OnlyFans Influencer EXPOSES Biden Administration PAYING HER To Push WOKE Propaganda On Gen Z!


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  1. Hey Kamala! When I laugh around my friends, I show out. When I laugh at a business setting, I’m reserved. You laugh the way you do because you use it to hide your incompetency. You are aware you’re only VP as a DEI hire. That’s it!

  2. Cameltoe says its important everyone…we all just need to get used to a WOMAN as VP or president lmfao…becouse women make GREAT DECISIONS. Why would anyman think that women wouldn't vote when they unerringly vote for sick nonsense and support the dumbest things…especially there right to rule over everyone…wich sounds very manly to me, just saying. I mean…would that be TOXIC FEMINALITY? lol. Women have only proven to me that our ancestors had it right back in the day. Women dont care about familys,not when they can lay with just about any dude, there also usually the ones who cheat and or mess around or do something else awful…and I swear if I meet yet another women claiming how she was abused…then going back to the abuser…OR worse yet within the 1st 3 minutes of meeting them…or even in there bio's they talk none stop about it. I mean…as I said….our ancestors had it right in the past. Women just dont think like men do…wich is why there has never been a country thats rose to prominence under a womens leadership. Im open to examples of one tho if someone has an example, Iv looked into this and…lmao…usually women leading ends badly for everyone involved…and Im a dude so, women have a SPECIAL PLACE in my heart, as they do in all men…but it turns out that women are bigger horndogs then men anyday,and there sick also.

  3. Only in Leftist politics could a woman this brain-scrambled go so far. The Left’s failures go the farthest (see John Kerry, Biden, KJP, …)

  4. 3:29 that's just it. It's a conduit. A way to bridge the space between.

    And if you were actually paying attention ( truthfully unbiased truth ) over the last few years. If you older then 35. Couple decades.

    You would have seen the real issues aren't being approached. Because the idea of progressive new world understanding and exceptance. Is what's been pushed. But fall in line because to Speak out against it. And you're the problem.

    Wake up and actually smell the shit being spread.

  5. And as for Harris Id like to remind you of how vicious & vile she is by taking you back to how disgusting & hateful she was to Judge Kavanagh as they were attempting to destroy his life & nomination for Supreme Court. She is sheer evil. And her track record shows this as well. As president it would be horrendous.

  6. It's absolutely creepy the way Drew worships the WORST lizards that guest on that despicable show. And that there are clapping seals in the audience makes me ILL.
    Hollywood is full of MKUltra zombie people who cannot think for themselves. Drew is a perfect example of that.

  7. They really don't care they got exactly what they wanted they wanted for wealth transfer. I believe they really don't care about their second presidency. They just want to leave everything burning as they leave.

  8. Man your projections are embarrassing to even black apologists like yourself when Trump can't put a black person without us finding out 2 days later he had to pay them to be there and support him.

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