Bill Gates made headlines for becoming the largest private farmland owner in the U.S. But he’s not the only one. Some of the wealthiest landowners including Jeff Bezos, John Malone and Thomas Peterffy are buying up forests, ranches and farmlands across the United States. Why? Watch the video to find out.
Investments in farmland are growing across the country as people, including the ultra-wealthy like Bill Gates, look for new ways to grow their money.
In 2020, Gates made headlines for becoming the largest private farmland owner in the U.S. He had accumulated more than 269,000 acres of farmland across 18 states in less than a decade. His farmland grows onions, carrots and even the potatoes that are used to make McDonald’s French fries.
“It’s an asset with increasing value,” American Farmland Trust CEO John Piotti said. “It has great intrinsic value and beyond that, it is a limited resource.”
The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 30% of all farmland is owned by landlords who don’t farm themselves. Buyers often purchase land from farmers who have owned it for decades; many of whom may be asset rich but maybe cash poor.
“The economic realities for them are typical that they’ve spent their life farming,” said Holly Rippon-Butler, land campaign director at the National Young Farmers Coalition. “Their retirement, their equity is all in the land and tied up in selling land.”
Private landowners are also making a profit by utilizing the land in numerous ways. Approximately 39% of the 911 million acres of farmland across the U.S. is rented out to farmers, and 80% of that rented farmland is owned by landlords who don’t farm themselves data from the Agriculture Department shows.
“The young farmers are just as happy to lease the land because whether you are young or old, it’s a business, right?” said Thomas Petterfy, chairman of Interactive Brokers and owner of 581,000 acres.
“You go buy a farm and you put that cash rental lease in place, you’re going to be looking at about 2.5% return on your capital,” Peoples Company President Steve Bruere said.
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Why Bill Gates Is Buying Up U.S. Farmland
He don't want you to produce natural grown food, he wants you to eat GMO.
Control the food control the people
Pretty soon Americans going to realise food and water are worth more than gold .
Good information.
Thank you CNBC.
because he knows that market is going to crash, and he wants to have as many tangible assts as he can. When money is worthless land is king.
The "boss" that is buying up all the farmland hare, wants Ukraine to be his GMO breadbasket for the world, In 2012 China sent back 650,000 after they tested it on rats. They sent pics to Putin.He freaked out.
Arguments: There are also problems in Russia. They have raised the tax on everything, including land and real estate, by 100%. It is striking that a future owner buys a house or an apartment with his money, but then pays the state a 100-times higher tax for the right to use their property. In Russia, people can buy land, but if the economic management is positive liquidity, their land can be taken away. Accounting rules change constantly, and OKVED codes are already in their third version. Incoterms can't work in these conditions. In contrast, in the USA, processes are different, with Servetus having a classical form. Much depends on the state. Overall, trade turnover consolidates all forms of accounting, so when this sacred rule is broken, it's safe to say that the devil is in the details.
D a n i i l A. M a t y u s h k i n CIS, Russia, Siberia, Yeniseisk March 24, 2024
(ID: m a t j u s h k i n-d e e k. email: m a t j u s h k i n.d e e k @ y a n d ex .ru. . d. a. m a t i u s h k i n @ g m a i l . c o m )
식량위기 가 곧 닥쳐올것이라는 예상하에 미리 식량을 비축하고 농장의 땅을 가지므로 미래의 불안에도 대비하겠다는 야무진꿈
지하벙커의 식량비축만으로는 부족함이 이제 광활한 농업의 식량을 조절하고 그 막강한힘을 가지겠다는 야망 힘 ! 결코 놓치않고 가겠다는
보라! 돈의 힘은 한발 먼저 점령한다는걸!
You must be poor for the rich to exist.
Para privatizar el consumo de alimentos
Wealth of the wicked is layed up for me they shall gather it up but I shall put it on he that by usery and Unjust gain increaset his substance he shall gather it up for me because I pity the poor he
Wealth of the wicked is layed up for me they shall gather it up but I shall put it on he that by usery and Unjust gain increaset his substance he shall gather it up for me because I pity the poor he
How do you Americans feel about nationalizing all agricultural land in the US ?
My father owns a cattle on a thousand hills and Bill Gates can't touch one of them 😂
Wealth of the wicked is layed up for me they shall gather it up but I shall put it on he that by usery and Unjust gain increaset his substance he shall gather it up for me because I pity the poor he
Wake up, people… China is buying the other lion's share…. hmmm…. Buck Fill Gates, Guck Feorge Soros, and f#$% my idiot democrat parents.
I remember when bill was beloved by everyone in the comments. The video of him and Warren together come to mind. That was a wholesome time.
I will be rich and i will also invest in farmlands (first i will get RICH)
Wealth of the wicked is layed up for me they shall gather it up but I shall put it on he that by usery and Unjust gain increaset his substance he shall gather it up for me because I pity the poor he
No new government can fix this catastrophe !
TREASON IS BEING committed on multiple levels !
The democrats are building a socialist one party rule, control the fuel and the food, They think you'll bend the knee,
You can't eat rebar or concrete bill gates !
The land cost the same. The value of the money continues collapse. Everything cost more.
Wealth of the wicked is layed up for me they shall gather it up but I shall put it on he that by usery and Unjust gain increaset his substance he shall gather it up for me because I pity the poor he
he is 😈
Obviously I don't know everything but Gates just creeps me out. Ive just heard too much bad on the internet that if its true, it is really not good.
You gotta be a special kind of stupid or being paid off to think that the jury is still out as to whether the ultra wealthy buying massive amounts of farm land is a good thing or bad thing.
Need fund donation is in priority. Plz help message as soon as possible
Wealth of the wicked is layed up for me they shall gather it up but I shall put it on he that by usery and Unjust gain increaset his substance he shall gather it up for me because I pity the poor he
Wealth of the wicked is layed up for me they shall gather it up but I shall put it on he that by usery and Unjust gain increaset his substance he shall gather it up for me because I pity the poor he
REFUSE to sell to them. Its time to ban together and create free marketplaces in local communities for farmers. CEASE farming based on subsidies, farm for the people and not big business. ORGANIC FARMING…
Bill Gates is an idiot he wants to control and dictate everybody
Wealth of the wicked is layed up for me they shall gather it up but I shall put it on he that by usery and Unjust gain increaset his substance he shall gather it up for me because I pity the poor he
Better Gates than China!
Born and raised by those who praise control of population
Own the land, own the people, control the food, control the masses.Bill Gates is cutting down trees and making toxic food!!. Our government is raiding ing shutting down small farmers. But Bill Gates wants to prevent farming and starve the masses. Population reduction, Bill Gates is a mad man!!
I shall eat the riches of the gentiles and in their glory shall I boast my self
It’s like how it was in medieval ages. Duke, marquess, earl etc where they own land and they collect fees from people who will actually farm. Without any hard work they have created additional generational wealth.
Quie le dijo a este demonio que esta mandando el mundo,esos laboratorios son diabólicos.
Why? In order to control the food supply.
Now the depopulation agenda is possible.
If you could ease drop on these billionaires, you could hear "if they werent stupid, they'd be rich like us. We need to clean up the gene pool for future generation, get rid of the genes of stupid people, in order to accelerate Darwin's theory". It is called Eugenics. It was the goal in Germany in WWII.
Why BIOengineered foods aka Genetically Modified GMO (modifying DNA of seeds, beef, pork, chicken, fish, etc)? It will create all kinds of diseases…. hence the push toward eating bugs. Oh and claiming Climate Change as an excuse helps them get away with it.
MORE MONOPOLIES, on everyhting americans need, while Washington swamp sits on it !!
Ain't gone do dem any good when peasants pull out pitch fokes and go to got der share of food.
But, Id do the same. But Im compassionate to a degree.
Support local farmers.
If I could, Id attend Farmers Markets.
Where small farmers have to be cleaner, where any bad news can ruin someone.
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