Are Americans less divided than we think? New data says yes


“What if we’ve been deceived into thinking we’re more divided, more dysfunctional and more defeated than we actually are?,” Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen ask in new Axios reporting. VandeHei joins Morning Joe to discuss.

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Are Americans less divided than we think? New data says yes

#America #Politics #MSNBC



  1. Until fascism is far in the rear view, until xenophobia, racism, misogyny, homphobia, and christian nationalism are no longer a threat, nor a feature of the right wing platform…we will be divided, and there will be no middle ground. This is an attempt by MSNBC to "both sides" things in a misguided attempt to bring the right wing into the viewership.

  2. Americans have one thing in Common we all have too Work and Pay our Bills Under Biden we are Barely Surviving when Trump was President People had Money and Could afford things Your right msnbc We all agree on that

  3. I agree. I live in Houston, there are 7 million ppl in our metro. In the city ppl are hard blue while ppl in the many suburbs are quite red. It seems we all get along just fine.

  4. As Rick Wilson pointed out in response to this, the problem isn't the American people – the majority of us are certainly in the political center and nowhere near the extremes. The problem is that the Republican Party is now openly fascist and authoritarian (and really essentially anti-American) – the two parties cannot (for now) be treated equally. It's America – or it's Trump. It simply isn't both.

  5. This is the most idiotic representation of the country I have encountered, other than perhaps the old QAnon nonsense. The points of disagreement are /exactly/ what matters. /How/ we go about solving problems, /what/ we think should be done about them, are almost the entire point. I predict that, if those respondents were questioned at yet again a deeper level about what "freedom of speech" and "equal protection under the law" mean, and /who/ those protections are for, you would find yet a deeper and more fundamental level of disagreement.

  6. The hard work of President Biden. MTG panickish the public with her craziness. She said ( poolisas that are destroying the country, canceling student's debt, child tax credit, lower prices…

  7. We are as divided as the different jerseys we wear at sporting events. Across America there's Trump supporters slapping hands with liberals because at that time they don't know their political alliance.

  8. Shadow banning and censorship is a huge problem. The only voices getting through are the extremist. 2 weeks ago If I said anything sideways about Israel I was a racist and anti-Semite. Consequentially it took Joe 6 months to make a phone call. No one was allowed to talk about it. 6 months. One phone call. How many lives did that censorship cost?

  9. You are most certainly correct they are more united. Washington post reported that only 10% voted for the nomination of both Trump and Biden. 90%, the UNITED SILENCED MAJORITY, don't want any part of either of these extremist. Almost the entire country didn't consent or vote for them and there they are at the top of the ticket. How did that happen? What happened to the required consent to establish a "Legitimate Government"? Anyone know? 90% didn't consent. Are you listening? Do you care at all that 90% will not support whoever wins? Is it any wonder most people have lost trust?

  10. I'm sorry but this segment is both delusional and wishful thinking. The whole idea that the reason that people don't believe in institutions anymore is because there's something out there tearing them down. For instance he mentions the boy scouts. Nobody tore down the boy scouts. They tore themselves down. And then the idea that America is not really that divided. Yeah right.

  11. While this looks like agreement on the surface, the underlying meaning can still be a strong disagreement. What a progressive and a far-right conservative mean by 'right to vote,' 'freedom of speech,' or 'freedom of religion' can be very different. To me, 'freedom of religion' means the right to practice any, or none, and that there should be bidirectional separation of church (all churches) and state. To someone like Mike Johnson or his supporters, it means only that you are free to be a Christian, other religions should not be permitted, and that while the state can't interfere with religion, religion can and SHOULD interfere with the state. Same words, vastly different meaning.

  12. Ya we need to educate ourselves about how aids affects gays and what kind of damage it does to the body we can talk about the innocent victims in ISREAL and the innocent ones women and children in Gaza that are still being destroyed and then we can talk about the fentanyl deaths

  13. ALL MEDIA DIVIDE people, then drill into those following them down the rabbit hole until they lose their support and hit reverse!
    1 : Any poll of 1282 voters among 240 million (eligible in 2020) is more a drop in the ocean than a straw poll, but TV people luv it!!
    2 : Every kitchen table issue(topic) is about what WE want to have, the politics/politicians make it about what we HAVE TO FEAR.
    3 : Even the Dems DARE NOT BE BOLD for fear of energizing the other side, so we are stuck with the perpetual GRAVY TRAIN…

  14. The problem is you all in the media see the profit in promoting and giving all the attention to the freaks, clowns, and morons who want to burn it all down because rational people are boring and don't generate clickbait.

  15. The ubiquitous "everything is fine, nothing to see hear, move along" segment from MSNBC to ensure society remains profitable for corporations to continue raking in record profits… everyone on this show is an ethical black hole…

  16. Ordinary people with common sense know the divisions in the country, the influence of MAGA and the supposed power and popularity of Trump are massively overestimated. A byproduct of the echo chamber and corrosive 24 hour news cycle. It was much better when professional journalists were involved and you had 6 + hours between broadcasts to think about things without being told minute by minute what to think.

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