How I Turned My Love For Photography Into A $177K Business | On The Side


Grace Torres is a 23-year-old Florida-based wedding photographer. She kept a part-time job with a non-profit before taking the leap to full-time in 2021. Grace juggled college courses and an internship while building her photography business.

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How I Turned My Love For Photography Into A $177K Business | On The Side



  1. This was so great to watch! She speaks like she’s been doing this for decades.
    I am much older than she is, and I hope to be half as good one day.
    I am currently struggling to even find people that even want FREE portraits to build my portfolio 😅

    Wish her nothing but great things!

  2. I am a videographer trying to make it in the freelance videography and eventually photography business. It is really hard, but once you build a good portfolio and relationship with others, good things will come your way. I love watching this video!

  3. Love For Photography — but love its not enough, car, cameras, computer, and friends to spread your skills, without that you can just dream

  4. Something I've read in multiple business books or articles is that it's wise to start a business on the side and nurture it until it becomes strong enough to replace to full-time job.

    And kudos to have the courage and confidence to do weddings. I don't think I'd like that kind of pressure.

  5. Wow man.. 4000 for a wedding… US is truly another world. In Europe, if you manage a 1000 to 2000 you can be proud of yourself 😅
    Beyond that you're a star!!

  6. six figure revenue but what's the take home pay with retirement/health benefits/operational costs and how much afterwards are you technically making per hour if you have to put in 40-60 hours weeks??

  7. Thank you for sharing this information. I'm interested in learning more about your YouTube page. I noticed that there haven't been any recent updates for 2023. Is there a specific reason for this? I apologize if I missed any other YouTube page you might have.

    Additionally, it would be great if you could provide insights into the ads you use to attract clients. Considering the competitive nature of the photography business, especially in Florida, it's intriguing to understand how you have achieved such success. As a photographer myself, I understand the challenges of running Google Ads and would appreciate hearing your perspective on your advertising strategy. Whether it's through Google, Facebook, or other social media platforms, I'm curious to know how you have achieved your results. Thank you for your time and insights.

  8. The narrative of this content is captivating. A similar book I read brought deep and meaningful change. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

  9. When a wedding photographer focuses mainly on the monetary return, Instead of seeing through the lens, the dollar sign is covering up the lens. It'll eventually break the business.That's what happened to my friend while his greed made him terminated the best sales person in the company.

  10. You make it look simple. I couldn't think of anything worse than wedding photography. The people are painful.
    What do you do with clients who are slow to pay or skip out on paying?
    Talk about that.

  11. That's great, using a fiduciary can also make you as much.I progressively increased my stock purchases at the beginning of the year, but nothing major. Why am I treating this so harshly? I want to be the first person in my polygamous family to make a million dollars, even if others in my industry make six figures per person. I am well aware of the costs associated with working more hours in order to make more money.

  12. Bravo, girl, for charging $4,000 per couple, what wedding photography is worth! I'm a wedding filmmaker, and video is often looked at as an afterthought, so I'm lucky if I can book myself at $1,500 per couple. I'm certainly capable and talented enough to do still photography. Video editing is a time-consuming killer. Photo post-production on 500-900 images is no easy task either. Getting the exposure consistently pretty close to perfect in-camera is the key so any post-processing is minimal.

  13. I have huge passion for photography and I do shoot every week.
    But I don't have a camera, or gain any money. I shoot with my phone and of nature and wildlife.

  14. $6000 is a complete rip off for her kind of work….if you've actually seen her website or Instagram. All of her pictures can be taken with an I Phone…I've seen way better photographers that charge way less for better quality work than hers. She literally used the SAME filter for EVERY PHOTO….don't get scammed by her…

  15. So if you're delivering 500 to 900 photos to a client, how many of those are edited? If they are all edited, did you outsource the editing, sit down and edit them all individually, or edit in packs?

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