Bomb cyclone to bring severe weather and Arctic cold across US


Americans across the country are bracing for more winter weather, with 35 million under a severe weather risk. As people out West recover from deadly avalanches, more twisters and hail will hammer the South while blizzards blanket the Midwest. NBC’s Maggie Vespa reports and TODAY’s Al Roker tracks the latest forecast.

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  1. Humanity's additive dependency on fossil fuels will end up killing us all. What is it going to tale for people to understand that our planet is biological Living Being? We made her with our ways of life. Its not rocket science.
    The Gods of GAIA

  2. I'm from Minnesota so -15 degrees is not a problem. I've worked outside when it was -50 degrees without the wind-chill. Guess people are just tougher and smarter than the rest.

  3. On how weird this summer felt i was feeling like just like the weird weather we seen the strong summer now we seeing strong winter hopefully weather eases up a bit. Stay safe and warm everyone.

  4. May the Creator of the universe, Elohijm JeHoVáH, bless us and keep us. In the name of Yeshúa, called Mashíjách, crucified on Golgotha for our sins, to redeem us from our sins and to be free to serve Him. AMEN!

  5. Если бы не ветер, было бы не так холодно.
    Хотя, около воды всегда холоднее.
    Как бы там не было, берегите себя и будьте внимательны на дорогах.

  6. THIS is a classic example of that INSANE LIBERAL GAME OF "GLOBAL WARNING" nonsense. This proves that only MOTHER NATURE Controls the weather. NOT MANKIND! Hate warning and Oil Abuses? GET RID OF FREAKING ASPHALT!!!

  7. Im in Mississippi rn and we got sleet and the roads are pretty slippery also we hardly get snow here as well also its like 18 degrees but feel like 5 bc of the wind so…stay safe and stay warm guys-

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