to visit doctors.
    Doctors should be making decisions based on what's needed and what's cheapest for the health insurance / patient.

  10. This man is a drug pusher turned drug addict. If he was in morphine/oxy level pain, he would not be able to stand the pain to even speak about this stuff. Straight up drug addict. Takes one to know one, I'll admit it. Dude is kidding himself, or a pos, full of ish either way

  11. I bet this guy could manage his pain a different way. I can see it in the way his eyes move when he’s talking that he deep down knows it’s not normal to accept that you have to take opiates for the rest of your life. He’s using pain to justify him taking it everyday.

  12. So people steal prescriptions or buy extra on the street and the people that don't abuse it have to suffer because of the jackasses abusing it.

  13. Yall do realize that oxycodone is still available for persrciption in the USA? Now, Oxycontin is not available which is just a time released version. The sackler family is pushing Oxycontin in Europe now and i heard they are dirt cheap over in scotland and italy. MS contin (purdue/sackler created before oxycontin), the time released version of morphine is still used in the united states. So all that really happened was justice took away the time relase of oxycontin, allowed oxycodone to stay, sackler family gives up purdue and now sells oxycontin in europe under a new company name.

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