Former President Donald Trump can’t find an insurance company to underwrite his bond to cover the massive judgment against him in the New York attorney general’s civil fraud case, his lawyers told a New York appeals court. CNN’s Kara Scannell reports. #CNN #News
Great conman meets insirance companies lol
What’s happening to Trump is communism and Americans need to wake up. Save your lives.
Who cares when he's president again in November he'll straighten all this out…. New York is such a corrupt cesspool
What are you guys going to do when this guy gets elected?
He's going to be coming after you you know that right?
He will still be president…. Literally I have not been wrong since Obama.
Guess he doesn't want to be making such amount 😊
Fking unrealistic inflated verdict against any individual.
I always know lying liar Trump wasn't no billionaire. His is a fraud just as the Trump University.
What the hell. why is he on a 454million bond for fraud but murder suspect have 5000$ bond. America you guys are a disgrace, you're going to end up re-electing a laughing stock and china will take over your country. You need trump all the other candidates are weak. just my opinion, but I think America is screwed and will n ever again become a respected nation.
Sell Trump tower's in Chicago , sell one of his Gulf course , put up one of his Hotels
Die horseshi7 continueth in the land of the free, home of the brave.
My God, what has America turned into.
A land of propaganda and self-invented reality.
Aww he didnt sell enough sneakers?
“He might be less wealthy than he portrays himself to be”
Are you kidding me? He exaggerates every single thing he talks about, not just his wealth.
We all live like Trump; just on a smaller scale. Selling assets doesn't happen over night, and if it does; at a bargain price. And when did Trump portray himself as someone that can bring you up.
That's like fox reporting on the left side. You can believe everything you hear.
CNN your nasty partisanship makes me physically sick… you should be a shame of yourselves calling yourself a News station.
How is guy running for office is just a disgrace. He is the best we got America?
This Democrat owned justice system is filled with crime and criminals and they're all Democrats
He broke 😂😂😂 (posting bond is just a short-term loan so if u or i are worth $1 million and we have to post $500,000, then we go to a bank and say hey here is my house worth $500k, 401(k) worth $250 etc, so u put up the cash and that stuff is the illiquid to me assets as collateral and the bank says, fine it will cost 12% , and u do because u have to — he ain't got any clean collateral!!)
Many do not realize how difficult it is to obtain a sizable bond even with assets, but even then what the judge did by blocking the appeal without the bond was deliberate and calculated intent on inflicting undue harm. Can anyone here name one case where such hardship was placed on a defendant? Appeals are designed to re examine a case and are a fundamental part of our laws…in this case the judge has deliberately gone out of his way to block the appeal and many are good with that……what you don't realize is the judgement handed down erodes everyone's legal rights to a fair trail….so have a good laugh, but understand when you do a precedents has been set that may someday affect your right too.
The truth takes care of its self – it takes and incredible amount of energy to maintain lies – it is showing – the wires are fraying. For him and the RNC. Consistently poor decisions. Trash takes itself out.
Big hat, no cattle.😅😅😅😅
Jarred Kushner just made deals with multiple cities and countries, including my current town of Belgrade, Serbia, he has gotten a huge historical building in the city center of our capital. A former military HQ, that was destroyed by American bombs in 1999. Now we are giving it away to a POS wannabe dictator. I bet he is going to use all these new properties to raise loans outside of the USA.
The real criminals are in the whitehouse, Biden has been selling our country for the past 50 years started 2 wars, with the greatest yet to come, highest crime ever, highest inflation ever, millions invading our country, worst illigitimate President ever
If Mr Trump can get hold of me l might be help
+HE Democrat party is the greatest threat to the American people and our childrens future and should be abolished immediately
Mr Billionaire sell all the gold fixtures and toilets you are stuck on. Lies and more lies. Big fake
Just ask your friends Putin Xi Kim to donate then after become 40+7= then pay back time with…… as the secret document can be …..
Everything he accuses others of, he has done worse thousands times over.
A picture of Donald Trump should be posted with the definition of mendacity in dictionaries.
He's A Crook get the word out to AL Capone Trump get tested for SYPHILIS I can't vote for AL Capone Trump with all these symptoms like Jaundice, kidney issues liver disease. SYPHILIS kills, Capone wore diapers because of SYPHILIS destroying his internal organs. Trump is wearing diapers this is no joke get tested today for SYPHILIS
if you want my vote….
Now, more important matters to take care of A crook is A crook he was found guilty of Tax Fraud, rape, defamation.
Get tested for SYPHILIS and if he's SYPHILIS free I want to offer $ 269.54
for Marlago. Now I'm the kind of businessman who has A heart therefore I'm willing to allow Melannia
and her son to stay at Marlago rent free for 90 days. I don't want any accolades, or offers of A home cooked meal by Melannia or stuff like that it generates to many rumors.
Socrates once said, hey mister I'm A simple minded valet where's my tip ?
That struck me very hard it opened my eyes to many things from that point going forward. Anytime I encountered valet service I would say, look you don't like your job get A new one working for Donald Trump.
Donald let's talk turkey I'm also interested in Trump Tower….
He's forcing the courts to negotiate the most unlawful financial penalty in the history of America.
Nope. I would not pay that bullshii either. Its robbery. That judge is trying to rob the ex president. Fire that judge. Sue New York
Something else to think about when it comes to Tax Fraud, Richard Nixons Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned from his position due to Tax Fraud…..
Is anybody surprised Trumpanzee isn't as rich as he claims? He must be furious that he's been exposed as a fraud. FRAUD is his business model. #BIDEN2024
Whatever it is that your trying to do ,not going to keep him out of the white house. His wealth is for his family and for his charity. Not given away to courtroom thugs.
God blessing trumps and his queen nikki god blessing you god vote you .pls saveing usa people again 😊😊😊😊😊😊kim jong on sisters waiting for you love🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
I witnessed it on a video on social media as a Wendy’s was burning down. Someone screamed death to America.
Lock him up….lock him up….
Will 20 million MAGA supporters pony up into a Go Fund Me ? They have 5 days and counting down
HAHAHAHAAA, how rich are you now donny tiny hands !!
The art of deal LMAO
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