What Samsung’s Return to U.S. Chip Manufacturing Means For the Economy | WSJ


Semiconductor manufacturers Samsung, Intel and Texas Instruments recently announced plans for new chip factories in the U.S. WSJ’s Rob Copeland visits Central Texas to learn why Samsung is moving to the region and what this type of reshoring could mean for the American economy. Photo Illustration: Adele Morgan.

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  1. South korea and taiwan should worry what will happen with US military protection when the US has ramped up their own chip manufacturing facilities, and no longer need them.

  2. Let me see, I get welfare too. I contribute with taxes, give a job to my case worker, help the supermaket in purchasing there. I only get politicians on my case. We get welfare, I get the politicians for getting welfare, big industries get kisses

  3. 왜 우리나라보다 잘 사는 나라에 공장을 지어야 하는가? 우리나라 노동자들에게 돌아가야할 일자리를 왜 미국에 내어주는가?
    정작 미국의 많은 기업들은 중국을 포함해 해외에 공장을 짓거나 싼 노동력을 찾아 떠나는데….

  4. China doesn't have a hold on the semiconductor business. Standalone they cannot produce the high-end chips, they neither have the foundries nor the know how. Taiwan does. This critical infrastructure we had the market on "somehow" left our shores and was decidedly put on an island off the coast of a country whose political system is totally at odds with our own. How in the heck did our leadership (while this was happening) thought this was a good idea.

  5. As South Korean, US threaten Korea to return US not China. And US try to steel Korean semiconductor skills. Before I thought US is better than China, but then I realized US is the same level country with China.

  6. Love WSJ but stop with the China hyperbole! Taiwan again Taiwan NOT China is the leading producers of chips. Continuing to play the China big bad monster a la Soviet Union circa Cold War era is a disadvantage to US intra and International hegemony

  7. Shameless, dishonest reporting. The US govt blackmailed both Samsung and TSMC into moving production to USA. Applying political pressure and strong arming others, then claims greatness. Disgusting piece of…..

  8. 3.22 why does your company need an incentive packaging why not start up the business without it his response other companies are doing it too and it's good for economic development not just the short term but for the long-term well of course you're taking advantage of the system

  9. This title is wrong. Samsung had factories in Austin TX since 1996 with 25,000 employees while TSMC had none in the US and only started to build factory in AZ after TSMC created chip shortages in the US using Chinese and Japanese middlemen.

  10. I have to wonder who is the moron who wrote the script for this video. A few minutes into it and two glaring inaccuracies. Samsung is NOT the largest. They are number two behind TSMC. But great that they are building this plant in the USA, better in a nice red state. And Samsung and TSMC are not returning their chip manufacturing to the US, they are coming here. Returning makes it sound like the started here, moved and are coming back.
    I turned it off. BAD script, moronic.

  11. Y’all whites haven’t been innovative in the semi con industry since forever, all that’s happening to Taiwan is they are getting robbed 😂 now y’all are even trying to ask the tsmc engineers to move to usa to work 😂, if you didn’t know that then now you do. Anybody with a brain and isn’t bias knows where this is heading.

  12. The average TSMC employee in Taiwan makes 55,000 a year US.
    If the government would fund a program to pay for citizens schooling to get this job, I would except the job at that low pay rate, just out of sheer necessity of keeping these available to America. I would consider a patriotic act and split my salary in half to this for my country.

  13. It is essential, we get the semiconductor industry back to America. If we lose Taiwan to China, we potentially can lose our access to semi conductors. Think about it everything that we use in modern day society has some sort of computer chip in it. If we don’t have access to this, we might as well be in the Stone Age. This is imperative we get this back to America!!

  14. If we're giving Samsung billions of dollars in taxpayer money, the feds should at least require that they put the headphone jacks and SD card slots back into their flagship phones. The phones have been getting worse every year since 2018, regressing in features! I am angry every time I see a new one now.

  15. To be clear, China does NOT produce ANY high grade chips, e.g. stuff needed for the "smart parts" of your iPhone, your cars, or anything else of "mid to high value"… they're 14nm and below chips and not advanced at all. Think the chips behind the clock display on your fridge appliance or your toaster or your coffee maker.

    All the mid to high grade chips are made in Taiwan, S Korea, and the US.

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