As U.S.-Taiwan Trade Strengthens, Tensions With China Complicates Business | WSJ


Many made-in-China goods are now produced in Taiwan, creating an export boom to the U.S. as tensions rise between Washington and Beijing. WSJ visits a Taiwanese factory to see how geopolitics are complicating the business environment. Photo composite: Sharon Shi

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  1. taiwan products and services are not cheap and not of the better qualities, this deal is only pushing americans to buy more expensive goods.
    this is as good as sanctions to many cheap suppliers, americans will be paying higher costs. A very stupid move.

  2. I’m of <the opinion that those who leave it to market dynamics to determine when to trade or not are either new to the Market or are probably just naïve. The market has seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders are taking advantage of the dip and pumping even more towards trading sessions. My advice to new investors: More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 8 BTC when I started at 1.7 BTC in just few weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from expert Kennedy Williams For crypto related issues.

  3. So basically what They’re saying is if the U.S can get Taiwan on their side they no longer need China and China is saying no Taiwan is apart of China. It seems like the U.S is trying to Divide and Conquer. Someone please explain???

  4. Taiwan and south korea is perfect examples of what people could achieve without oppresive egoistic slavery system.Since Lithuania been opresed for past 100 years we know that we rather die than be abused and not fight back.Because we will regret it when we die either way

  5. Why not evaluate setting up operations in India? With the higher salaries in China and Taiwan, this would make sense. Or there are other options in south east Asia like Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia etc.

  6. Lol *this move has angered Beijing*, then cuts to *Taiwan is part of China*… yeah that sounds very angry indeed… can you guys try any harder? If you haven't notice, lately your trust ratings have been dropping 🤦‍♂️

  7. Bagaimanapun sifat indonesia tetap pro kepada china ketimbang kepada china walaupun didukung amerika serikat tetapi kalau indonesia melihat taiwan menyerang china indonesia bilang terima kasih. Karena dalam berperang taiwan sangat baik, tapi dalam berpolitik sangat kotor. Hal inilah yang tidak disukai oleh indonesia. Yang tentu saja chinapun demikian. Jadi apabila amerika serikat menyuruh taiwan berperang melawan china saya sambut. Untuk program proyek bantuan kemanusian ketaiwan, sebaiknya ke philipina untuk mencegat pulau pulau yang telah diklaim china supaya dimusnahkan. Itu yang perlu sebagai saya komander indo pasifik.

  8. China want to isolate Taiwan diplomatically, politically and economically . US -Taiwan strengthen trade relationship is making the goal hard to achieve. 🥳

  9. If US is afraid of conflict, then it should just get out of the way. Talking about peace won’t bring you permanent peace especially it is so much easier for the communists to infiltrate democratic countries and steal trade secrets and passing out fake news than the other way around simply because the communists are controlling the flow of information. In the end, my prediction is as long as the communists continue to undermine democratic countries pretty much consistently, while most of the democratic countries prefer appeasement, the communists will succeed eventually.

  10. IDK why I'm watching WSJ. WSJ is known for anti-china propaganda for years. It's funny how companies don't have any second thoughts moving back to US once they leave China. Why is that? Instead of blaming other, US should look itself in the mirror and ask themselves what can I improve WITHIN the country not OUTSIDE the country!

  11. US is using Taiwan as a chip against China. US get rich from selling obsolete weapons at ridiculous price to Taiwan for greed. Warmongering to maintain hegemony is an US specialty under the free banner.

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