Campus Argument Goes Viral As Evergreen State Is Caught In Racial Turmoil (HBO)


Graduation day at Evergreen State College. Racial tensions bubble over to protests at Evergreen State College resulting in protests that lead to questions on how the University is handling.

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  1. this is how socialism starts, at colleges. since they are technically just new adults from high school, they think they understand how the world works, but they really don't.
    they haven't worked in the real world before.

  2. These kids disrupting a class and swearing at professors and the college president should have been immediately expelled. Totally unacceptable and violates any reputable schools rules.

  3. I went to this school made me realize that anyone using they/them pronouns are sexual predators. Emotional predators. They use pronouns and "gender ideology" and socially terrorize people. They are sexually inappropriate, physically, emotionally, and socially violent. I am expected to pay this school for going there after being sexually and psychologically abused by the people who went there. I knew many of the people in this video. They use social leverage and the idea that they're more oppressed than you to sexually and mentally abuse "straight cis" students and anyone who they disagree with. I was abused by teachers and students alike. They threatened to shoot up the school while I was there and I cant say it was random or I don't understand why they wanted to kill people there. Its a beautiful piece of land and school but also a safe haven for BDSM sexual predator adults and younger students. More than half of the people I started with dropped out due to the rampant sexual and drug abuse that happened there. And since I graduated in 2020 at least 5-6 people I knew died or overdosed from there. Your sexuality and pronouns do not give you the right to bully, and harass people and get away with it. This school is committing fraud, in the sense that nobody takes it seriously or the people educated from there, and is a safe haven for countless acts of sexual and mental abuse to take place. Overall, it needs to be closed. President George Bridges is a spineless gimp getting abused by spoiled sexually inappropriate children. This place ruined my life and will continue ruining kind empathetic American college students life until you do something about it.

  4. A Progressive Democrat professor is confused about why his students are doing what his ideology preaches. Everybody wants socialism until Stalin comes a knockin' in the middle of the night.

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