Xinjiang police files reveal details of Uyghur internment in China | USA TODAY


Beijing’s incarceration of ethnic minorities is creating a slow-motion genocide, experts say. An exclusive new report offers a look inside.

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The Chinese government views the Uyghurs as a threat in part because some have sought greater autonomy or even a separate state. Officials have portrayed detention centers as “vocational education and training centers” – benevolent, state-run schools designed to help stamp out extremism. Zenz and others say they are internment facilities, designed to stamp out Uyghur identity and culture.

The photos, databases and other information in the files paint a picture of China’s detention and internment of the Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities – one that sharply contradicts the Communist Party’s official line.

Photos show guards standing over detainees, holding heavy wooden batons. Riot teams enter a barred cell, automatic rifles raised and ready. Other detainees are marched, some in handcuffs and shackles.

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  1. Lying with just a few blurry pictures, not even a video. If you really want to know the facts, then please come to Xinjiang, China to see how the Uyghur lives

  2. think of these guys like the american indians before the USA fully became a world power. china needs to do the same and unite its peoples and make sure everyone has the same standard of literacy, etc.

  3. Weird how everything works out to be the fault of the west or the US even though the camps are a CCP initiative. The US can put some pressure on China but considering existing tensions already we also need to be careful.

  4. Why aren't the Muslim brotherhood stand up help out their fellow men. Why are they being silent and shaking hand with the oppressor that is enslaving their people?🤷‍♂

  5. A genocide could happen in the 21 century?? Actually, I think a reverse genocide is happening right now in Xinjiang. As for the US, no consequences of international sanction or intervention whatsoever when they were the ones who hated and killed the most Muslims… very interesting, now suddenly they're so "concerned"…lol

  6. Uyghurs are called Talanqi people by our Mongols. At the beginning of the Jungar Khanate, these people had no personal freedom. The Uyghurs were only in the Kashgar area at first, and the Uyghurs in other places were almost all forced to migrate by the Mongolian rulers. In the past, those who cultivated the land for the ruler! ! They were slaves back then, a miserable people!!

  7. There are 30 million smartphones with cameras in Xinjiang China. Why can't we see real photos or videos of genocide? Xinjiang is also visited by millions of travelers every year, how are the CCP able to hide all these concentration camps used to housed the millions of Uyghurs? Why are most of the police officers in Xinjiang Uyghurs? Why are all the street signs, shop signs in Uyghur and Chinese? Why is our government not sharing real evidence of genocide with the rest of the world?

  8. 🚨Xinjiang is not the CCP's Territory, but Xinjiang is the Country of the Uighur Nation. It is necessary to respect the independence of the Xinjiang State of the Uighurs, to prevent the CCP's imprisonment and gradual killing of the Uighurs. The yellow-skinned CCP has a flat nose, imprisoned, annihilated, secretly killed the 'high-nosed white Uighurs' right on the 'Country of the Uighurs left by the Ancestors'. UN, US, EU, Japan, UK, Australia… quickly forced the CCP to return the Xinjiang Country to the UIGHURS Ethnicity. The Uighur people must expel the invading CCP from the Country of Xinjiang. 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇯🇵🇬🇧🇦🇺🇨🇦🇮🇳

  9. Why are people in the West so naive and gullible, and so idiotic to absorb everything the western media falsely reports?Don't these western folks have a brain of their own to decipher and filter out the fraudulent stories made up by their media and politicians? Maybe eventually these western people will catch up, via evolution?

  10. Here's a question – why mainstream media is so obsessed in digging into the oppressed ppl in xinjiang than the millions of ppl actually dying in Yemen because of US, UK and Saudi Arabia?

  11. Fake Chinese's police ! check Chinese police dress code even shoe's. Chinese police don't wear black sports shoe and Chinese soldiers don't wear as WWII German soldiers helmet .

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