Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, cowers to him with a disastrous new robocall voter scheme to push claims of massive fraud in elections, which could backfire spectacularly. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.
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Lara Trump’s RNC Robocalls Push Claims of ‘Massive Fraud’ in 2020 Election –
“The Republican National Committee last week bombarded voters with a pre-recorded message on behalf of new co-chair Lara Trump pushing unfounded claims of “massive fraud” in the 2020 presidential election. “We all know the problems,” the message obtained by CNN says. “No photo IDs, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls chock full of deceased people and non-citizens are just a few examples of the massive fraud that took place.” It goes on to say: “It’s pretty clear that the radical Democrat bureaucrats and politicians will do whatever it takes to ensure their fellow Democrats get elected. We cannot let this happen. If Democrats have their way, your vote could be canceled out by someone who isn’t even an American citizen.” The call on behalf of Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law was estimated to have been made 145,000 times in the first week of April.”
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There were many more Americans who didn't want trump in the oval office than wanted him in office.
It doesn't matter if an election is rigged, if everyone on both political sides of government deny it because they all took part to get rid of the guy they all secretly hate.
SAME OLD, LIES!!!!!!!!! AND ALWAYS, GRIFTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She going to prison for being a part of Trump's con's . Anyone who gets involved with Trump and his criminal activities is going to get thrown under the bus for Don the con.
Go, go, go Lara. I'm sure by the time you're through you'll find a way to put yourself behind bars with big bloated Daddy Trump. 😆😅😅🤣🤣
Go, go, go Lara. I'm sure by the time you're through you'll find a way to put yourself behind bars with big bloated Daddy Trump. 😆😅😅🤣🤣
Anyone who wants to change my vote / with my ability to vote will have to answer to me personally and let's just say the actions will be 100% legal and Self Defense!!!!
Voter Suppression DOES NOT equal Election Integrity!!!!
I wouldn't give them the fresh feces out of my bunghole to any of them
Here in Michigan, I had to show ID. I also used a drop box. It was located in front of the County Sheriff's office window. They also had done a purge of the deceased people. All these people did was lie.
deflated blow up sex doll.
all them lawsuits and recounts they didnt find fraud.. and they are the ones that did the recounts! what reality was too much for them? oh boy
It seems sad that Trump doesn’t trust his sons to run the RNC. When a man feels that women can’t be trusted to look after their health, he puts one in charge of getting him elected.😢
The only unamerican country involving themselves for trump win is Russia
Another Trump scam.
Yeah but like.. who was the President when all this "election fraud" happened? HMMMMMM????
I have been voting for over 50 years, in 3 different states and have always shown a pictured ID.
Con artists and scum bags. The Repugnicans do not deserve to be in any elected office.
It explains a lot, that the brightest Trump supporters can't do what the dumbest Democrats can do, and rig an election.
The plan is to make it harder to vote and also demoralize their own side so badly that they don't even want to vote, then when they lose so badly, they can point to their dismal numbers and claim fraud. "It's impossible that we lost and lost that badly! Fraud!"
This constant whing about election fraud that took place while Trump was actually still in office ?.If it was election fraud it was done under your watch Donny lol.
$50 or $35 – shouldn’t it be ‘lower to higher – they are simply criminals.
this is why you cant trust republicans; they're liars, really bad liars; they tell their constituents one thing and they rest of the public another and liars do what liars will do
Sooo past it.
This tyt asshole sounds upset and disappointed that the RNC has the “wrong strategy” to win the election! SMDH.
Stay safe all all .
They don't want mail-in voting because the MAGA goon squad can't intimidate them as they can people showing up to queue at polling places…, aka scare the Democrat voters not to come out and vote!
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