The Weinstein story was suppressed by Hollywood, using its legal and financial muscle to keep a lid on it – until now. But there are also power centres in the US government that can dictate to Hollywood: the Pentagon and the CIA.
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I haven't decided whether the interviewed gentleman is pro-Cia or not. His statements are ambiguous and biased. He's delusional and brainwashed restating misnomers and lies. You can go all the way back to the Bay of pigs and what happened to Che Guevara and his men
MK Ultra, bluebird, mongoose, JFK, moon landing, watergate, 9/11, Jan 6, domestic wiretapping, name some more? What do they all have in common?
Or maybe I’m crazy …..
Zero Dark Thirty is one of the few movies that respects the audience enough to simply present the information without coercing their emotional response.
Number one job of the CIA is toppling governments and installing dictators.
Excellent report!👏👏
I will never movies and the Pentagon/ Cia the same way
The who ? Doesn’t exist no such agency!
if their political beliefs line up with what they are being told, they will believe it all. President G.H.Bush.
Al Jazeera is owned by the Qatari Royal Family, who built a museum of slavery with slave labour.
I remember my first experience of Hollywood/cia anti russian propaganda in 1985 in the Rocky 4 movie
I'm a targeted individual these scumbags killed my dad and completely destroyed my life they stole my whole life away from me took my future away from me they refuse to compensate for all the damages they done to me they try to kill me many times for speaking out agenst these pedophile scumbags they stole my dad's house off of me turn my friends agenst me deprived me of job opportunities and I can't even get a job becouse they won't let me ever place I go to won't Hire me becouse they are all told not to hire me there is a psyops being ran on targeted individual and our lives are being destroyed I been a targeted individual since birth my whole life. They been toutureing me my whole life disrupting me from haveing a family children friends and a successful career in life
They don't want us to be smart critical viewers
Al Jazeera covering this???? Whatttt
I’ve been saying for a while that (although we can’t be 100% sure) all major disruptive trends are born from the CIA. Having said that, I do think that humans evolve and begin wondering about things collectively even thought there are different cultures in the world. So therefore, there has to be a seed of curiosity and questioning about those same themes in human consciousness in general, which then organisations like the CIA, the 1% end up manipulating and toying with.
When I start to think about their reasons, I am left with just a few possible intentions. One is Control, two is entertainment and three is a false sense of narcissistic saviour behaviour; meaning, maybe they think people are dumb and need to be led, or that overpopulation has occurred and they are systematically erasing people from the world and such theories.
I always come back to the same conclusion though. That there are very obviously dark forces that would benefit from our sedation, depression, frustration, addiction. And therefore, we have to do everything it takes to keep our minds and hearts intact. We MUST value clarity of thought, expansion, love and community / oneness, nature. And we ideally should learn survival skills if ever we want to create some sort of off grid living system, of which there are currently several groups doing.
Antarctica… Is the Promised Land of Opportunity.
Why do people even want to see war movies anyway. Those who deserve to be manipulated as they will never get an honest war story anywhere.
Thank you. 🌻🇦🇺
"The prince of the power of the at work" Eph. 2:2
"The god of this world keeps them from understanding the gospel" 2 Cor. 4:4
"The whole world lies in the power of the evil one." 1 John 5:19
"Great dragon" "old serpent," the devil" "satan," "the deciever ", "deciever of the whole world" Revelation 12:9
This is 1000% mind-blowing and yet most Americans would probably just shrug their shoulders and roll their eyes at the fact that the American Media system is completely controlled through government means, just not through the same visual channels as you'd see in say Israel or Russia where the freedom of the press is non-existent… And then you wonder why only the USA is on the side of Likud and Bibi in the Gazan invasion….
They don't assist. They write the entire script 😂
Motion pictures are used to carry out psychological operations to shape public perception.
US is exactly the same as those who it claims as "authoritarian regime" in fact more worse in some way.
I'm enlightened by the intellectual depth of this content. A book with related material altered my view of the world. "The Hidden Empire: Inside the Private Worlds of Elite CEOs" by Adam Skylight
Excellent Journalism!
Marvel movies not mentioned at all surprisingly!
We need more people like Tricia Jenkins, Matthew Alford, nd Nick Schou to reveal the manipulation and misinformation (lies) being fed to the American Public by the CIA/Hollywood/Media collaboration.
They didnt wanna give away any secrets..
You have no idea. They propagandize, lie, and feed us false narratives. They control not only Hollywood, but the media. They were literally assembled for mind control over the masses. They legit watch your every move, every click on your phone, and every camera in public. Your privacy no longer exists and it's against federal law without a warrant. 10-15billion is spent on americas surveillance of every American.
Wow cia in Hollywood, what a collaboration force
That really works for most of the ones living between Canada and Mexico 😡(please get a freaking name for the land where you live)
Another Propoganda of US Mockingbird Media
CIA is not a good institution. They have a program MK ultra in wich they torture people
About 3 months ago I had a car accident and psychological operations were used on me. The psychological operations were committed against me as I was driving my car and living in my apartment.
It's the main stream media that should concern us the most not Hollywood movies. CNN MSNBC ABC CBS. The Russia hoax is proof of that a coup attempt to overthrow our government, the news media had the same script
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