US economy adds stunning number of jobs in January


The latest jobs data shows that America’s job market remains shockingly robust in the face of the highest interest rates in 23 years. CNN’s Rahel Solomon reports. #CNN #News



  1. The Economy has historically underperformed during a Democratic Admin. especially with Biden.. The aforementioned unemployment report is terrible. This means more people are working (or must work 2nd job) to pay for the rising cost of goods aka; INFLATION.. NOT a good sign! Just do the math and disregard Headlines!

  2. Yet people are having hard time actually getting hired. I think it has more to do with ghost jobs or employees post new jobs that they dont intent to actually hire but if what candidates are out there in case they want to replace someone in the company for cheaper price.

  3. cnn poll for sure unbiased ahhahaahahahhahahahahhaahhahhahahha

    please cnn start to create the new strategy, Trump will be our president so start to save some money some people will get fired ahhahaha bye bye cnn

  4. You mean the average person is working 5 jobs now😂😂 while you keep raising taxes to pay for all your welfare programs…get them welfare votes baby😂😂

  5. As described by the third of Newton's laws of motion of classical mechanics, all forces occur in pairs such that if one object exerts a force on another object, then the second object exerts an equal and opposite reaction force on the first.[1][2] The third law is also more generally stated as: "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts."[3] The attribution of which of the two forces is the action and which is the reaction is arbitrary. Either of the two can be considered the action, while the other is its associated reaction.😂😂😂😂😂

  6. I happen to be an American. So, I stopped drinking the Dem Kool-Aid after Obama!!! Only going by facts and truth. No truth from Dems at all anymore. Bill Clinton was from an Presidential aspect was the at least able to balance the budget at times when he kept his pants on.
    Before you jump on the Trumper card, sorry, I'm not one. Really never liked him. Unfortunately, looking at his 4 yr term, he had many accomplishments as hard as it is to admit. No War, yes no War. That is paramount. Russia and China coward down as he was unpredictable. The economy was upward unlike today. My businesses, sales, profits, investments and real estate all increased. Real Estate during Biden only escalated due to Covid the panic of relocation.

    So, today we have a failing President Biden who his track record during the past 45 years exhibited, what was his accomplishments? The party simply had No option "B" but Biden. The media fan club was used to paint a picture of deflection covering his weaknesses. The media empty shirts seen on the screen are puppets to their executives.

    So, JB average approval rating sits at 38% as of Saturday, according to MSNBC & ABC polls. The new NBC poll shows Trump beating Biden by five points, 47% to 42%, among registered voters in a head-to-head 2024 general election race. What are JB's accomplishments throughout the past 3 years?

    1. Immigration Chaos
    2. Ballooning Debt 34T Fed Debt. 46T National Debt. Massive State, City, & Local Debt. Consumers Debt back to a all time high. Projected Fed Debt in 30 years 150T. Absolutely Unstainable, my friend
    3. Inflation (Refer to number 2.) They try to sell us its coming down. Down to what? Inflation goingbup or down does nothing to reduce the Nat/Fed debt, just as it doesn't pay down consumer debt. Sorry that's factual.
    4. Interest Rates and unaffordable home prices. The Covid real estate boom is over. Rates are up and home prices will fall long-term as our economy falls. What exactly is America's next big economic boom going to be?🤔 if you have sound guidance pass it on please.
    5. To much War. We have no monies to give away as we are financially broke as a nation! There plan is to just keep borrowing, printing money and spending! This has always been the case. The Fed has never committed to fiscal responsibility.
    5. Woke Administrative State. It evident now 3 years later the many issues that have rose across the board.
    6. Specter of Scandal Its closing in on them don't kid yourself. You see the change in their stories, from complete denial to excuses of justification.
    7. No Return to Normalcy as promised. All we see is disfunction and chaos. Where are the grown ups in the room? Its all about power across the isle from most, not all.
    8. Any reasonable person can see JB cognitively failing dramatically since 2021. Both sides of the news media is raising concern. Example: When Van Jones brings it up and states on CNN that Joe needs to stay home during the campaign as he is so weak. Not my words, but this is Van Jones!

    Eight is enough!

    I have been around now for several decades, and my assessment is simple.

    Who's to blame is clear as day.
    1. Both parties for the past 60 years. They have been negligent parties…equally. Historical facts are in and undeniable!
    1960 $286 Billion in a recession
    1970 $371 B back in a recession
    1980 $908 B
    1990 $3,233 Trillion
    2000 $5,674 T
    2010 $13,562 T Wow. War and bailouts are expensive even when in major debt.
    2020 $20,945 T Covid and recession
    2023 $34,267 T
    I hope this brings clarity. All real no exaggeration!

    Unfortunately, the damage is done. It is impossible to pay this debt down. As mentioned we are projected to raise the Fed Debt in 30 years to 150T. The Fed currently takes in 5.8 of total revenues and 1.1 trillion is paid to interest!!!!
    We are at the threshold of being another fallen empire. Do some history research as I did as to why each of the previous Empires have fallen. One glue, I listed them all above!

    2. The US is now subjected spearheading corps like Blackrock worth 8.7T, Vanguard worth 8.1T, and then we have the global group the WEF. These three are the most powerful Elitists corporations/groups in the world. Their long-term plan has been in the works. For decades and unfortunately will succeed! No conspiracy here just all factually real. Sorry!

    I earnestly wish this was not so, as I have a beautiful wife of 40 years, our 7 grown children, and 5 grandchildren.

    I still own a very successful private NY base business since 1980.
    I own several utility patents, which two I have licensing agreements.

    As long as America can sustain my wife & I, my children and grandchildren are set for life.

    Sorry to be the bearer of this information, but it's a truth to come!

  7. Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember 🙏
                   "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
           thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
           Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,
                     as we forgive those who trespass against us.
               And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
                  For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory,
                                         forever and ever. Amen."

    If you can't remember the words to any prayer, pray them as you read them if you cannot look and remember them 🙏 please consider beginnning daily prayer, it is a good habit that will help you if you do it and continue to do it. Don't just read from the Book or merely say you are a member of a religion! Actually practice daily prayer, the most fundamental part of religion (or one of the most fundamental parts). What would any Holy Book be without regular prayer? It will actually help you!

  8. Lmfao the do this every time, it will be revised down soon. = a lie
    Fast food = low wage
    Service industry = low wage
    The only sector that offered anything other than poverty is Healthcare. Thats it. Nothing else.

  9. It's kind of like when China built all of those homes and apartments and cities to make it seem like their economy was strong. That's what's happening in America right now in terms of employment. The Fed is making it seem like people are working and that jobs are being created. But that's not reality.

  10. Just wait until a major downturn in the economy happens with mass layoffs but yet we will be stuck with the high prices and taxes will continue to climb to support all the welfare programs

  11. Jobs at McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, warehouses, etc. are the type of jobs with openings, people are living check to check … and the spending consumers are doing is on credit cards. Tell the truth CNN

  12. I don't understand why some US citizens are not happy that their economy is doing better than everybody else. Regardless of which polical party your President belongs to, you get to enjoy the benifits of a booming economy too! Hell, I wish my country's economy's that good. You play too much politics for your own good.

  13. Meanwhile record layoff in Tech sector…and I read a different report that said this job report had a large number of government jobs. So Biden spending more tax money to try to make his numbers better.

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