US As Guilty As Israel For Gaza Assault: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson | Dawn News English


Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson discussed the ongoing genocide in Gaza, which he stated is being brutally perpetrated with the political, military, and financial backing of the US.

Additionally, Mr. Wilkerson addressed other significant foreign policy concerns, including the potential for escalating conflicts in Europe and the Middle East involving key players such as Israel, the US, Iran, Hezbollah, Ansar Allah (the Houthis), as well as US policies towards China and Taiwan.

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  1. Excellent, honest, trustworthy, clean hands, clear conscience and pure hearted fellow human being who has the courage to say the truth as it is. A citizen who cares about his country, the world and all of humanity. Unlike those who have been bribed, threatened, brain washed, bullied, lied to…and silenced. God bless you and protect us all from those evil doers.

  2. It's sad that had the late Mursi or Nasser , Zulfiqar Ali Butto and Arbakan been alive and if Imran Khan is now in power and not in jail Israel could not have dared to commit genocide on a broad daylight. The current leaders of Egypt and Jordan have badly betrayed the heroic Palestinian people.

  3. How about all the lies about the gulf of tonkin in 1964 till now? All those wars all those wars. Sold on lies. B 52'sdumping. Thirty ton bomb, loads on Cambodian laos. during the Vietnam war. Doing land cleansing on a few million people. .total 4 million including vietnam.. It may be worth the same since then. Till now, all lies all lies in the United States which is in ownership of big bankers quote mr Wilkerson.

  4. The world is lucky to have you brave great humanitarian when the big power is evil they find many excuses to continue this unimaginable war and protect themselves from going to prison it is sad and disgusting

  5. Bb s hero. Mr Beggin said he has a big project. . 1951 was exterminate the insects. Wipe them off the land .. Some of the same big money groups, totally set up Hitler and the third reich. Totally …set up sionistic israel Starting in. .1918. 21. 22. 23. And after may 14 1948. isn't that interesting? Those 2 different institutions have the same financial source. ..but the rockerroths do not live in israel ..and all the billionaires moved out about fall of 2011. And also the multimillionaires moving. . Out since 2012 hmmm

  6. After what US are doing around the globe, I realize that all those called “terrorists” actually are resistant fighters, rebel fighters. Only terrorists are here is US, UK, NATO , and last but not least Israhell👿👿👿👿

  7. Biden allowed Israel to do what they want, they started genocide. Now as elections are approaching he is acting showing concern he think people are stupid.

  8. Votre prise de position, le choix de vos mots ,la dénonciation des crimes de guerre commis par Israël vous honorent .Vous êtes un juste .Mille fois merci au nom des palestiniens démunis et dont on a planifié l extinction. ❤

  9. Sir,, You are the voice of truth, justice and decency . One day America will wake up to recognize that you have been on the right side of history and humanity .

  10. I would like to see a bill passed that says if Congress is unable to balance the budget, they dont get paid. And that no money leaves the country for foreign aid unless it comes out of a surplus in the countries budget

  11. Congress and the legislators screwed we the people first followed by the courts and cops. So much for checks and balances and separation of powers. Welcome to corrupt corporate America everyone land of the fee home of the slaves.

  12. United States is of America not itself America. America is what Columbus is credited with discovering in 1492. United States is to America as Hunchback is to Notre Dame. Please don't conflate the two.

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