George Stephanopoulos Catches Republican in Massive Flip-Flop


Recently on This Week with George Stephanopoulos a Republican stepped up to the plate and struck out for all the nation to see! Leave a comment with your thoughts below!

#GeorgeStephanopoulos #ThisWeek #DonaldTrump



  1. I wish more outlets would point out how much bang he’s getting for his buck. Secret service alone costs the us taxpayer more, per day, than he paid in all his years of taxes. Talk about welfare queen.

  2. That 'deep state' they keep referring to. Is all Projection. They need to check their own backyard. Anyone remember, Col. Oliver North? The guy who was involved with the Iran-Contra scandal? Smuggling guns and drugs and the gander flight crash. Yeah, the guy who testified In Front of Congress. The literal inspiration for the Villan In Die Hard 2…. yeah, he is a lobbyist now for the NRA, who raises millions for the GOP to block gun safety laws. The GOP is the deep state always have been. Henry Kissinger? The Bush family. Operation Zapata, just to name a couple of research points. There is a deep state, and they are the damn deep state.

  3. The jolly fascist ( N.H. resident) is cut from the same cloth . He screwed every woman in state by lying about his abortion stance. He's just trying to get to Washington to he can grift like his father did in dc. Dad got kicked out of dc because gop still had some ethics ( barely he was not well liked ) then.
    Sununu is equally slimy

  4. Ben Gleib supports Israels genocide. I cannot believe y'all are STILL posting him in videos.
    You wanna talk about "flip flopping" and you have GLEIB presenting it?

    What wild fucking hypocrisy. Fix your shit tyt. This is gross.

  5. I really miss the old Republicans of the 80s and the 90s …. at least they had spines 😂 You don't have to support someone just because you want to follow the other dumbasses! COWARDS ALL OF THEM!!!

  6. Trump is the personification of evil. Trump for prison in 2024. Trump is the deep state. He is the voice of billionaires that pay no taxes and don’t believe in any charity unless it’s for themselves. He hides behind a bible that he holds upside down. There isn’t anything worse than someone that would vote for Trump.

  7. What’s hard for pretty much all republicans right now is, they are mostly afraid to speak the truth. Because they might lose their seats, backing, and money, They don’t know which way to jump. Fear grips them to an out and out criminal. They are spineless.

  8. Wow! That "the south shall rise again" racism is a stronger than Christianity to them. If you thought they would they won't! I remember when Democrats and Republicans could could be friends. Not anymore! They've officially came out the closet and anyone that supports it should get credit for exactly what they are. When Republicans say the American people they mean white males

  9. The Election is IRRELEVANT! Old donny has 4 CRIMINAL Cases to face; those 4 should be held back to back even on Election Day/Inauguration Day! America's Judicial System is a JOKE.🙄🤦🇦🇺🤷‍♂️

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