Trump reacts to President Biden’s address. Hear what he said


CNN’s Alayna Treene breaks down Donald Trump’s response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. #CNN #News



  1. help Biden
    Where are the Biden’s keepers???

    Stop letting him run to show off

    One of these times he will fall and break a hip. Maybe get him a walker.

    stop giving him hard words on his cue cards but

     do give him cards he has to follow and not go off script.

    Highlight the words he needs to read out loud and tell him not to read directions on that card like “repeat the line” which should not be highlighted.

    Don’t let him talk to grieving people so he tries to relate to their pain with some inflated story or write him a response that’s not a lie and sounds more like he really cares.

    Take away his watch so he doesn’t check it when the fallen soldiers are parading by him.

    someone helped him get on and off the stage. Not a bunny rabbit either.

    And where is his wife? She should be there to help him and correct him, help put on his coat, and make sure there are no shadows to trip over.

    She can touch his shoulder to get him to stay on task.

    And keep him away from the children he is creeping them out.

    For that matter keep him away from all young girls. When they cringe and move away from him it doesn’t look good.

    Maybe put blinders on him so he can’t see young women that he wants to go after to sniff their hair.

    Tell Hunter to stop loaning him snuff that makes his eyes wide without blinking. It makes him look weird.

    Get him a stair lift to get on and off the plane. Safety is better than looks.

    Don’t let him sit through long meetings so he falls asleep that looks bad for us.

    Stop putting him in front of people who will want to ask questions so he laughs at them while his crew escorts them out of the room.

    Don’t let him walk so much his stiff walking looks like he is old.

    Don’t let him go on talk shows anymore it is just too weird.

    Does anyone know of anything else that can help this bumbling old senile man?

  2. Your the bestest john Johnny yohan polski off mr trump this is hearod byerly turk matchem Godolphin Arabian eclipse darly Arabian i am my uncle by proxy my dads mom brother dr joseph kubis a doctoret in psychology from fordum university worked with the astronaut's for deep space is the original psychologyis of nasa and the co inventer of the lie detector changed Congress and the Senate of the entire government his team laboratory just put this in to google its their himself clearance above all himself had secret service all the time we talked i myself asked is their anything out their in space Dr Joseph f kubis stated johnny have an open mind look up and all your questions Will be answered also dr joseph stated everything to myself vote biden is a non da i speak for the entire planet so called earth thank you

  3. Dear all of my mighty loyal fantastic majestic fans this is hearod byerly turk matchem Godolphin Arabian eclipse darly Arabian donald trump way back multiple year's all his executives in a helicopter periched mr trump stated to the macanic to loosen the back coter pin on the helicopter when they went airborne the coter pin dis loged and all perished Mr trump is a mafa in essence a boss come on now do not vote for this hellow backwards o lleh the matadore and the bull now where is the bull right hear imaginatory doodle doo of noncensickle noncence exemplified gimmicks a scam shananagins fair well stay well be well thank you vote for biden we all know what we americans have preserve the united states of america biden will do exactly this thank you

  4. Theres no candidate in the democratic party including Joe Biden that will even come close to another 81m million supporters for democrats or joe Biden. Even today s9me of our blue swing states are voting red and come election day our entire country should be voting for Trump otherwise if Trump is not elected there will be consequences and those consequences will be handed out by the majority, why would any of us want another 4 years of democratic control.And no president in American history has ever threatened his own citizens like Joe Biden

  5. CNN is totally corrupt, I can hardly continue to listen to these talking heads dispute their subtle an overt propaganda and manipulation of their audience who are likely only in this propaganda echo chamber. Shame on you cnn!!

  6. People can say what they want about trump. But those who go after him dont know karma has sided with trump. Everything they throw at him or accuse him of usually people done or doing themself or end up doing.
    You would think washington and elite and biden make sure nose is clean before to picking trumps. 😂 and then hate or love him trump turns it into lemonade. Alot time it sarcastic humor but he a comedian. And he having fun with all this.
    I think id rather laugh than cry. I cant imagine how he feel. To think people use you for money and beg you and ride your coat tails only to turn back on you and stab. Thats a big hit emotionally.

  7. 1:58 oh that’s bs, y’all didn’t share the rest of the clip he sent? He literally gets very little chances to make the news about what he really says. They just take one little snippet that makes him sound like a kid with no context. This is why I don’t watch mainstream so much, I don’t buy it.

  8. Trump mocking bidens hair? Look,at trumps hair…trump lies about our economy? Look at trump’s economy when he left the presidency…trump says biden is angry? Look at how damn angry trump is constantly…..trump is a joke..a scary joke I might add.

  9. Did she actually say stream of "CONSCIOUSNESS"?????? oxyMORONic!!
    "this type of rhetoric" is accuse those after your ass, of doing EXACTLY what you are running from. Is he running for President, or running from prosecution before immunity as a sitting President, AGAIN. Bringing him to justice is "Election Interference, ("Russia if you're listening, tank my opponent") Hoax, Witch Hunt, Lies…. until convicted IN A COURT OF LAW.

    Bought-out CONGRESSMAN are the problem, folks. And we're talking BIG Money buying them. They will NEVER bite the hands that feed them. Vote CONGRESS OUT and replace them. THEY are your only check on traitorous "Presidents"

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