Comedian Shows No Restraint Tearing MAGA Idiots to Pieces


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From hilariously roasting Donald Trump and the idiots who follow him to highlighting the systemic failures of our country, comedian Nimesh Patel is always on point. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

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  1. Without capitalism you wouldn't get paid or have a boss with with a company that could pay you, YouTube wouldn't exist to get your message out, the irony is incredible.

  2. All Hierarchies are corrupt master or boss and minion "ponzi pyramid" schemes, systems, cults and regimes that enrich and empower the few ….who con, subjugate, milk and screw the many or all who let them!

  3. Amen to everything you said. Capitalism is evil and led to the "American Dream" disappearing to almost all except those born with privilege, with a leg up over the rest unfortunately

  4. The trouble is the character of the ones ripping us all off. Communism is not the answer, only kindness and caring for each other will do. Are you insane? Communism? geeeezzzzzzz

  5. No other system seems to work though. Would rather live in America (and Iโ€™m not that keen!) than in China or Russia. Add a good dollop of socialism to your capitalism and I think you would have something that works.

  6. Yes, capitalism is seriously flawed but those who managed to game the capitalist system would be the same ones to game communism. The "ambitious" aka, greedy amoral souls (a-souls)
    We need a different reward system, a different reason to excel and a motive not to leave others behind… in our egotistical wake.

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