Why It Matters That US Cuba Relations Are Tense Again and How It Happened…


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#DeFranco #Cuba #Embargo



  1. Cuba is far more democratic than the U.S. If the blockade was lifted and Cuba was able to thrive all of the Cuban people would be lifted up! Everyone in Cuba already has access to quality healthcare and education guaranteed for life. There are no homeless people in Cuba. The U.S. needs to stop waging economic war on Cuba!

  2. Yeah, the military industrial complex referred to in President Eisenhower’s famous farewell speech needs political enemies like Castro to warrant our continued spending on defense contracts. No enemies … No contracts

  3. you are no longer allow to bring anything from cuba tabaco or alcohol. only the senate can lift embargo jfk was rumored to lift embargo but we know what happen with that ..

  4. I traveled to Cuba in March 2013 and it was the best experience I’ve ever had. I went with a small group of students from my study abroad program on a field study. The people were the most welcoming and friendly. They couldn’t believe we were Americans in their country. They had never met an American before. I would go back tomorrow if I could

  5. I’m CUBAN and that policy of the United States it’s bullshit trump visits North Korea to start a relationship with them which btw their communism Is a lot worst than Cuba but with us they keep the oppression hypocrites also to add at every UN convention Cuba always wins against the embargo by huge margins

  6. I visited Cuba in March '19. Beautiful country, but very very poor. No resources so they use what they have to generate income. Art is everywhere because art can be made from anything. It was quite evident that we were in a communist country, the tour guide selected his words carefully and the driver seemed to monitor everything he said. The guide was an educated in Psychology, but told me that when he was "invited by the government" to become a tour guide he jumped at the chance because he knew he then could make in one day (from tips, etc.) What he'd been making in a month prior. I could go on and on but here are my major takeaways: Certain "levels" of people have what they need the average citizen can't even get toilet paper. Restaurants and cafes are everywhere but it's nearly impossible to order much of what's on the menu because the owners can't get the supplies/ ingredients to make much. Tours will only take you on specific "tour routes" to shield you (the tourist) from certain views/ realities. (Though if you really look you'll see…) I have pictures and a contact if you're interested. I know im late to post but I'm just discovering your blog! Im so glad I had the opportunity to go to Cuba on a "people to people" visa, it was a very unique experience, but heartbreaking as well. Be well!

  7. failing to mention the US missile sites in both Turkey and Italy during the missile crisis fits in nicely with historically poor reporting on the US role in the crisis. Also a bit mad for the US to lecture anyone on human rights abuses

  8. The Trump administration initiated the decay of productive policy regarding Cuba well before Venezuela entered the radar. They were merely dismantling hard won positive change for the sake of repealing Obama era policies (go figure). Venezuela just provided them with a good cover when it finally reached the front pages. I completely agree that empowering Cuban citizens to have a more solid foundation from which to enact change is a FAR more productive policy than fighting fire with fire.

  9. I firmly believe that if we send them all of our right wing fundamentalists as well as all of our left wing extremists… Every Cuban would commit suicide actually. That's just mean actually. I just want any excuse to get rid of these people before they destroy the US.

  10. Hey thank you so much for doing this story. I am first generation Cuban immigrant and wow it feels so good to hear our story discussed. I haven't ever been able to go because my grandfather was a prominent anti-Castro organizer. My family would not be safe going and I may never be able to, despite feeling very connected to the culture, growing up in Miami. So thank you.

  11. Why aren't you talking about the frequency weapons used on innocent US and Canadian embassy staff? Some of these people have been permanently damaged. The Cuban government is a murderous organization that only cares about themselves. You really whitewashed how filthy they are.

  12. well i have a solution, invade Cuba and make it a US state, there you go, people living there can choose to keep living in a shit hole or join the US to have some improvement. just random thought that i think might be a good idea.

  13. What we are doing in Cuba isn't working. We need to trade more with them. It benefits both sides and fosters better relationships between countries. Maybe one day we could even offer for them to become a state.

  14. It’s clear to me that anyone who claims to be socialist/communist/Marxist in the western world has never visited Cuba (or likely Venezuela). I stayed for two weeks after I graduated high school as a gift from my parents, and the people were nice (all nicer when I started speaking Spanish lol, even if it’s not 100% accurate to the Castilian variation) but clearly miserable. People talked openly about how much they hated the government and the way of politics. And there was much poverty. So much. It was so sad.

  15. John Bolton is a war criminal and needs to be locked up in jail.

    Edit: Well, let’s be real, the whole administration needs to be locked up for war crimes.

    I guess the American people are okay with us to already have spent trillions and keep spending trillions on wars to kill innocent people around the world.

    Yet flint Michigan is still having water problems and now even more states are having water problems. Lol our government is a joke. But hey at least billionaires got a massive tax cut thanks to trump, man I’m reallllly feeling those trickle down economics now!

  16. One thing that people miss is that the before Castro's revolution there was many American businesses supported by an American supported corrupt dictatorship which took advantage of the Cuban people. This is what led to Castro's revolution, as communist revolutions don't gain traction unless there is enormous economic problems. After Castro seized power he was immensely popular with the Cuban population after he exiled all of the extremely rich business owners who I mentioned before. The American government did not want Castro in charge of Cuba, so they gathered the Cuban exiles, armed them, gave them CIA military training and gave them passage to Cuba. Both the exiles and the American government believed that Castro's communist government would be abhorred and that the people would rally around the returned exiles. Instead the event known as the "bay of pigs" occurred, where the people supported Castro and the exiles were defeated. As a result of this incident Castro was very wary of further American intervention and turned to the USSR for support.

  17. hey uhhhh i was born in Cuba and i kinda wanna go back to see my family. would be really cool if i could do that also Cuba not only known for cigars they also got some sick ass coffee

  18. With regard to Cuban cigars:
    If you live in Europe (or anywhere outside the USA probably) you can get your hands on genuine Cuban cigars relatively easily, although having tried them, I wouldn't say that they are so good that Americans should be worried about missing out. After the revolution a lot (if not most) cigar makers and tobaco growers moved to other countries and they took their expertise and seeds with them.

  19. Here's something I don't remember getting a lot of press, but (in my opinion) an important action by the Obama administration regarding Cuban citizens. In January of 2017 (weeks before Obama left office) Obama announced an end to the 20-year-old "wet foot, dry foot" policy that allowed most Cuban migrants who reach U.S. soil to stay and become legal permanent residents after one year. I remember finding it unnerving that his administration would open up relations with the Cuban government, and before the Cuban people experience any meaningful improvement in their quality of life (or lack thereof), Obama decided to end the decades old policy designed to protect the Cuban citizens fleeing a dictatorial regime. Just wanted to add this bit of information to the conversation. It didn't make the headlines, however it was reported. Curious what others think. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/01/12/obama-ends-wet-foot-dry-foot-policy-cubans/96505172/

  20. sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup

  21. This guy literally spreads fake news constantly. You morons are literally helping to give this guy money for false information. Its like he rounded up all the biggest dummies on youtube and collected them all in one place.

  22. Yeah I think President Trumps stance on Cuba is very stupid. You can't change countries by applying economic sanctions in our global economy, it just doesn't work as those in power just hold onto it even harder. Instead we need to open economic ties with them and grow their tourism industry, that along would radically change their country and eventually result in social pressure from a new middle class. Countries can't be instantly changed, it typically takes a generation or two for any real social change to happen.

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