Why Citibank Branches Are Closing Around The World


After the company’s collapse during the 2008 recession, Citi’s stock has continuously struggled. Shares of the company saw more than a 30% drop over the last 5 years. In 2021, CEO Jane Fraser announced a bold shift in the company strategy, exiting 14 consumer markets outside of the U.S. and instead doubling down on wealth management. It’s a tactical move that several other major banks like Bank of America and Wells Fargo have adopted in recent years. So will Citi’s bet pay off and can the company return to its former glory?

00:00 — Introduction
01:37 — New direction
04:35 — Rise and fall
07:23 — Revenue streams

Produced & Edited by: Juhohn Lee
Animation: Christina Locopo
Supervising Producer: Lindsey Jacobson

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Why Citibank Branches Are Closing Around The World



  1. Next month March, the early part of March a lot of banks, might be closing down interest rate going up again watching see look what China doing right now to American money they don’t want it when this happens that devalue the dollar you’ll see

  2. Citi is trouble since 20 years and now they give up and run out of business after selling off all assets they can get some dollars for. They also bought back 1 third of their outstanding shares to stabilize the stock price. They are now active only in wholesale banking which is very competitive and where they can only generate some pips on the deal amount. They will also have to fire 80% of all staff in the coming 5 years

  3. CLIMATE CHANGE=caused by human activities=More humans=more jobs=more climate change. WEF mafia corrupt media & Biden rave about economic/demographic/military/USD500trillion debtfinanced growth as progress when it fuels war over land water food religion power=migrants poverty hunger victims

  4. I love their slogan and I have always felt they need more passionate workers to help continue the legacy of great banking and customer service. I got a card and I lost it but ease of acceptance and also their customer service.

  5. Don't let anybody use our cridet card especially vampire Ellen Mark Taylor vampire stern family friends kids hunting everybody worldwide for gambling drinking drugging having fun stealing people body parts names DNA cridet cards banks assholes

  6. Yes god is dealing with them they stoke$38000us from me and my husband account only paying me back $5,000 and told me and my husband that they are not responsible for the rest and we were run off the phone saying g they won't be talking more call about lost money from you guys are thief wicked criminals the money is insurance and yet they still refuse to pay saying that the thief has happen too long for them to pay back

  7. A good signal of their severe operational problems are evident in their postings on youtube for their larger depositors. Comments for said videos are blocked – the message is they don’t want to hear from their large depositors. I’m pulling all my accounts by the end of this month.

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