The Wall Street Journal reports that under their investigation federal prosecutors “are examining Giuliani’s business dealings in Ukraine, including his finances, meetings and work for a city mayor there, according to people familiar with the matter. Investigators also have examined Mr. Giuliani’s bank records.” Aired on 10/14/19.
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WSJ: Federal Prosecutors Scrutinize Giuliani’s Ukraine Business Dealings Finances | Hardball | MSNBC
Giuliani = Nosferatu
Guliani he is the modern day Rudy Columbus, give the man a fillet mingnonnnnnnn….!
If TRUMP calls someone a good man then you know he is a criminal. That is the only types that run with Trump!!!
We know what you did last summer, Rudy.
More fake news… as usual.
Hannity – Pass out the kool-aid, much? 😨😞😟😱
Yes Juliani is as Honorable as Trump.??????
um trump never attempted to "turn on" the Ukraine. but i am sure you spent your every waking moment feeding them that narrative while there. are confused with creepy Joe and his master Obama. he bragged about what he did, to anyone with ears. as usual, MS13NBC , praying on the dumbest of the dumb.
accuse your accuser. that deminicrat trick is getting old and way overused.
Rudy should probably sell those gaudy pinky rings. He’s gonna need a well heeled attorney. To dented him.
The only thing Giuliani is LEGENDARY at is CRIMINAL ACTS!!!
Gansters and Thugs with the UNPRESIDENTIAL President Donald Trump leading the way!!! Send them ALL to JAIL!!!
"TRUTH ISN'T TRUTH!!!!!" – a real quote from Rudy Giuliani
Michael Cohen playbook here. He was the greater lawyer until….
Wait and 👀.
ARE YOU CLUELESS? You never expected the "snake" to bite Giuliani? As far as Trump seeking foreign aid to insure victory, you seriously believe he needs it? Excellent economy, taxes down, unemployment down, immigration issues handled (as much as he could do it alone), military stronger and getting back home. Democrats refusing to work for the country (almost 3 years.) I'm told Democrat House of Representatives promised to work with this President. THEY LIED !!
I can't trust Michelle Goldbergs reporting after the Jordan Peterson debates
Rudy and his boss Donald are in big trouble with the American people, no one is above the law and justice will prevail
As Wayne Barrett called it , the association between Trump and Giuliani was both deep and disturbing.
Just think that's a lot of years.
What G was doing in Ukraine was ultimately working on 2020 campaign. By getting the so called "dirt" on Biden that T could use to discredit Biden in the campaign, that would be of a great influence on the American Voter.
My point is that Mr G has stated, on many occasions, that he is working for the pres Pro Bono. Here's the catch… is against the law and, if I am remembering correctly, an impeachable offense, for a lawyer to work Pro Bono on a presidential campaign. That's a big deal that has only been spoken of in just a few news outlets. Makes me go hmmmmm
All of this started from a perfect phone call right?
Ukraine is afraid of being left alone. Well, I think it has been proven that the USA would never abandon an ally. Never!
The end of that video lol. Yes they do.
Trump and those who are helping him establish a lawless America; Barr, Pompeo, Miller, and Mitch. You will be remembered and used as perfect examples in schools, the most corrupt spineless aides to a racist corrupt president.
Is Alksne a Estonia name ? ? …………………
So as Cohen! He was once a great lawyer, who could be trusted! Just in case we have forgotten…..
Trump's last Attorney is locked up, Giuliani's going to get locked up, go for 3? 3 strikes and you'rrrrrrrrrrre OUT!!!
Although he loves calling other people crooked, I'm reminded of something one of Lord Mountbatten's friends said in describing him,. Trump is the embodiment of that quote saying that he "was so crooked he could eat a nail and sh*t a corkscrew."
Rudy got the dirt
Dems freaking out
"America's Mayor"…..HAH!!!…More Like America's Traitor.
If a man whose told nearly 15000 lies as POTUS, and whose running one of the most corrupt US govts in history, says someone is an "honorable man," that means he's a total crook. Giuliani was always a jerk, he did things bordering on ethical while mayor of NYC. If 9/11 hadn't happened – ie, if the Dubya WH had taken the Clinton WH's warnings seriously – Giuliani wld be known as just another former, irascible, megalomaniac, big city mayor. Who ever Giuliani was as a prosecutor's, he's now using that experience to help Spanky circumvent the law. PresPAB prob promised him a good slice of the Moscow Tower deal, i wonder if Rudy'll get any where near what Spanky promised him.
These guys are making their way to power through lies, with the support of the impartiality of the mass media consecrated to massive social corruption 😉
Trump says "Giuliani is a great man….i cant throw him under the bus, cause he has a bigger bus for me…."
Looks for corruption….AND GETS DEEPLY INVOLVED IN IT!
Rudy is a demented gnat.
trump now has MORE blood on his hands, he knew people would DIE when he pulled them out for his PERSONAL POLITICO GAIN!
Karma Karma Karma Trump
How on Earth could you only talk about a valid investigation to the 2016 election that was goin on as part of a request from AG Barr who because of his duties has to communicate and work with those countries for his investigation, the way you do and not even mention the Biden threatening the Ukraine on camera and working with corrupt corporations truthfully?
The socialist dem's, H. Clinton, Obama, Strok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Brennan, Russian spies and corporations and even people in the DOJ had a "insurance policy" to overthrow Trump as soon as he was elected president. Remember? Oh, right, the Corrupt News Network.
Oh Sweet Irony !!!
The Lock Her Up Party…..has gotten and is going to get locked up !!!
Great guy and wonderful lawyer. That's what he said basically about Cohen. So Rudy you ended up with a load of more money than Hunter Biden
you hypocrite !!!
Picture Rudy joining all those Sopranos he sent to Rikers! Hummm.
"He's a man that looks for corruption"……LOL
Guiliani threatened to throw T under the bus so T is standing by him.
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