Will The U.S. Remain The World’s Leading Economy? | The Bottom Line


Economists believe the U.S. could lose its ranking as the world’s leading economy in the 21st century, as measured by gross domestic product. But the U.S. is set to extend its run through the 2020s, on the back of slower-than-expected growth trends in China. Investors are now placing fresh bets on emerging markets as the working-age population booms in the Indo-Pacific.

00:00 Cold open
00:56 Ch 1 – United States
03:27 Ch 2 – China
06:17 Ch 3 – India

Produced by: Carlos Waters, Mark Licea, Jack Hillyer
Supervising Producers: Lindsey Jacobson, Jeniece Pettitt
Additional footage: Getty Images
Additional sources: S&P Global Intelligence, United Nations, World Bank

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Will The U.S. Remain The World’s Leading Economy? | The Bottom Line



  1. China already overtook the US as the world's largest economy in 2014 (in PPP terms) according to the World Bank. Of course that is not in absolute terms. You make the point regarding 'slower than expected' GDP growth in China. Last year was expected to be 5%GDP growth. It came in at 5.2%. How does that compare with the US GDP growth of 2.5%?

  2. 我认为中国已经失去了和美国竞争的可能性。人口老龄化加剧,人口危机已经来临,大量的人移民,大量的年轻人失业,独裁政府的严格管控,高昂的社会控制成本,还要消费者和投资者对未来失去信心,并且中国的人力成本已经不再具有竞争力,很多低端产业转移到其他国家。总而言之,除非中国变成一个开放创新的民主国家,否则我们中国不可能超越美国。永远都不可能

  3. With China’s low child birth stats and lack of immigration options, and their property bubble near its limit, I don’t see how they can overtake US anytime soon. Not to mention the whole semi-dictator controlling thing that would make any cautious investors think twice about going there…

  4. Too hard to say coz great developments in both of these countries ,but there are also some bad signs , if u look at innovaction in AI us is clearly leading but china is not doing bad either , green energy ,electric automotives and hence the renewable ecosystem is fantanstic and a very smart population maybe if we actually take away the indo americans and asian americans ,the young native white and black populations in america are completely unmatched to the hardworking and intelligent working class in china. But china has other big crises that it needs to watch out for ,increasing autocratic tendency of xi , unrealistic ambitions of invading other countries ,angering neighbours and faltering belt and road initiatives due to terrible debt burdens on low income countries and a looming and out of control property crisis and also a demographic collpase. US has rising division between left and right , more involvement and high debt burden not only due to excessive money priniting but also due to involvemnet in high scale wars, very unrealistic climate targets and losing influence over countries owing to their greater dependence on china even saudi and uae, i would also say wasteful youth with high levels of student loans and if not for the educated asian population the whole silicon valley will stop functioning so pretty much the whole american economy is dependent on top 1 percent innovators like musk and other technological entrepreneurs like bezos, gates , altman and zukerberg etc, otherwise the economy would be in complete chaos like the european economies. My country India is rising but too small a scale right now to basically challenge both of these but it shall become 3 rd largest economy ,but india is mired with a ton of problems and also like because the smartness of the few top educated people the digital economy is rising and healthcare in india is superbly cheaper than in US and also with the same quality as india manufactures most of the medicines , a rising startup ecosytem owing to a lot of investemnet by us and japan. So basically us ,japan india and eu can actually form a good ecosystem and keep US the alpha for the turn of the century but clearly do we have a choice than us and china ? So if they r both gng to hell ,world will go to hell.

  5. When CNBC shows pictures of China it is dull, grey and doesn’t show Shanghai or other major cities but when it shows USA it shows NY Times Square. That already shows how bias Teh mainstream media has become.

  6. People try to predict the economy not realizing it is not a capitalistic market, its a command economy, central planning! my concern is, instead of having much dollar in bank that could lose value to inflation, do I save in gold to reserve and grow wealth for now, or just hang on?

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