What the Fed’s rate decision means for the economy


ABC News’ Alexis Christoforous breaks down the Fed’s recent decision on interest rates and what it could mean for the American economy.

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  1. Us Carpenters can't even afford to go to work. It was charity now the credit card is out. Now we have to fix traction control in order to pass emissions and renew a license plate sticker. We would have to miss work to do this, and fix it ourselves. Can't afford the mechanic. I can't even afford the parts. Then it'll be illegal to drive and go to work. I guess we're done.

    I paid my taxes early and sent the payment in with the paperwork for that year. The state deposited my check and the funds left my account. Then about a month later i got a refund for the same amount. I thought they were being cool.

    Then i got a notice that i hasn't paid my taxes yet and that i owed them another $150 for "being late."

    I called them and they said "Well it looks like they applied your payment to the wrong year, saw that you were paid up, and sent it back. "

    I said, "Well since the error was on your end, can you just waive the late fee?"

    They said "You'll have to write in for that. "
    I already spent hours on the phone in the past with the IRS, wow now write in.

    I talked to someone else who said the state did the same thing to him.

    Have you ever gone 10 days without eating? Have you lived in tomatoes, jalapeños, and bread for a month straight even though your not a Mexican here illegally getting everything for free and making more offspring in free housing that you build, are taxed to buy the billing materials for, and you take the food off your kids plates to feed their new ones?

    You had to be paid on the books, they had to tax you to build others who come here free housing. They got paid cash and bought your house when you lost it. I work with a guy that bought 2 investment houses after living in free housing, and now he has one for himself. I work with a guy that is one of 17 brothers: they were born to overpopulate you for the puerile of sending dollars home so 2 people didn't have to work but could live like Kings. So their kids have 5 kids each so they can stay in free housing and get free food and each kids will give them a dollar an hour and they won't have to work anymore. They need 5 kids by the time they're 26. You can abort your family you can't afford now and klll yourself

    The population has doubled since WW2.

    It was a depop.ulation war

    There were 7 million tons of grain one year in Ukraine, only 3 million the next. Stalin invaded and their soldiers cut legs off of people, cooked them and ate them. Then it was about the de-Stalinization of Russia.

    When there was enough food to feed the people WW2 ended.

    Don't tell them it's a depop.ulation war, let them die as heroes. Problem with that: they'll not know the real reason and become baby boomers, everyone will overpopulate again soon beyond the planets ability to feed them

    The sun got hotter, maybe another star hit it, this planet has been thawing and getting less rain

    A good chance in most places of the world someone will eat your body and loved ones bodies when they die or donate organs

    If the earth has to go every curable fever causing virus released at the same time and probablly the whole thing is done in 1 week, people would probablly go to sleep and go from exhaustion

    Bacterial cysts, malaria, a superbug, etc, I don't think any would survive

    When they keep releasing one at a time everyone gets stronger but your always getting sick. The stupid thing with Coronnna is that people didn't go Pauly, they suffocated for 13 minutes and drowned in their lungs, and it was an epic fall for 21. The people whom the flu would have killed went with that instead, but the suffocated for 13 minutes

    Half the world world take home a fentynal overdose say thanks and get to leave, you'll have enough food to feed everyone and the poorest will have 2 houses 2 cars a cow and ice cream, and oil to last the planet. Why do unnecessary depop.ulation wars? Or they will. They do late in life abortions for your extra people

    Then you can close the coffins
    Say bye to zombies

    The rats made a virus to kill the people to eat the people. Bubonic plague, corrona

    With what's coming you want everyone who doesn't want to be here to be able to get out of here

    Legalize and make available a synthetic opioid take home drink with a micro serial number, you can verify who was the purchaser if someone died and didn't buy one.

    You're about to have 1/2 of what you do now, hurry up or send your kids to war or virsuses again. People are going to bed hungry because they're forcing half the world to be here that doesn't want to be here. Why are you in a depression even with them?

    Or someone will do every curable fever causing virus all at once and wipe it all.

  2. Powell knows there are huge deficits that need to be funded, so he needs to start the printing press. Therefore he has given up the fight on inflation and falsely declared victory over inflation. His bigger battle is the deficits. But he’s a yes man. So he can’t tell the government to cut spending. Instead he starts the printing press to a accommodate them.

  3. It means the fed is about to start the printing press. Stocks and commodities will skyrocket, because valuations must go up, as they artificially drop rates.

    Powell said the rate next year will be 4:50. That means .75 in rate cuts. It also means huge inflation because that’s what money printing and artificially bringing rates down does.

    Next 6 months equites fly, and the dollar tanks causing commodities to surge. Then I inflation comes back wilder than ever, and close to the end of 2024 the fed is forced to raise rates to fight inflation and we get the great crash. Everything crashes, the hosing market, stocks, bonds.

    It’s a repeat of the seventies. This is the same fed that said inflation was transitory. Now they have given up the inflation fight, even though the inflation is still there. Nothing goes up in a straight line. Neither does inflation. We just had a pullback in inflation. The fed is wrong about inflation. As soon as the cut rates, inflation will spike. Then they will be forced to raise rates – just like they did after they said inflation was transitory. Powell made the biggest mistake he could have. He should have stayed the course, with no cuts, and waited for further inflation data. Now he is committed. Huge mistake. Big blunder. Just like when he thought inflation was transitory and didn’t raise when he should have.

    Load up on equities. They shoot to the sky now and all the way through the next 6 months as he cuts.

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