Colleges nationwide grapple with protests against war in Gaza


Student protesters clashed with police across four universities as schools move to break-up encampments built in protest of the war in Gaza. With with more than 200 protestors arrested, the ongoing demonstrations and responses by administrators have stirred debate about the line between free speech for protesters and open harassment of Jewish students. NBC’s George Solis reports in this week’s Sunday Focus.

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#Israel #Palestine #Protests



  1. The first amendment to the Constitution should protect our right to assemble and free speech. It is clear our government is trying to stifle criticism of Israel. All of these protests have been organized by Jewish students and organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace. Even if you don't agree with them, they should be protected by the constitution. Our government will come for you and your speech next. Infiltrators are going to these protests and saying things to get the protests shut down. It's clear they are lying and trying to get the peaceful protesters arrested. Even if you don't agree with the protesters' criticism of Israel, you should want to protect their freedom of speech

  2. It's heartwarming to see young people voice their concerns for others with no representation, even if it'll affect their own future. Sadly our system is so bias to where we fund and weaponize apartheid and now direct killing of thousands of women and children civilians in only a few months. Too clear to ignore now.

  3. Just a protest scares Jews and they are complaining about how scared they are.
    Palestinian people are literally bombed to death every day and media doesn't care.
    And if you ask for this Genocide to end then you are labelled as Pro-Hamas & Anti-zionist. 🤦‍♂

  4. Have you noticed, Biden hasn't said anything about these protests. Why? Because George Soros is the biggest donor to the Dumocrat party and he also donates to pro-Hamas and anti-Israel groups and to every attorney, AG and judge working on the cases against Trump. Have you woken up yet?

  5. the solgan changed from anti-semtism to feeling bad for students graduations.!! why not feeling bad for 14 thousand childern who get killed by your weapon ….this westen media are pathetic and hypcrtis

  6. What is more disturbing is the fact that young people can't even make a judgement based on common sense…

    People have been protesting world wide over a variety of issues related to human and civil rights since the 60's…


    A…The rich just keep getting richer

    B…The corruption goes all the way into the churches and the classrooms…

    C…People don't want to hear the REAL truth – they just want to hear it coming from someone else…

  7. There has been great hurt on both sides of these conflict and many innocent lives affected from the initial attack of Hamas on Israel even skinning alive a father in front of his child as I understand it. This is terrible. Then the deaths of so many innocent people in Gaza many used as human shields by Hamas. The easy solution from a a sideline quarterback's viewpoint is for Hamas to release the hostages, and Israel to cease all attacks. Open up the floodgates for people to receive water, food, medical supplies and work to find a place of peace, note this is not easy as it may appear. This recommendation is only a band-aid, a place to start. All individuals no matter their opinions should diligently study history and then make careful observations. It is important to understand who are all the stakeholders, and also list every single issue. Where there is agreement and where each party stands in regard to fighting alternatives for negotiation in a peaceful manner.

  8. This whole thing was planned long ago…

    There has always been conflict and death in the middle east – protesting is a waste of time…only legal action and money

    will solve this issue…

  9. 인생 뭐 별것있읍니까
    가자지구 민간인 집단학살범인 바이든과 네티냐후에 맞서서 팔레스타인들의 자유를 위해서 축제 한판 벌여봅시다
    이번 기회에 멋진 인생 한번 살아봅시다
    황금같은 기회를 얻었읍니다
    바이든과 네티냐후처럼 가자지구 집단학살범들보다 인생을 더 보람되게 살 수가 있는 황금같은 기회를 얻었읍니다

    Is there anything special about life? Let's hold a festival for the freedom of Palestine against Biden and Netinyahu, the mass murderers of civilians in the Gaza Strip. Let's take this opportunity to live a wonderful life. We have a golden opportunity. Like Biden and Netinyahu, the Gaza Strip group I was given a golden opportunity to live a more fulfilling life than the massacre criminals

    هل هناك أي شيء مميز في الحياة؟ دعونا نقيم مهرجاناً لحرية فلسطين ضد بايدن ونتنياهو، القتلة الجماعيين للمدنيين في قطاع غزة، فلنغتنم هذه الفرصة لنعيش حياة رائعة، لدينا فرصة ذهبية مثل بايدن و نتانياهو، مجموعة قطاع غزة، لقد أتيحت لي فرصة ذهبية لأعيش حياة أكثر إشباعًا من مجرمي المذبحة.

  10. Many Jewish students are involved in the pro-Palestine protests, claims that Jews live in fear of the protesters is a media and Biden Administration lie to cover their support for Israel.

  11. Hamas terrorists kidnapped 253 civilian men, women and children during their murderous rampage six months ago. A brief cease-fire in December led to the release of 105 prisoners and the Israeli Defense Forces have rescued three hostages. Hamas released four more unilaterally.

    During a March interview with the BBC, an Hamas official said the group has “asked for a ceasefire to collect that data” on which hostages are alive and where, the Jerusalem Post reported. The official added that information on the hostages was “valuable” and could not be given “for free.”

    This is what deluded Hamas sympathizers defend. A group purporting to be a legitimate government authority that seeks permanent war against Israel, engages in indiscriminate slaughter, intentionally kidnaps innocent civilians to use as leverage and purposely puts its own people in harm’s way to create propaganda opportunities. And critics of Israel dare accuse the nation of “war crimes”? That’s willfully blind and absurd even for a college campus.

    Las Vegas Review-Journal/Tribune News Service

  12. 1.the protest are non-violent, the only violent ones are the cops
    2.where is this antisemitism you speak of, your feelings over isreal beinv hurt is not antisemitism
    3.say what they are fighting fpr you cowards

  13. Shameful report. Bringing the pandemic into it….and the lone Jewish student while there are loads of Jewish students among the protesters . And the students did not clash with the police the point stormed in and tore them apart!

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