Wharton finance professor sounds the alarm on soaring U.S. debt


Joao Gomes, Wharton Professor, joins ‘Fast Money’ to discuss the growing federal debt and why it could spell disaster for the markets and economy in the future.



  1. Government has killed the free market. In a free market the dominant interactions are B2B and B2C. In the current market, they are B2G, G2B and G2C. So if government drops spending by 10%, S&P500 earning will go down also by 10%.

  2. The debt is only an issue when it goes towards broad-based social programs, eg. student loan relief, but foreign aid and Military spending is bottomless? go away repugnicant …

  3. Financial markets exhibit patterns that recur over time. Arthur Grandi's book offers a systematic approach to stabilizing investments and explores investment opportunities, including in cryptocurrencies.

  4. The US debt has been an issue for a very long time. Everyone was up in arms when Obama raised the national debt. The same with Trump. And now with Biden. And the same in the next presidency. Nothing will change. This xxxx-show started when we went off the gold standard in 1971. The US Government produces nothing, only consumption. All they can do is borrow more money.

  5. Force Feeding Electric cars ( most poor at best) has hurt the “ Controlled Growth of Tesla” ? Tesla balanced their recharge stations and Service Capabilities ? 🤔

  6. Just paying the price for printing nearly 10 trillion dollars in the last several years. Completely predictable outcome. thank the greedy politicians in Washington and the moronic concept of modern monetary theory.

  7. Simply stopping government overspend would stop the problem but its like telling a food addict how he is killing himself with food. Both parties spend much too much but nothing will stop the Dems. Collapse isnt far off.

  8. When you pay for all those wars…pay for all those Illegals….forgive student debt….Handout all free Government programs such as welfare…snap cards on & on….steal money out of Social Security to help pay the debt….I' m happy I lived a good long life when things were nomal….now at 70 years old hopefully I won't see this all blow up!! Before I die…It's the younger generation who will see this disaster coming. And suffer royally from it!

  9. Unless people pay more tax and millionaires and billionaires start paying their equatable share it’s obvious what will happen. With extremist politicians in the rise; there will be no solution coming from Washington.

  10. We can grow out of it. Ha. We can always make more money. It’s all about controlling the money supply. The government doesn’t need out taxes. The treasury can print what it needs. Keep the money circulating that’s the magic of the economy.

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