Why Millennials Are Leaving Six-Figure Tech Jobs


Tech jobs are known to have some of the most lavish benefits and perks, not to mention some of the highest salaries in the country. Still, that is not enough to keep some millennials from quitting. CNBC Make It spoke to several people who left their lucrative tech jobs to find out why they did it and what they are doing now.

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Why Millennials Are Leaving Six-Figure Tech Jobs



  1. How about everyone else who can’t quit and go on to start their own companies? I don’t want to start my own company, I want a reasonable work environment that doesn’t exploit the employees, that’s it

  2. I'm under its spell. I read a book with similar content, and I was completely captivated. "Reclaiming Connection: The Journey of a Digital Detox" by Joshua Ember

  3. Once you can make a certain amount of money, money is no longer a motivating factor. Many people who leave 6-figure jobs go to other jobs that still pay good money because they have skills, if not similar. As far as burnout goes, people in every industry encounter burnout; it's not isolated to tech. At least tech workers get paid well, got plenty of minimum wage workers who get burned out and they don't have the luxury of just quitting.

  4. This content is a masterwork. A book with similar material revolutionized my life. "A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age" by Theodore Blaze

  5. I am 30+ millenial and never got a six figure salary. I can't understand how people can easily withdraw from such carreer, but I guess it depends on a country where you were born and your luck

  6. Hahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahha,jus2funy…

  7. To all you young people, college does not prepare you for the tech world. So get your degree, pinch and save, then as soon as you graduate, get your certs, Network, SQL, whatever. You will be par above the rest. Yes you will work 60 hours a week in the beginning but look at it as education and investment. Experience is most expensive of all education. After 3 years, LEAVE, go to a better place with a better balance, but you will still need to be spending 20 to 30 hours a month on your own keeping up with the field. It never stops changing.

  8. "FREE teambuilding in Hawai" is so confusing to me. What do they mean "free"? That they are not planning to pay me?

    Every hour on both comute and on the island itself should be paid up to 40 hours a week, anything above it should be paid 200% per hour. Then of course, if it is not one day trip, then night between 22 till 6 should be paid as night overtime, so 300%. Plus compensation as contract doesn't state Hawai as my place of work. Plus extra 200% an hour (for total of 400 / 500%) as risk pay, since sun in tropes is dangerous.

    Also, socialising is not in my contract, and as i hate it, so i do want huge one time bonus.

    See? Your so called "benefit" is extreme punishment in my eyes, and you expect me to be grateful for it?

  9. except for my pay being less I spent decades in the big frame and the emerging online computer technology when I retired in 2003,
    and from that experience I can tell most of the people interviewed here just did not come from a culture that made the pressure like that acceptable.
    I still remember a popular poster from that time showing a couple waking to a phone in bed…title of poster computer interruptis…life of on call then and NOT FUNNY
    the pressure of the time had different forms then but was still the same pressure! I'm not impressed by the reason these folks quit

  10. To those who are struggling with work life balance and the burnout, the first priority should be your mental health and your family. I've oblivious to how badly burntout I was throughout the COVID and it costed me a marriage. Don't make the same mistake I made. The company you work for nor the job title they give you do not define who you are.

  11. Been in IT now for 24 years.. To all the young people, do something else, i make 6 figures, but work an average of 60 hour work weeks, i have no weekends, no night, even finding time to mow my lawn is a stretch. These big companies offer perks to make things look good, the perks are useful for your spouse and kids, but you'll never have the time to use them yourself if you're successful. The harder you work, the more you make to a point, eventually you'll burn out, then it's off to the next job, and that's the cycle.

    Inflation = 150k or walk
    60hr at 150k is really 96k a year when you take into consideration your hourly rate vs hours worked.
    perks don't = money, a gym doesn't put a roof over your head..

    honestly if you're young, do anything else..

    Or!?! Start a Union!!!

  12. The unspoken here is that Big Tech are using psychology to coerce you. If before your boss would shout at you now they are a bit more Machiavellian. Eventually you realize that, anything is made up pump you up make you feel you are the best so that you complain less. They play with your ego, they want you to identify with the job you do so that doing less hits on your self esteem in a toxic way. They are really cult tactics.

  13. i dunno man, i feel like this is just plain whining. millions of people put in crazy hours for far less pay, terrible conditions and no perks – with no chance of paid time off!

  14. This hits harder when you’ve been a contingent worker for almost two years. There’s no innovation it’s all greed. We have phones we have less labor. They need to stop.

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