Why Do These Televangelists Need Expensive Jets?


You’ve seen them on TV, popular televangelists who preach the gospel to millions around the world. You may be surprised that these men of God are living a lifestyle few could imagine. Jesse Duplantis and Kenneth Copeland drive fancy cars and live in lavish mansions. They also fly in private jets. It’s impossible to know exactly how much money these ministries take in each year because they are not required to make financial disclosures of donations they receive and all of it is tax exempt. #InsideEdition



  1. INSIDER EDITION when it comes to drug lords you don't question how many jets and how much they cost and trips they make, but when it is God's people then there is a problem. Who do you think INSIDER EDITION is using You… DEFINITELY THE DEVIL

  2. None of these guys "MAKE" their money — they SCAM old people out of their money

    Now you know how Trump got elected — PROMISE EVERYTHING, GIVE NOTHING, and CASH THE CHECKS – TAX FREE — Hell is waiting 👺👺👺👺👺👺

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