India’s consumer inflation was 6.7% last month and the month before it was 7% which reflects that inflation appears to be cooling down. The Reserve Bank of India states that it may have peaked in April already, if so, the worst is behind us.
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The recent trend of consumer inflation in India, with a decrease from 7% to 6.7% in the last month, suggests a cooling down of inflation. The statement from the Reserve Bank of India indicating that inflation may have already peaked in April suggests that the worst may be behind us.
So because are you starting be a more criminal's and pedophil's ° than GOD will stop on this planet all money what is existing = global because this ideas do you becomes of GOD'S correct not someone like is Elon Musk acting. And because I'm sent here god's and they're show for you something of another's planet's and system's- than no mobiles no internet no payment online no bank existing…. Nothing what was learning you god's will not existing … Do you will living like before in a time when you are was ugly monkey's..
Are you getting who Elon Musk and his big team of Al Kaida!!!!!!NO GOLD and brilliant's and no stone's will for sale because you will missing another platforma how do you can sale or buy .. that do you know what was Vatican and Bible!!!
While you on a progressive run, increase in ' free housing ' reducing the slums with access to most amenities reducing commuting to work and back
Modi is lucky prime minister.
He is dogging all difficulties luckily since 2014 . Future we don't know 😀😀
you should have mentioned that the indian economy contracted significantly in 2020-21 period. anything less than double digit growth is as good as no growth haha
But still ..countries are more prosperous and happier than India ..that is the curiosity bows down to the greats and agency that discovered it.
Bullch!t! Let's hear the reality will ya India?
When India done 3, they claimed 10, the other 7 came from Brahma.
Trainee reporter ? Why use the same script as Palki’s show ?
India should trade more with n. Korea. Business is business. Morals are not as important.
Great and timely analysis, palki Sharma!
India's economy has yet to suffer from the full effects of climate change.
Just like China, the profit and loss calculation will make the burning of fossil fuels unprofitable. It will be difficult for India to make money when it is subjected to repeated climate related disasters.
70% of the Indian economy is internally driven. That is a major asset.
We are in august, but india already celebrating and analysing how india did so good for 2022 🤣🤣🤣
India will regret in next twenty years when most population are getting old still poorer than below average. When India will suffering from new world order and supply chain 💵
The new world order will setup new economy box
The thing is China's 3.3% is way higher than India's 7.5%.
Growth at the estimate of betray, buying of Russia blood oil and greedy interest .
No because india is a poor islamic country.
Prediction at the start of Covid was India wld be among the worst hit- economy & the people. 2022 despite economic & climatic turmoil in so many places, India is doing just fine. Maybe not absolutely great but definitely on an even keel. This Govt has done a good job
Right decisions at right times and open ended economic policies particularly Atamm Bharat
Lier biased news Unsucribed wion .
Why so many Chinese Bot in this comment section ???
Good hahaha indians stop trying to steal bangladesh language
Always East or or west our India is best 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🙏
We lndians must stop comparing ourselves to China. What is there to even compare?
Rocket launches 2021
China: 56 India: 2
China: 104 India: 82
China: 120 Trillion India: Less than 2 Trillion
China: 19.91 Trillion India: 3.53 Trillion
Olympics Gold Medal 2021
China: 38 India: 1
China: 3,263 Billion India: 588 Billion
Numbers of Companies in the Fortune 500
China: 135 India: 7
lndians celebrated the 1/2 day visit of Pelosi to Taiwan but now are crying about the Yuanwang 5 ballistic and satellite tracking ship that will be encircling the Indian ocean for the next 99 years
Wion (this news network) reported that since 2001, China gained 120 Trillion and became the richest country in the world.
They also reported that lndia lost 45 Trillion. Which is a world record loss by a country.
Wion: At $514 trillion, China overtakes US in terms of amassing the biggest net worth
Gravitas: How Britain Looted $45 Trillion From India
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