Why Farmers Are Destroying Millions Of Pounds Of Food


The coronavirus has massively disrupted the food supply chain. Before the crisis, over half of Americans’ food dollars was spent outside the home, at restaurants and other food service locations Many famers who sold produce to restaurants have now found themselves without a market for their crops, as the food-service industry has largely shuttered.

While farmers would like to sell their excess produce to grocery outlets or donate it to food banks, they’re up against an inflexible supply chain that is specialized for the end customer. Longstanding contracts between farmers, restaurants, schools and grocery stores determine how the crops will be packaged and processed. So it’s just not easy to find new markets and set up new distribution channels. 

All this means that mounds of fresh produce are being destroyed or left to rot in the fields. And while the White House announced a $19 billion farm relief package in April, many farmers worry that it won’t be enough.

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Why Farmers Are Destroying Their Crops



  1. Liberals love their boutique restaurants – they all want to be chefs you know. But it is more than just the American made corona virus that caused farmers to destroy their crops. It was a measure taken by the USDA to destroy the US farmer. The shift has been pushed to the Ukraine to grow EVERYTHING. Monsanto has big dividends riding on this. And Bill Gates counts on this.

  2. And while they say there is no food shortages but then they sa will g m o's be the cure to our food shortages lolololol such lies They say one thing and then turn around and say another. This is why I do not believe nothing anyone says anymore

  3. and this is c n b c wow I would not believe Anything that they say Now I know. This was all paid for by the united states government Created by the democrats. Oh wow I said democrats and devil popped up instead Might be true but for both sides

  4. Good close all the I'm d*** dusty old restaurants There thieves anyways Especially when they pay their waitresses $2 They do not have my support at all. I do not go out to eat I do not go to no fast food restaurants They destroy America's economy. Especially with their services Creating an underground garden With solar panels How long will we allow the government to do what they're doing when we have the power to vote them out Or to challenge Their authority.

  5. We can't grow our own crops they destroyed that too. Especially when they're genetically engineering crops to produce no seeds The government lies to you. They've been lying for so long. Even if they were to tell the truth how would I know? Why? Would I want to believe them anyways? It will take a lot Of efforts to bring the american people back to the government They hide all their information they hide everything from you. But you're the one paying your taxes shouldn't you be entitled to know what Is going on with your tax money? Why are all these other cities prospering more than michigan Even though they Have the same tax brackets? Why are they pulling people over left and right? But when somebody litters it's a $1000 fine but they write no tickets they could generate more revenue from citing people with littering tickets I mean Look how many people liter There are allowing Americans to destroy America because You don't go against the government unless you want to be killed But I don't really can't do anything worse to me than what there already doing Because no matter how much I endure they can't hurt me. There's only one person that can hurt me and they are not it? one day they all will die just like everyone else Good luck on your journey. I will make mine will you make make yours And those are the two smallest Problems As soon as you have a problem with what they're doing somehow there's? A pandemic or aliens. Or what else can you make up to take our mind away from? What's really going on? They're making people so ignorant and Blind and what's really going on?

  6. If the government was for its people they would have their people depending on others 🤷 the more you depend on government the more control they have over you more self-sufficient you are less need for government

  7. Sometimes I wonder what the world would have looked like without innovations like this😊, my advice for everyone, both in the agricultural industry and elsewhere, is to evolve with the world in others so as not to to be left behind

  8. I much rather live in a society that produces too much food than one that produces too little.

    And it you think the US government can fix this well you should see how the US government "fixed" democracy in the middle east….

  9. In South Florida where I am, over the last 3 years, according to the Palm Beach Post, around 2,500 Manatees died in 2021 in S.FL and about 1,500 manatees died this year because of loss of seaweed to eat, but Manatees will eat Romaine Lettuce and probably any other green leafy vegetables like Spinach, or Kale etc. Truckloads of this could be brought in here to feed the Manatees, not to mention the poor human beings who would love to have these greens to eat and make Salad, Sandwiches, etc..

  10. Everyone in here should type in on YouTube search: "Millions of pounds of potatoes bulldozed and buried in Idaho farm…" It's a related story. They could have made them into Dehydrated Potato flakes, for Box Mashed Potatoes or Potato chips, etc.. It's a crime against GOD to let good food go to waste! Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago said "…Gather up the fragments (leftover food) that nothing be lost…" After feeding 5,000 and 4,000 on different occasions! His Words are still true Today! Don't waste edible FOOD with hunger around the world and starvation even.

  11. It is criminal that the US has been paying farmers to either destroy or not grow crops since 1935, when the communist FDR passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act. It isn't like farmers nowadays are poor, they are probably the richest welfare queens in America.
    With advanced technology food prices should be going down, not up, but the government would run out of sand in a desert.

  12. That is the America. On " California "" people got in trouble for going and give food to the homeless. Its oak to be homeless. But is not okay if you live in a car or RV… Bill Gates has the chemical labs. ..

  13. This is the true united States. Reap what soen.. sad and appoling. While are own crops are ruined.. we don't need a American government. Where better off eatting tree bark

  14. There's a war going on and nobody wants to admit it the war is between Latinos and white Americans and the only ones who are fighting are the Latinos and they're winning they are destroying our country and we are f**** helping them


  16. democrats are control freaks who couldn't care less.
    over 4 billion babies dismembered, murdered in their own mothers wombs in the last 47 years alone.
    the atheist Marxist democratic socialist are the ones pushing this genocide All over the planet.
    in America it's the democrat party.
    if they murdered this many babies, killing billions of people means nothing to atheist.
    atheist Marxist democratic socialist,the democrats.

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