Bannon Short-Circuits With Brutal Trump Misstep On Air #TDR


Steve Bannon short-circuits over Donald Trump election lies by attempting to reassure his audience with reference to poll that is actually of a small selection of Republican Senate primary while pretending it is in reference to the majority of top Republicans. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.

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Steve Bannon says his listeners are a “cadre” in a “revolutionary movement” –

“STEVE BANNON (HOST): They’ve hit you with everything and you get more and more and more powerful everyday because you get more information and now you realize, hey, if it’s a precinct committeeman or if it’s a school board, of it’s sharing, becoming a social media warrior and sharing on social media. Every other aspect, going to the RNC convention, every aspect you’re getting more and more empowered, you’re not passive just sitting there watching Fox all day long with the white noise of Fox in the background.

You’re activated. You’re a cadre. Every revolutionary movement has to have this, and hey, we’ve got it, and it’s you. And that’s what they hate.”


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  1. For those not familiar with the idiom, the "hairy eyeball" is suspicious looks. In other words, he is saying MAGAs will be watching like hawks to make sure the Dems don't cheat in 2024. I do agree with Bannon on one thing though. Dems won't "steal the election again" in 2024, because they didn't steal it in 2020.

  2. Steve Bannon, the Uni-Liar. Held up in his shack, making videos of his dubious theories and seditious ideas. He talks to his viewers like they are already brainwashed. You would have to be brainwashed to buy any of it.

  3. But they don't get it , John. They were indoctrinated to worship the rich and despise the poor. Anyone who lets themselves be swayed by right-wing propaganda is nothing more than a useful idiot for the mega rich and corporate billionaires. Welcome to the Oligarchy!

  4. Idiot Bannon!! What a total stupid idiot……aka republican! How is he even allowed to spout such total rubbish…..and how many other idiots believe him??? USA look at your education system where people are so poorly educated they take in this total utter rubbish without any EVIDENCE!! Get a grip and VOTE BLUE save yourselves and your country. The world is watching and listening to this utter rubbish that DT and this nutter is spewing

  5. Hairy eyeball is a phrase I've heard once, in Alice's Restaurant Massacre by Arlo Guthrie.
    In the context of that masterpiece, it sounded like it means "side-eye" or "looking down on someone"

  6. I used to raise pigs. They will eat anything. Pigs only have one stomach and have a harder time digesting and removing unnourishing parts, compared to animals with more stomachs, from what I understand. Pigs don't do well alone; they need to be in a group to eat and thrive. Take what you will from this comment about pigs. Pigs eat each other.

  7. Yeah… remember in 2020 before the election.when Bannon said. “Trump is going to say the election was stolen. That is what Trump will claim.” And he did. Now….it seems Bannon wants to do the same thing.

  8. You, Steve Bannon, are a grifter and a liar who bamboozled Trump followers into donating to the " build the wall" and siphoned off a million dollars for himself. Remember he was arrested on the yatch of a Chinese billionaire.
    He is a PHONY!!!

  9. Bannon is a carnival barking, snake oil selling charlatan, who is also a convicted criminal who should be in jail, but has money to buy his way out on bail appeal. There is no justice in our world.

  10. Bannon is just a burned out drunk that serves no purpose. Seriously, who is this guy and why would anyone listen to a man who doesn't even know he needs a shower and hair cut?

  11. Has Bannon forgotten that we all heard his voice on that tape, and he admitted it was his voice telling his plan about how they were going to steal the election by announcing winning early and just stay in the White House? He's trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube now, how does that work?

  12. Bannon can’t afford a shower or shave? Does he think the street urchin look gains him credibility? Do his guests and crew enjoy the smell? What a disgrace!

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