What Would It Mean If U.S. States Went Bankrupt?


On April 21, Senator Mitch McConnell stated he was in favor of the idea of letting states declare bankruptcy. The statement was met with fierce backlash from several politicians and sparked media commentary. While states cannot currently legally file for bankruptcy, some in the legal and political world are supportive of the idea, as many states are suffering significantly due to the coronavirus pandemic. Allowing states to go bankrupt would be a complex process, and not at all an option without significant risk.

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What Would It Mean If U.S. States Went Bankrupt?



  1. Not with Prisons in America.
    What's the average cost to run a prison? The average cost per prisoner in the USA is $31,286 per year. So if your prison holds 1000 prisoners it would cost over $31 million per year. The most expensive cost per prisoner is New York where they average $60,000 per prisoner.

    Criminals would never be first priority in America over law abiding working class citizens. If Criminals going to eat 3 meals a day even if it's one and be housed and secured with guards. You best believe the American people will be taken cared of. Or people will commit crimes just to eat in Prison. And that's totally absurd.

  2. I actually think not allowing states to declare bankruptcy is a good thing, it forces states to manage there finances effectively

  3. Nationalize all company and banks,regulate commodities purchase,education and production together at national cost,need of evolution as said by Engles,how physical productive labour transformed ape anatomy into human and all project for existence of labouring force and growing more with it

  4. Well first off it's against the Law for any US State to run a deficit and 2nd since they'll ignore that too soon they'll be paying 20% interest no matter what their fiscal condition is let alone opinion on whether they owe anyone anything.

    Great news for the US Treasury Market and US though

  5. Usa is technically bankrupt. The debts surpass the gross product. And printing money like crazy assures not get out of the hole anytime soon by devaluation the mold green dollar. Adios America.

  6. The United States of America is in a 1923 chapter 11 BANKRUPTCY! In order to ACT as government they became THE UNITED STATES for AMERICA Corp.that why statues and codes were established. Statues and codes are rules of a corporation and require CONSENT??????

  7. Nice video, To those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in space in general or probably just naive, the sphere have seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I'd say that more emphasis should be put into trading since it is way profitable than holding. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9.2 BTC when i started at 1.5 BTC in just a few weeks implementing trades with signals and insights from Mrs Marry, i would advise y'all to trade with Mrs Marry your asset rather than hold for a future you aren't sure about or hold it and risk loosing all

  8. I thinks that it’s a bad IDEA for states to file bankruptcy. They need to create business for revenue to their states. They also need to audit every department to stop corruption and gross misappropriation of funds.

    Has been bankrupt since 1933, Congress had to give the people (the real creditors) hjr 192 public law 73-10 as a remedy. It is a government obligation to discharge debts dollar for dollar to balance the ledger. Stop acting as a 14th amendment statutory citizen(SLAVE). Wake up and do your research, stop being a sheep lead to your slaughter because a SERVANT (government) threatens you under duress and coercion. The people, we the people are sovereigns. Not states, not government, we the people!

  10. The US economy enjoyment of a risk free status is ingenious and superfluous as this national is being kept alive financially and economically on life support system that have no REAL economical and monetary basis.
    As a matter of fact, the sale of US $ Bonds, Notes and Treasuries are to say the least fraudulent as the AA standing is gross misrepresentation and a charade on the duped US citizens and world population.
    The US economy has very grave problems that a Trillion dollar coin cannot never solve because her debt load cannot be repaid in 100 years and that’s being conservative.
    First thing is that the US National Debt or also referred to as the US Federal Debt stands at $30 trillion and its GDP at $23 trillion.
    The Federal Debt to GDP ratio expressed in a percentage is Total Debt divided by Total GDP or in this case $30/$23=130%. (Any financial accounting data analysis literature will show you how this is calculated.)
    Therefore the US economy is in serious decline and has been that way for over that last 15 years.
    To show how this decline developed is not sometime that this note was intended to cover.

    So for every $1.00 of debt this is only .76 cents of GDP generated.

    This is very very very serious and I am startled that you are using this media to sanitize and down play the economic disaster of this money printing fictitious monetary system that has infected the global financial system in 2007 and now is on the brink of completing this total collapse of the Present Day Money System.

    This will make 1929 stock market crash, 1987 black Monday and the subprime mortgage crisis all together look like a walk in the park. Already as a result of the measures employed in the “pandemic” we have seen the greatest transfer of wealth from the bottom percentile to the massive wealth owners, these who own the vast majority of wealth in the world called the 1%, increase their wealth by $50 trillion US dollars.

    In the banking world, we would not lend this client any more money because they are extremely leveraged and we are only focused on the National or Federal Debt, then what about the Unfunded Interest Debt or Unfunded Liabilities or the fact that Total US Debts are vastly greater than Total US Assets.

    I have presented the facts below on the US economy which is far more in-depth and revealing than your many of the commentators are willing to admit.

    The US Economy as at February 1st 2022

    🇺🇸National Debt or Federal Debt $30 trillion 130% greater than GDP $23 trillion (Gross Domestic Product).
    🇺🇸$8 trillion on Treasury Notes and Bonds owing to foreign nations like Japan, China, Russia ect..
    🇺🇸 Trade Deficit, this is an annual total representing the gap between exports and imports. That total as February 1st 2022 is $1.1 trillion.
    🇺🇸 Nationals Living in Poverty totals 27 million which means that 8.2% of the population is living below the poverty line.
    🇺🇸42.1 million nationals are Living On Food Stamps which represents 13% of the US population.
    🇺🇸Unfunded Interest Debt, this represents interest owing on Treasury Notes and Bonds to foreign nations and interest accruing on the National Debt owed to the FEDERAL Reserve, which really is a private entity, set up to defraud the American people in 1913 23rd December by Congress. The total of the money owed is $87.4 trillion, a debt that they can never pay as we will see later down.
    🇺🇸Total Personal Debt $21.3 trillion which is represented by;
    (1) Mortgage Debt: $17.1 trillion
    (2) Student Loan Debt: $2 trillion
    (3) Credit Card Debt: $1 trillion

    🇺🇸 The US economy has brought great hardship on the citizenry through Financial Debt. Every $1 of wealth there is $2,735,57 of debt or for every $100 of wealth this $273,557.00 of debt.
    🇺🇸 Toxic money printing false economic system that has fooled the US citizens to think that the financial system is sound. Presently, there over $622 trillion in “Currency and Credit Derivatives “, which has increased from $89 trillion in 2000 and increased of 687%.

    🇺🇸 Top 1% wealth totaled $61.4 trillion and the Bottom 50% wealth totaled $4 trillion. A difference of $57.4 trillion, meaning that the bottom 50% 166.2 million divides $4 trillion at an average of $24,067. The Top 1% owns $61 trillion is divided between 33,250 persons at an average of $1.835 billion average per person.

    🇺🇸 Total US Debt
    1: National / Federal Debt $30 trillion
    2: Personal Debt $21.3 trillion
    3: Unfunded Interest Debt $86.4 trillion
    4: Treasury Notes & Bonds $8 trillion
    5: US Unfunded Liabilities $164 trillion
    Total US Debt: $309.7 trillion

    🇺🇸Total National Assets
    Small Business Assets $15.4 trillion
    Corporation Assets $18.8 trillion
    Household Assets $166.3 trillion
    Total National Assets $200.5 trillion

    Total National Assets $309.7 trillion
    Total National Debts $200.5 trillion
    Deficit $109.2 trillion

    This is showing how the US economy is financed, by debt, Debt to Assets 154.5% , this means that the economy is over heating excessively and will sometime completely disintegrate.
    What congress is doing as they did with the Subprime Mortgage Crisis is to “kick the pan” down the road for a future generation to handle, time has ran out and this matter is about to explode that will shatter not only the US economy but the World Financial System.
    That is why the WEF is calling for The Great Reset because they know it cannot continue like this. All the wealthy, affluent and rich will never let go of the US dollar reserve status as that will be there down fall but they are willing to institute changes like a cashless money system as the robber barons, in order to maintain their life style.
    There is no way to bring it back, the system of falsifying the balances by deceit and operating by fraud.

  11. Of course they do, they are all millionaires, bankruptcies mean opportunities for them, for the rest of the US citizen it means struggles. All politicians are responsible, the insurances companies makes believe that you are "entitled" you have rights, stupid people that believes all that expenditures doesn't have a cost, of course it has, do anybody spends more than what they earn??? Only stupid people does, we need a BASIC coverage, and for basic I don't mean the "basic" coverages of the industry, that's nothing, but we don't need meals and if you need meals, transportation and money you must be in a institution to get the help you need. We the 60+ doesn't have the right to be a burden for the new generations, because if we destroy the economy we will have not anything, nothing. And not only 60+, all that incapable people that depends on the state because they were too lazy to study, or have a profession, the women that have four or more kids that are struggling to maintain them, who the hell told you to have five or more kids? Is your decision so live with the consequences, we can help with housing, education and food, but NO MONEY. But the politicians make this a great business

  12. I ant to buy Texas in the bankruptcy hearing… kick everyone out and build a big ranch, and charge everyone to visit their old properties for a day… then charge them double to get out of the state, don't say I'm evil… I'm just a capitalist making my money on a capitalist economy

  13. Many conservatives aren't againest state bankruptcy. It is conservative ideology enforced by a bankruptcy court that doesn't give a dam about feelings, or catering to interests or ethnic groups or LGBT…..groups. Public spending is cut to survival levels. Taxes are not raised by bankruptcy courts, they don't have the power to do that. They appoint a controler and he or she goes through the
    expenditures cutting some so at least the creditors get something.

  14. California, Newyork, and Illinois should go under. They are carrying too jobless welfare cases, pubic pensions are too generous. Environmental laws in these states stop developing natural resources like shale oil in NY, and offshore oil in CA.
    Wokeness ended in Detroit when they got out of bankruptcy. They had to live within their budget. They learned, politics got better in Detroit. Today they are a lot easier to deal with. There is more compromise in Michigan's state legislature .

  15. the government screws up everything with their stupid bickering bs and laws, so why dont they just get fired / laid off like everyone else then we wont have to pay their expenses, problem solved. then those government A-holes will experience living in the hell they created.

  16. The best way to put the United States Federal Government on a sound fiscal foundation – where SURPLUS VALUE is available for infrastructure and real HUMAN needs – is to JUNK THE MILITARY , JUNK the PENTAGON WAR CRIMES MACHINE . Nuclear weapons made war obsolete many years ago. And of what use are modern tanks and nuclear submarines against " international terrorism " ? A United Nations Police Force should check that .

  17. You ARE BANKRUPT……your dollar has no surety…..it's FAKE. YOU are finished. China/Russia might take North America without even a fight! That's what you get for bullshitting and corrupting the whole world. May GOD MOST HIGH'S WRATH fall upon the "usa"

  18. Big Mistake! Biggest Mistake by Biden! Biden gifted Taliban, Afganistan with Modern Ammunition, Tanks, Fighter Jets, Fighter Helicopters Drones to attacj all world. Full threat to World due to Wrong Decision of Biden!

  19. Those who think we are not already bankrupt, think about the excess printing of money, borrowing in which you cannot ever pay off, and never reducing spending. All that masks bankruptcy. Our government has failed us. And there’s those who keep voting the same cronies that put us in this place.

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