Arizona Reproductive Freedom Event with Vice President Harris


Donald Trump is the reason millions of Arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban which fails to protect women even when their health is at risk or in tragic cases of rape or incest.

Tune in as Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks on how we’re fighting back to protect reproductive freedom.



  1. Well Joe, we can’t go by what you say because yo lied too much. You lied about your uncle getting eaten by cannibals, you lied about your son dying in the Iraq war, you lied about your uncle and the Purple Heart, being arrested with Mandela, being in the top of your law class, your family making no money from China and on and on and on. We can’t believe anything you say so we have to go by what we see. When you took office, gas was $2.35 a gallon, inflation was under 2%, 13 dead marines were still alive, the women of Afghanistan weren’t handed over to the most misogynistic people on Earth so you could have a photo op., and the world wasn’t on the brink of WW3. You have divided this country further with your bitterness and selfishly pursued your own quest for wealth and power at the expense of the United States. You have made our country worse with your radical pandering to the far left. You are the worst so-called President this country ever wasted its money on. Please just go away before you wreck the country to the point that we can’t bring it back.

  2. They were never rights found in the Constitution, just an unconstitutional decision in 1973, corrected 49 years later. The 2022 Supreme Court told the truth and did the honest thing by reversing Roe.

  3. 😂😂😂😂😂Joey Biden is so sharp that Special Counsel Robert Hur said Joey Biden was an " elderly man with a poor memory". You might want to rethink the message in this ad😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Biden has successfully run the US into the ground in the name of DEI hiring by boxes checked not skill. We have run away inflation, self-imposed high fuel costs, a invasion of illegals we will now have to remove and 2 wars caused by Biden playing both sides. Actually, Biden is not doing anything . The US is being tun by unelected people.

  5. You all know that Joe Biden says. CMonyoulittleRocksAsinPeoplewhoLiveAboveThem.. CmonIwasborninaCourtBackinthetwentyifscemePeoplewereInscectsLittlemenWithouthatsRememberLikeitwas1774.

    That was , what he said

  6. Lha yo ra jelas turutino terus ngeblur ben modar kabeh rakyatamu nek urip yo dadi babune pelakune.koe ki karo pangkatmu….di guyu Indonesia koe nesu mbom pateni pora nyowone korbane ki wong lito koe keno meneh maslahe narik uripku sedangke Indonesia pemeritnah kapital nyalahke.mbok obekke goblgo tolol yo raono gunane wong deknen raiso opo opo dasare …nek deknen mbok bales mlayune ning Putin????herzog koe di guyu gelem yo salahmu karo egomu

  7. Chips act= The same semiconductor chips that were invented in the United States are now being produced in the United States. Infrastructure= It would make no sense why a great nation like this would have the oldest infrastructure, but Biden saw that and acted. Most jobs ever created under the hardest circumstances, For trump, he had the most jobs lost under the greater circumstances, an economy that he inherited from obama. Lowest unemployment rate, Trump having the greatest unemployment rate. Trump added to the deficit which hurt our economy further. Even though Biden had to inherit it , he kept us from having a recession regardless of Right wing media continuously saying we would. Inconclusion under the worst circumstances, Joe biden did better than they thought, and trump under the better circumstances did worse than any president ever did. And you can not use the excuse of COVID. Because obama did very well when Ebolo was coming our way. We didn't even feel it, only one case. Dare I say more…

  8. Crazy how she feel proud about it.. wow
    I wonder if she can sleep
    I have hear women’s with the same problem and they are very alive and the babies too
    Disgusting this women disgusting

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