Graham discusses a speech given by the Dallas Federal Reserve chief, who states that the travel ban is hurting our economy.
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Show produced by Graham Elwood & Lindsay Rose (@MarsOddity).
Not just Trump. These policies are being enacted with the support of the GOP.
Don't let them hide behind him.
Graham we must treat people with dignity, why have so many forgotten to put themselves in others shoes, it is so sad
Why, that sounds like the result of a self styled business genius running the country. And we wonder how such a man had undergone several scandalous bankruptcies?
I'm all for immigrants coming here, even "illegally", especially if they're fleeing what clearly are war-torn countries and their lives are in danger. But the historical problems with the American liberals and sometimes progressives is we don't discuss the legalized, under-the-table slavery that many of them are inflicted with upon arriving. Floridian orchards, meat processing facilities all across the country, construction jobs, domestic workers (nannies), landscaping, you name it. Time and again they are completely exploited, which is a more digestible term for enslaved, upon arrival. My focus is always on the slavery, and virtually no one discusses this aspect in depth and with regularity.
This is why Republicans will not be able to pass an all-encompassing anti-immigration bill because many corporate donors want undocumented immigrants to work for them for next to nothing. Sure, they'll be a few token deportations and whatnot, just to pacify the extreme-right base of the Republican Party. But their capitalist masters will demand them to turn their heads while the majority of them pass. Yes, they contribute to the economy every day, but so did black slaves pre-1865, which made the confederate south into an economical juggernaut to the point that England experienced a "cotton crisis" during our Civil War. Are we going to pat ourselves on the back for letting immigrants come here but then allow them to be enslaved? So this whole anti-immigrant thing is a bunch of shit, if we consider who benefits the most from undocumented people.
I want to see them let in, but I want them to be paid like regular citizens, which I hope manifests quickly into more than $15/hr minimum wage.
Lets start a TedX that pay's politicians for speeches like banks do, then maybe politicians will care.
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