Lockheed Martin is the top grossing defense firm in the world and its biggest customer is the U.S. government. In 2018 alone, the government awarded Lockheed Martin with $37.7 billion in contracts. Here’s why Lockheed Martin is the defense darling of the U.S. government.
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Why The U.S. Government Pays Lockheed Martin Billions
They pai them so much because its the best company of the world and they provide so the US Dollar and the world stay save
Before discussing this priority should be given the fact that 95 percent of lockheed employees are probably patriots who are honestly doing their best for the country and they are brilliant at it. But as we've seen, a nation can't skunk-works away all of the most high-tech defense RandD. It is actually an existential risk to global stability and the freedom of our country. We need a lot of disparate organizations solving the coming challenges, not some 100 year old companies with who knows how much money to play with. Spread the wealth around and just watch what happens. Never forget… who you serve…
pause video they spend that much to fuel there endless wars on everyone. Saved u a lot of time and lies your welcome
😢This money won't easily change hand. That does mean we need conflicts to justify that spending of money. That's why we have so many conflicts that are simple to resolve that degenerate into nation v.s. nation. We need to stop the madness !!!
If our representatives weren’t complicit in arms industry price gouging we’d be in a lot better shape alone. Then they brainwash the population into think making any fair concessions instead of war is somehow getting our lunch stolen.. we don’t have to bully everyone because we think we can, just to increase our elite businesses and investors global market share.
Because my simulation self (alone) designed a multi jet.
Too keep this companies building new toys, they create Wars around the world to have excuses for the money expended on these companies . This planes not just cost $ millions, also cost 100s of thousands of lives.
They have access to technology that would literally do away with the idea of scarcity. Instead they weaponize it.
Billions of taxpayer dollars funding jets and we can't even feed and house our neighbors. REAL COOL AMERICA!
Lock ray boe
I deployed to Iraq while others in my company deployed to Afghanistan. I'm going to tell you something. All the news and the government is lying about what we were doing in both countries. One of the reasons we went was to get a bunch of biblical artifacts and find certain tombs. For instance the tomb of Gilgamesh. Things are definitely not what they seem and what we have been told. Jesus is coming back soon and Satan and his minions are going to try to stop him. Why do you think military spending is so high? If you want to be saved all you have to do is believe in Christ. It doesn't matter how much "works" you do or don't do. It's simple to be saved!
The security state, corporations, Media 🫱🏿🫲🏾🫱🏿🫲🏾🫱🏿🫲🏾 all in bed together. No surprise✍🏿.
Keep lobbying for war and pay those politicians! Good job! ♥️
"Universal healthcare would be too expensive "
increase foreign selling of lower end fighters like the f- 15
Meanwhile some of us get threatened and left with nothing.
We have to study Power of Latin in Ancient Rome. Apostle Paul gave the most powerful message demonstrated in Rome while he was persecuted and put to the test for even being a Roman Citizen who believed in Christ. He bore the mark of an Apostle who suffered for Christ. He was whipped with stripes and punished for his Faith.
Will we have a country if this continues?
What is the American Creed?
I have the bible's creed of Faith.
Isaiah 59:19
So shall they fear (worship the Lord)
The name of the Lord from the west,
And His glory from the rising of the sun;
When the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a barrier against him.
The name Martin means “Dedicated to Mars” and also means “warlike”
Does the Bible open up the Lock?
There is a paradox of keys and locks.
What is locked is opened , and what is opened is locked….
Is Lockheed an actual surname or just a phrase?
Loughead and Lockheed Both Allan and Malcolm Lockheed legally changed their name from the original spelling of "Loughead" to the current spelling of "Lockheed." They also changed the name of the company from "Loughead" to "Lockheed" at the same time.
The name Allan means Rock which is Christ our Rock of Salvation. It can mean, “Chosen of God or Nazarite.”
Malcolm is the anglicized form of the Scottish-Gaelic "Máel Coluim" which was a given name created in honor of St. Columba, a very famous and important saint to the Scots. "Máel" means "devotee of" and "Coluim" is the Scottish spelling of Columba (which is a Latin name meaning "dove")
What a waste of money!!! Foundations of Precious Metals, Gems, hay, grass, straw, stubble is a waste of time and money even in medical expenses. Wars that arise from this is a waste of time….
у нас ВПК сжирает намного больше и не ясно что получают налогоплательщики
Too much cost for tax payer under military industrial complex. When they are the private company controls u.s. military safety and making major profit and powerful for themselves not the u.s. itself. No wonder we are in major debts in u.s.
The Higher ups must be making BANK.
My dad work for Lockheed Martin for 38 yrs. And I'm so proud if him.Guillermo Vivzs (Memo)
Aliens. Lol
🙁 stop the war.
Excellent video. This isn’t discussed enough. Ever wonder why America seams to always be at war?? It’s not by accident.
The lucky man Mr Keneth Conesta Presedent of Lockheed become a multi millionaire right after this deal
Yes only Lockheed Martin
Other countries don't 😒😒😒
Militari$m mean moneti$m. Profits before peace and the saving of lives.
So cool bomb plane sounds good for jihad could us present it to a whear house
The government has to own Lockheed and there just getting the money back. They’ve worked with them way to long for way to much money.
Straight up propaganda right here.
I love and respect Lockheed Martin USA depends on Lockheed Martin I believe it strongly
This the reason why America is now the greatest imperialist in the world. We are glad the American empire is crumbling soon with less than few decades of history.
hey mbs im mj nice to meet you 😅
I need a job at Lockheed Martin!!!
Guns are creeper than medicine and education in USA.
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