US Sees Deadliest Day In Coronavirus Pandemic But Some States Report Drop In ICU Admissions | TODAY


The United States reported the deadliest day yet during the coronavirus pandemic with more than 2,000 deaths, but New York and California had a drop in the number of intensive care admissions. NBC’s Kathy Park, Kelly O’Donnell, Sam Brock and Geoff Bennett report for Weekend TODAY, and Dr. John Torres joins for analysis
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#Coronavirus #TodayShow

US Sees Deadliest Day In Coronavirus Pandemic But Some States Report Drop In ICU Admissions | TODAY



  1. That robot wearing a mask outside as they criticize the Governor for allowing people to go to their house of worship. NBC News is the left wing nonsense you really think it is

  2. Want to be quite honest I don’t know where they’re getting their statistics for their percentage rates because I don’t remember ever being asked my opinion towards the job that the president is doing, so I would have to say statistics doesn’t hold water… because I think he’s doing a great job and I’m not in the 49% that they use for their statistics

  3. So crazy. I wrote a song about the whole Covid-19 lockdown situation called "A Couple Months Ago". I'd love for you to listen. It's on my channel and is on the verge of going viral.

  4. Watching this I couldn’t hold back the tears so many lives ending early
    funerals on line
    denied the comfort of saying goodbye for fear of death .
    My heart breaks for the world .
    Never more then ever do we need to be kind patient & generous with one another & keep one another worldwide in prayer .
    This virus doesn’t discriminate
    We must keep our world in prayer.

  5. public health expert.." sign of progress..less people admitted to people simply move out to other area, or large number already death or in hospital, so less population in one area resulted in less people admitted to hospital.

  6. I'm staying in Italy, Bologna city. It's been more than one month we are all stuck at homes, but the situation seems to be better those 2 last days. Good luck guys, we are all together in this fight.

  7. Trump is not going to listen. He is putting together a group of his rich friends they will end up needing every bed they can find. They want us to go to work and to take chances with our families.

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