Why the Liberals didn’t tell Conservatives they were being targeted by the CCP


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On a recent Rebel News livestream, Sheila Gunn Reid discussed testimony by MP Michael Chong to the foreign interference inquiry. The Conservative rep stated he had no idea he was being targeted by the Chinese Communist Party for his comments on the Chinese government’s crimes against Uyghur Muslims.

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  1. They aren’t targeted lol! They are bought and sold! That’s why we need a new, non bribable system of government controlled only by Average Canadians! No elites allowed!

  2. Your assuming the CCP was doing this on their own, and helping the Liberals out of the 'kindness' of their black hearts. Did you ever think it was the Liberals WHOM approached the CCP to do this for them! Liberals likely paid the CCP to do all this attacks on the Liberals behalf.

  3. It is nothing more than what we have come to expect from the Trudeau Liberals. Their whole reign has been one of scandals based on the withholding of information. They HAVE TO GO !!!!

  4. Noticed thiss channel changes its presenters every once in a while, was wondering if they were on a rotating schedule or maybe if they were the popular ones people liked.
    Ie:noticed views go up for person A, so person A gets more time on these types of "shows"?

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